Thursday, September 11, 2014

Russian lesson part one муж или мыши

муж или мыши, muzh ili mysh', the man or mouse. And damn I did die there. Russian is too fun language to study. Hehhe. And yes, I had to share it with you.

Beginning or an end

And yes, I have now started changing the theme and outfit of this blog. I hope you can stand me being slow. And yes, I activated Google  Ads to provide me bit money. Hope you don't get mad for it but I really needed to try it out. Maybe even get money for it. I dunno. But we shall see.
One thing is for sure, there is no way I become next Pewdiepie. He is too awesome in my rankings.
But will be writing soon.

New layout planning and Russian studying

Hi. As promised I m here again. Whoo! There is one promise I m been able to keep! Yay!
Okay now strightly over the business. Yes,  I have been asked to uprage my layout and atm I m thinking what would be the better layout for my blog. Maybe I will competely re-draw everything here and make everything up my drawings. That is going to be one damn big update and big work. But I love too big projects as you know. Heheh. Maybe I should finish it of before I end up in trouble for it. I never m able to stop until it is too late.

And whats up today? Today I m going to watch a lot Russian cartoons like Biker mice Russian dub because last week I started to study that language and I really wanna learn it. For now I almost can read it lol. But, I m sure the skill of knowing Russian will be good for me in future. I maybe m able to tell all awesome Russians in dA how much I envy their drawing skills and want them to draw something cool for meh.
(and why I m thinking Vinnie naked?.. ^^) *slaps myself*

But yea, I still think I need to consider of taking deviantArt seriously and taking a job. But I will keep you bros updated.
Please comment so I know at least someone is reading this.
Okay no need for it but it would  be nice. Even I know none will read this stuff. Heheh. Still will be writing it tough.

Yours truly, Varjokani




Yea guys I m still depressed and feeling like crying out load. Somehow it is easier if its done with Japanese. So I hope some day someone reads this message and sees the pain hidden between letters .

Okay I have to say. I haven't been able to write for while and now after writing couple rows I already feel so much better. I dunno if anyone reads this, but I don't care. At least I m able to cry outload.
::.. Okay I m honest. My vocation school nurse told me to stop this befcause someone in real life could see this and tease me more because my pain.

But how else should I bleed my pain out but writing?