Yes.. Its me again. I m planning to make new videos to Youtube. At the moment I have two types of ideas; Shortmovies and also videos where I comment all the things what happen around me. I still needs to practice speaking before camera. I can speak behind but that is entire different case. O_O
Its seems like ages when I last time had happy news and I think that now when I can write this blog again I will share it with you; I finally have a place where to go studying to be media-assistant. Its scary. I have just get used to be teen-ager and now I m 17 years old. Its scary because I feel time going so fast. But lets hope that someday I will be able to make my own movies and tell by picture what I feel and how I feel and what I think. Also I want to make everyone to see things that they seem to be blind.
At the moment it still is long way of studying before I m done.