Friday, June 7, 2019

HAPPY! - okay we need to talk

Ya. We defenitely need to talk after this. Note. This rant might have  spoilers about the show's plot but I try to keep major details out. Also I wanna mention that after watching the first season I have no flarking clue what the flarg is  going on in that universe and who is what.

 Last night was way too hot for me to get any sleep so I opened Netflix and watched whole first season of this. And I gotta say, it was at least really interesting and confusing.

It was like Breaking bad writers are at bar with Sin city writers on a date planning a new script and then this one dude from Hasbro comes up like "Hey guys. You know what you need." And the other guys are like "What?" and the Hasbro guy keeps going " You guys need a charachter who is magical horse who can fly is actually an unicorn from candy kingdomn of what-again. Or actually he is little Girls best friend. And imaginary." Then I can imagine the other guys being like "Whats this characther gotta do with our main lead who is an assasin/hitman with anger issues?"
"Oh oh oh! The unicorn-belongs-to-his-daughter-that-he-never-knew-existed."
Then the other guys are like "Look. Our charachter is not the kids saving kind. "
"But what if the unicorn saves his life?.. and then he does it multiple times and then it turns out that the bad guys who took the kid actually are after the main charachter for unknown reasons to those two have to work together?"
Like I really wanna hear the conversation that lead to this script because its brilliant.
Yes, as hyper sensitive person I rarely like anyting scary or disturbing, but I gotta say this was just so weird that I found it fun. Like imagining some rough  badass hitman talking to an unicorn on his daily bases. There is same level of crazy ideas that there was on Guardians of the Galaxy, but the themes and settings are way more disturbing and more dark and adult themed. But since its too hot to hang outside I think I just might watch the second season of this show. Or at long of it that it has been published on Netflix so far.

Something about the dark themes is at levels that is making me swear I'm gonna see nightmares, but then again when the hero got magical unicorn as their sidekick how can they be in any real danger. The feeling of the danger really comes close to you when you realize that imaginery friends can not only die when child stops believing them, but they ( Imaginery friends) can kill each others and not all fluffy and cute imaginery friends are friendly or nice. Or even good at that matter. Still main villain's son being direct knock off of Sid in Toy Story one was bit too cheesy. Also I think him rendering from evil sid into fearing child who was frozen by fear was bit too off. I would have imagined the kid to do something else than freeze when seeing violence. Taken that he most likely had done worse violence himself to things. Okay maybe its some difference between violence to people and violence to imaginery creatures, but still. I'm not sure if the "evil kid" was really so deeply tought trough charachter. He seemed at least act first really cruel and then just like normal kid.. Maybe he was not that rotten that it first seemed.

The main charachter's daughter was really cute and I liked her. Only thing I did not like was that the series so far did not explain at least to my heat weather melted brains why did the father of the child bang an other female while his supposely girlfriend was still dating him. And what made them break up. Like he did not seem like cheating person to me. Or maybe I'm just shit at reading people. Also I think maybe after watching Netflix's Lucifer where they established every charachters every action with good motive I was looking for one here too for too much.

But if you cant get sleep and you wanna laugh for something super weird I warmly recommend to check this out.

Or then again I'm not sure. To me there was too much of stress and violence but that was not the thing that distracted me the most. The thing that distracted me the most was the fact that half of the time I had zero idea why charachters did what they did and who half of the characthers was.

My list of questions

  • 1. How Hailey's dad can see Hailey's imaginery friend?
  • 2. Why Hailey has imaginery friend instead of real friends
  • 3. What made Blue turn evil in a first place?
  • 4. Why Blue's sons were on hitman's list?
  • 5. Who was the old grandmother at Isabella's house
  • 6. How was Mickey alive?
  • 7. Who died instead of Mickey?
  • 8. Why did Nick and Hailey's mom break up?
  • 9. Is Nick Wolverine?
  • 10. What the heck was Bug? And why did he want to sell human children dolls?
  • 11. Who was buying and from whom?
  • 13. If Imaginery friends only pretend to eat how can Happy get high?
  • 14. IF they are imaginery why can they be killed or destroyed by random ass human kids?.
  • 15. If Hailey never seen his dad exept for one photo how does she or Happy know what his dad smells like and how is Happy able to track him down in the first place by his smell?
  • 16. If seeing imagine friends require one to believe in them how could Nick see Happy when he was never ever heard of Imaginery friends?
  • 17. Who were half of these people in this series?
  • 18. How could "The Santa Clause" enter into people's memories? Was he magic too. There in one scnene we see him entering to Haileys memory of Hailey watching pics of his Dad.
  • 19. Why Mickey was speaking latin with demonic voice? Was he possessed?
  • 20. How does food that is meant to draw spirit world dead person to you work on Mickey if he is alive and possessed?
  • 21. Who was lying and for whom? Like I think everyone here lied a lot. Mostly I'm really suspicious about Happy. He is supposed to be imaginery but he can still react to and touch the real world stuff and get high for real. Also imaginery friends can be killed by stabbing them. 

  • 22. What the heck are imaginery friends? Some aliens?
  • 23 WTF  I just watched?

Like this show was so confusing.
And for records I have to re-ask why was Nick Wolverine? Like it was strongly hinted that he wanted to die. But could not? What was he?

I'm really expecting at least one of these questions answered on the second season. But if I fear it might end up with me just with bunch of more questions instead of me satisfied with answers for these questions.