Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Here again doing comeback of sake of black rabbit of inle..

Ehheh.. ^^'
Yea. Here I'm again. Felt like I had to start writing again. Yea I know I have told you earlier that I was planning to do this again; like writing blog daily but neh. Always I have become lazy and my head becomes emtpy like a nutshell.

And usually  the pictures inside my head turn only into darkness. I'm not sure if there is something wrong with my head  but I do see pictures inside my head. I did see more when I did not take my ADHD meds. (The time before my medicines). Sometimes I saw some things happening before they did. Yea sounds damn scary and I can tell you bros that is what it is. Damn scary.

Well now only thing I can hope is to get lots of readers and inspiration. I love you guys. *gives a big hug*

But yea. I will be writing more soon. Tomorrow at least if I m too lazy to get some ideas in my head this evening. And no, I m not sorry for my bad English. I'm small mouse brained brat with  bad additude. 8-)