Monday, December 22, 2014


Havent been here for while because I have tried to become more social person irl and url. Trying to talk with people on skype. But now I know that I should never trust anyone or trust people or love them.
I notice the old me awaken slowly inside me. The one that can't trust people. I just knew this would happen. Now I m going to stick to the old and be myself with out humans. And hating humans. Because I know they hate me.

Monday, October 20, 2014

Suuri let's play -kysely

Noniin nyt on kaiffarit sellanen juttu että rusakko antaa teille äänivallan ja te saatte päättää mistä pelistä teen seuraavan lets play videon:
Pelejä joita omistan:
Disney Tarzan
Disney Pentujen Pelastusoperaatio (Peli Englanninkielinen)
Disney Karhuveljeni Koda (Osittain venjäjänkielinen. Hahmojen puheet Englanniksi)
Skyrim (Englanti)
Morrowind (Englanti)
Oblivion (Englanti)
Dragon Age (Englanti)
Harry Potter ja viisasten kivi (Valittavaissa Englanti tai Suomi)
Barbien Kynsistudio
Muumit piilosilla
Muumit ja Taikurinhattu

Eli tänne vaan kommenttia. 8-)
-Rusakko sulkeutuu suosioonne.

Wednesday, October 8, 2014


Bye bye Gosupermodel. You never will be the same again.

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Monday, October 6, 2014

Google addsense finally activated

Yay, I just wanted to share with you that now Google addsense is activated and working in my blog. :)

Sunday, October 5, 2014

dog sitting

Next week should be fun because I m going to be  baby sitting my neighbors dog, or is it called dog sitting then? ..
Well at least I don't need to be alone  with my own pet kittens who sleep most of the day off. And I have someone to talk to.

Saturday, October 4, 2014

The Shadowlands- nettiprojekti

Niin projekti on taas käynnistynyt. Vaikka menetinkin vanhan läppärini mukana suurimman osan tiedostoista Shadowlands beta nimellä kulkenut projekti on taas käynnissä. Tällähetkellä harvat tietävät missä mennään mutta tässä kysynkin teiltä että keitä teistä projekti kiinnostaa? Kommentoikaa ja kertokaa jos olette kiinnostuneita.

Kyseessä siis on nettisivu-yhteisö + peli-projekti alá Kimba and Friends. 8-)

Alternative ending..?

I needs to say even some times an alternative ending is the scarier one in most of the cases it is also the cutest one.

Same goes in many things. And just wanted to show it to you here.

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Eli siis Gosussa siis ei saa provosoitua

"...Olet jatkanut riidan haastamista sekä toisen mallin kiusaamista aiheessa "Mä vihaan ku kimba". Olet mm. kommentoinut toisen mallin juttuja "Aww.. Eli siis yrität paeta vastuuta? Söpöä. <3 Ei, me kyllä ollaan täällä ihan järkeviä oltu mut susta en tiedä.", "Ja neiti on muuten sitten hyvä ja kertoo ikänsä? Onko neiti mua vanhempi? Eli onko neiti sitten jo 21v? :O Sitten ihmettelen kyllä aiheen olemassaoloa ihan uudestaan ääneen o_o XDD" sekä "Nyt sitte voidaan miettiä miten yhtään kukaan 51-vuotias on a) gosussa ja jaksaa ottaa noin isot paineet rusakon olemassaolosta? :3 Söpöä. <3". Ymmärtänet itsekin, että kyseiset kommentit ovat tarkoitettu vain toisen mallin mielen pahoittamiseksi sekä ärsyttävät ja provosoivat toista osapuolta. "

Joo ymmärrän pointtinne ja yritän olla hiljaa. 8-)

Ja joo edelleen tiedostan itsekin provosoituvani herkästi ja yritän opetella siitä eroon. Mutta näemmä tarvitsen vielä paljon harjoittelua.

Ja tähän perään liitän että todellakin yritän oppia virheistäni ja toivon että malliani ei poisteta sillä mä todella yriän parhaani vaikkakin nyt huomaan että mokasin ja pahasti näemmä.

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Varjokani in social media

Yea, just to keep you guys updated



Nyt kaikki palkinnot on siirretty Palkintomalli nimiselle käyttäjälle joka on Deternityn hallinnassa yhtä reppua lukuun ottamatta jonka vaihdon toinen osapuoli perui ennen kuin rusakko ehti sen hyväksyä. Sen tialla on nyt timanttireppu kaupasta.

Mutta siis ajattelin vielä täälläkin infomoida asiasta että rusakolla ei enää kamoja ole vaan ne ovat nyt Deten omistuksessa olevalla palkintomallilla jolta ne sitten jaetaan Gaalan aikana.



