Why m I already writing fanfic about these 3 idiots?
I just bought Marvel VS CAPCOM 3 from Steam summer sale and I just keep laughing so hard for these combos. Also, I love how well Rocket plays with tall females. It makes great combos.
The only thing that I don't love is my weak internet connection. I tried to play online pvp and for the same reason, I had troubles in other online games I noticed I had similar problems there. The engine did not have enough power to transmit my movements to the server and to the game fast enough to me being able to fight at all. I still had great fun.
Now I'm thinking whatever I should also buy Marvel vs. Capcom: Infinite just for the sake of story mode and more crazy silly crossovers to play with.
I do love crossovers and fanfics. Also I found this "Furry and Dangerous" title really funny
Someone stop me this is getting out of hand: