Its still way too hot during day time but at least it seems to be calming down. I still feel bit weird in the head. Almost like I was drunken even I'm not. If this thing does not go away I think I will have to contact my doctor for it. At the moment I'm still suspecting that the heat and my medicines are just bad combo.
But I still have been managed to control myself that I havent done anything stupid besides feeling dizzy. I feel that I'm able to act quite normal, besides this funny feeling in my head. I feel like I was either hyper focusing all the time or then I was drinking alchohol. I usually get same feeling after drinking.
Usually I don't drink at all unless I'm at friend's and we have party. Then I might try alcohol. But when I'm home I'm usually sober. So I know that this weird dazzed feeling is not because of an alcohol. Unless someone put some boze on all water in the house including the one I bought from the Supermarket. That would be suspicious.
But not nearly as suspicious as the Netflix series called Happy! that I ve watched for some more. No, it still did not give me any answers on anything. It only gave me more questions. Appearently there is an evil demigod on the loose and he somehow controls weird flesh mutants that dress up in funny costumes to perform in kids show on their regular basis. Also for some reason now not only Nick could see happy but some random female living in a huge mansion and drinking glass of vine could see him too. The laws of imaginery friends are getting more weird. Or then the writers forgot what they were. I also feel that if the series keep getting more confusing and more dark I might just drop and stop watching it. Because usually I don't like stories where just everything goes wrong.
Or where people keep lying to each others to cause even more shit even they just established that thwy would not lie anymore. I dunno. Maybe it is because I'm hyper sensitive on some things but series where people keep lying and getting their life flarged because of it and they still keep lying and flarging their life just make me wanna go scream at them and call them idiots. I dunno why. I know that it is supposed to be fun and comic to see people constaniously failing at their life but for some reason I can't enjoy it all.
For some reason I've been able to enjoy the Guardians of the Galaxy tv seires even there too people flarg their lives. But I think the main reason is that on GOTG cartoon people at least usually learn something about their mistakes and try to avoid the same mistakes and end up doing the new ones. But when someone keeps making the same mistake and flarging up their whole life situation it just makes me wanna yell and angst about it even I'm supposed to laugh for it. Same goes with the old comedies where people were tossing pies to each others. I just could not feel anything besides sorry for the pie that got ruined instead of eaten.
I know I m such joy killer but then again I just think I have unique humour. I for one thing don't find it disturbing if same fanfic-like gag is repeated multiple times as long as its cute or and funny. Example I love in GOTG the fact that Rocket has obsession with duck tape.
But ya. I think I will try to get some sleep. Maybe go watch couple more episodes of Happy! and see if anything makes more sense or if I just wanna stop watching the series all together. ¨
I also streamed bit Sims 4 dare I got. But I did not manage to get so far with it because I started to feel bit sleepy. I got dared into trying to get a child with Grimreaper. :3
I m interested to see if I'm able to lure him into giving his phone number to one of my sims. Or his e-mail adress. I never did this thing with Sims4. I did it on Sims2 tough. But so much has been changing since the old days of Sims2. But ya. If you are interested you can see the video on the Twitch-section of this blog. Have nice day or evening or whatever. I think this rabbit has to go to sleep.