Well what is a bad thing that this morning I got bitten by tick. Somehow this little bug had sneaked inside our house because it wasn't anywhere near me when I got to bed last night. Only appeared this morning while I was eating.
I have removed several big ones from our pets but never was targeted myself before. Man I can tell you it's bite hurts. A LOT: Its like asset poured on your hand at the spot where they bite. Yes, they are small but still hurts. And makes me wanna scratch my hand till it bleeds. *A bad thing*..?
As if normal small Finnish mosqitos weren't eating me alive yesterday. D:
Well since I made my boyfriend buy me Pokewalker I should use it. But how to use it when getting fobia even in side..?
Well world is weirdo place. Maybe I chill down and take it easy later on. But now I'm bit panic. Yes, I went to see nurse on local hospital and she was like "Well don't worryy. If it starts making red and white sircles around ur wound then worry and come back."
I was like okaaay. O:_O
And now I'm like stalking my hand waiting something bad to happen.. I think I'm being bit paranoid, and a lot over reacting.. But then why when I don't react people come to tell me later I should have reacted and gone to see doctor. Like when last week they found out my ears and inner cheeck were infected by the flu. Nice work people.
Well lets see how this goes. I'll be writing for you more if something more interesting happens.
At the moment I'm at work, Rattata on my pocket. *grins*
Called him Throttle and nyaa... *kelws kawaii nyan aws nyan nyan* ^^¨
Yes, I know most of the people hate Rattata. I know they appear from everywhere and be annoying. But if you ever played ORIGINAL Gold or Silver ( I have them both for Gameboy color) you'll know that the really annoying shit face there who stalks and attacks your with your every step on grass is one called "Hoothoot".
(Images are from Google.)
And yes, so if you think that for 14 - +20 years old you have rage problems while encountering couple rats be my guest and try original Gold at nighttime. Hehehhee. Only thing you get is that annoying "Wroollolrwroolol rwrool" sound and Hoothoot appearing.
Could swear he actually says "Trolled here I come again bitch!"