Friday, April 5, 2013

North Korean lead morals? Our morals?

Many people wonder what does go on inside Kim Jong Un -if he even thinks of nothing- I m sure about that.

Some might even think that maybe he does what he does because of his father. But do we really think why he does what he does? What are his moralic values of life?

We know that he has done lots of bad things. We all have done bad things. And we know that he is kind of person who does not be scared to put people in jail or kill them if he does not enjoy how "some of people" think.

Why is that? Is it just because he is mad? Nope. I think its more because no one taught him to value life itself. Nonsense you say.  But think of it. If he would keep life and freedom in high value would he try be so hardly what he now is? I m sure he does not.

And where does this way of thinking come from? From Bible?..
Nope. It is more like "Evolution-believing"  :
"We have no reason to be in this planet.. We are worth nothing.." -way of thinking.

And even we have seen this way of thinking effecting our own children in a way that they take a gun with them and shoot their class mates why still no one notices how dangerous is to teach "We have no reason to live.. unless we make it ourself."

Just thinking of it.

I m sure many of you will be disagree with this argument and I m not forcing you to be agree with me. Also I hope you are smart enough to let me have my opinion instead of starting a fight just to tell how wrong I might be.

I believe life is a gift from the God, and this kind of thinking puts us all in danger.