Sunday, September 21, 2014

Crazy humans

Somethings you go as you go and sometimes you don't. Sometimes you try to be nice to everyone even you know people are just taking advantage and using you. Sometimes you get pissed of cause of that.

In most cases you end up either happy or crying. And then there is the situation where you think you know the person. You have been acted normal and the way you always do, and the other one just one day is like "ya know, I lied to you your whole life and I hate you. And you are horrible person and bad person."  What.,..? Yea, as long as I see the one who is lying is the most baddest one.

I know I m not perfect but I always vote for being true self and honest for everything. For good things and the bad things. Call me bad but I m too tired to care about anyone.. Or anything.

I just keep wondering is it really so hard to be honest in this world.. What is the price of lying. Who gets advantage there. Its not me for sure. And I bet the other one does either not gain any good for it. So why are people doing it then?
Nah.. Who does get those crazy humans anyways.