Friday, May 24, 2019

Sims 4 is free for limited time

Just quick post to notify you all that Sims 4 is currently avalibe for free for limited time.

If one asks me Sims has been one of my all time favorite video games. And the price has always been high enoug so Ive been able to buy like only one expansion pack per year as a kid.  Now when the base game is free I strongly recommend everyone to download it and try it out.

Sims is marvelous tool to learn both financial skills (To learn to think before spending all of your money,) and social skills (what to make your Sim to do and not to do to make sure not everyone on the town want to punch you in your face when they see you.)
Note when people hate you they also tend to kick your trashcan down. So you better make sure to make everyone to like you. Also when people like you they tend to give you more help and are generaly nicer to you. Same logic applies a lot also in the real world.