And again for some reason I'm feeling really un-inspired. Maybe it got something to do with my perioid.

Well maybe I should go out and jump and run in forest for while.. but then again I feel too lazy to do that. Too uninspired and lazy to get inspired. Yep, this is really going to be epic love story.. nope nope.

And yes, I again have failed my task to write here daily. Shame on me!

Sunday, September 28, 2014

Mistäs tekis teille Let's play videoita?

Mietinpä tässä että mistä peleistä tekis let's play videota Youtubeen ja millä kielellä tekisi?

Pelejä joita omistan
-Skyrim+ lisäosat
Fallout 3
-Oblivion+ lisäosat
-Morrowind+ lisäosat
Brother Bear (Disney) /Venäjänkielinen Disney-elokuvaan perustuva peli
Narnia - The The Lion the witch and the wardrope
The sims2 + kaikki lisäosat
The sims 3 Peruspeli

Ja kertokaa ihmeessä että millä kielellä vedän? Suomeksi vai Enlganniksi?

Tässä kokeilu-luontoinen vedos Skyrimistä:

Monday, September 22, 2014

F€veR1sh sp4mm1ng 0r wµt?

I still got this damn fever. And for some reason I feel really lazy and tired.. Also writing this blog seems now impossible. I feel  a way too tired to think of anything unless I speak it outload as I write it down.  

Also I feel like I already failed my task to write here daily. But well I try my best bros. I really do.

Okay for trying my best leads me to think an other thing. Getting really a job. I have two options what to do but that seems to be it. Too many choices for me. Hehhehe.
Maybe I stop writing now and go get some sleep.

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Crazy humans

Somethings you go as you go and sometimes you don't. Sometimes you try to be nice to everyone even you know people are just taking advantage and using you. Sometimes you get pissed of cause of that.

In most cases you end up either happy or crying. And then there is the situation where you think you know the person. You have been acted normal and the way you always do, and the other one just one day is like "ya know, I lied to you your whole life and I hate you. And you are horrible person and bad person."  What.,..? Yea, as long as I see the one who is lying is the most baddest one.

I know I m not perfect but I always vote for being true self and honest for everything. For good things and the bad things. Call me bad but I m too tired to care about anyone.. Or anything.

I just keep wondering is it really so hard to be honest in this world.. What is the price of lying. Who gets advantage there. Its not me for sure. And I bet the other one does either not gain any good for it. So why are people doing it then?
Nah.. Who does get those crazy humans anyways.

Saturday, September 20, 2014

Wow..Lots of stalkers

I find it funny when none comment my blog and still I got this

1,000 addviews. Yea, my point is to say thank you and also give you courage to add comments here. Comments would be nice.

Friday, September 19, 2014

My first let's play videos ever

Lol. I know I m a beginner and I did this in Finnish for my url friends who asked for it:

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Maybe I should stop

Maybe I should stop thinking what people  think of anything. Maybe I should be brave. Okay, I have tried my best but I still feel like I could just be me and stop crying about it. But why does it feel so hard?
Is it that I still want to please people around me and I still care if people care about me? How can it be when  I have been hurt so many times?

Is this 'cause some human feelings inside me have awoken?
Is this a good thing?

If you knew what I truly m, I would break your heart..

I just realized that if you people would know me and know my adoption background etc.  you surely would hate me and want me dead. It hurts me so bad. So much pain inside this body for bad words people have already told me irl.. So much deep suffering that I can't take no more bad words. That is why I stay silent. But I keep wondering how many of you would hate me for it.. If I told the truth. After all what is the truth?
Deep thinking again.

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Worried of my eating again..

I just keep thinking whats wrong with me. Lately I have again competely lost my apetite, or more likely I don't feel like I would need a food. Only times when I m hungry are at the morning (small hunger) and the evening. But at day I have again found myself telling my mom "I dunno.." when she asks if I m hungry.

Yes I know its bad side  effect of my meds but still. Whats wrong  with me? At vocation school I tried to force myself to eat and so I learned to eat the normal way. But before that my classmates were worried and told me I had become pale and skinny. And I fear that thing is happening again.
But I have to siqn out and stop writing  for good because my mom just baked pizza pies and I want to eat them. Yep, its 17;48 PM and now I m hungry. Last time I ate it was 11:00am. Should I be worried?

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

damn annoying

Dat feeling when you have been tired whole day because of the fever and in the evening you don't want to go to sleep because of that. Its damn annoying.
Why me?

Monday, September 15, 2014

ASCII mouse from my head

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