Saturday, February 22, 2025


Im glad Bibas family is home, but Im so devastated to what was done to the children. Who kills children and babies on purpose with their own bare hands? Who strangles babies?

Worst kind of animalistic behavior. Someone on Tiktok had brilliant phrase for this;

"They are not even monsters, because monsters need a beating flesh heart to live and still have hearts in their chest that beat "

I know Im harsh but I notice now that all people who made me uncomfortable before and who have cut all ties to me because I support Israel and think Bible is unchanged word of God are all same character thrope that puts 🍉 after their name on Tiktok and who show srtong narcissistic traits which are even stronger when I learned to recognize DARVO. 

What Wikipedia has to say:

DARVO (an acronym for "deny, attack, and reverse victim & offender") is a reaction that perpetrators of wrongdoing, such as sexual offenders, may display in response to being held accountable for their behavior.

Some researchers indicate that it is a common manipulation strategy of psychological abusers.

DARVO is a tactic used by a perpetrator to avoid accountability for their actions. As the acronym suggests, DARVO commonly involves these steps:

The perpetrator denies the harm or abuse ever took place.

When confronted with evidence, the perpetrator then attacks the person that they had harmed, or are still harming. The attacker may also attack the victim's family and/or friends.

Finally, the perpetrator claims that they were or are actually the victim in the situation, thus reversing the positions of victim and offender It often involves not just playing the victim but also victim blaming.

These tactics are similar to other techniques used by perpetrators to avoid accountability by manipulating observers's perceptions of events.

 Researchers have noted similarities to outrage management, where a perpetrator tries to make observers think better of themself and their actions so they can avoid consequences. 

This strategy often involves denying the victim's version of events and trying to make observers doubt the victim's credibility, which are both key aspects of DARVO

Relevant techniques also include playing the victim and playing the hero, which perpetrators use to downplay the harm seen in their behavior.

 In playing the victim, a perpetrator highlights their own past suffering to attempt to be seen as a victim as well, and in playing the hero, a perpetrator admits to some amount of wrongdoing but highlights their own past good deeds to mitigate their harmful ones.

 Both techniques may come into play for the denying or reversing stages of DARVO.


The acronym and the analysis it is based on come from the work of the psychologist Jennifer Freyd, who wrote about it in 1997.

 The first stage of DARVO, denial, involves gaslighting.

Freyd writes:

... I have observed that actual abusers threaten, bully and make a nightmare for anyone who holds them accountable or asks them to change their abusive behavior. This attack, intended to chill and terrify, typically includes threats of law suits, overt and covert attacks on the whistle-blower's credibility, and so on. The attack will often take the form of focusing on ridiculing the person who attempts to hold the offender accountable. [...] [T]he offender rapidly creates the impression that the abuser is the wronged one, while the victim or concerned observer is the offender. Figure and ground are completely reversed. [...] The offender is on the offense and the person attempting to hold the offender accountable is put on the defense.

Research on interpersonal violence has mostly focused on how perpetrators use individual components or steps of DARVO, rather than studying them in combination. However, studies before and after DARVO was coined found a correlation between perpetrators who minimized or denied their wrongdoing and those who reversed the positions of victim and offender. Research during the 2010s began to focus on the use and effect of DARVO tactics in combination, suggesting that DARVO is a common tactic used by perpetrators.

Usage and effectiveness?

Freyd stated that DARVO is frequently used and effective, although the number of people who are inclined to believe a DARVO response decreases once they understand the tactic.

 However, the examination and determination of who is using DARVO proves to be difficult until the abuser and the victim in a case are clearly established.

Where DARVO is used?

Studies on the prevalence of DARVO suggest it is a common tactic used by perpetrators when they are confronted over their behavior, regardless of the type of harm they have caused. One study of undergraduates who had confronted someone over a harmful event found that DARVO was used by 72% of the perpetrators during the confrontation.

 The offenses ranged from social mistreatment, like betrayed secrets, to interpersonal violence, like sexual assault or child abuse. 

DARVO is particularly likely in cases of sexual violence, with one study of women who had been sexually assaulted at university reporting that half of the perpetrators involved had used elements of DARVO in later conversations.

DARVO has been studied and documented in specific contexts beyond those of interpersonal violence. DARVO has been labeled in some cases of medical malpractice, where victim blaming is already common since doctors and hospitals generally refuse to admit their mistakes due to legal risk.

DARVO has also been cited as common in workplace bullying and toxic workplace culture. In the case of academia, when professors try to report bullying, DARVO tactics often compel them to stop speaking up, adding to their trauma and contributing to a culture of silence.

This thing is too rooted to our culture and is seen on people worldwide.

What Ive noted the more person hates Israel and Jews and is only a culturar Christian or is under delusion that since Jesus paid all their sins and Father God does not see the sins no more means they are so free from sin, that all they do is automatically good and righteous and feel they need to silence and bully people who they manipulate, lie and yell at when no one is looking the more risk there is they will try gaslighting and DARVO at me.

People who support so called fantasy land called Palestine also do this a lot.

They are utterly unable to recognize Hamas as any fault on what happens in Gaza.

They are so filled with arrogant hate and hatred that they only see what Hamas claims Israel has done but do not recognize that kidnapping Bibas children and strangling them with their own bare hands and then mutilating the bodies after death is pure evil.

And yes, we DO have the medical reports made by team of forensic pathologists and coroners, specializing in post-mortem examinations, forensic medicine, and crime scene investigation.

Bibas babies were strangled and killed on purpose and their bodies were mutilated and terrible things were done to them after their deaths.

 Yes, modern techniques allows to recognize which injuries were done before and after death.

I used to question my own sanity as 5-10 years old asking myself why Im so scared of humans thinking everyone would do something bad to me or my mother or my family. 

Now I understand why. Humanity is pure evil and I know this is the end times become "love of many has grown cold."

If you believe in God now it is time to admit it and pray. Pray in name of Jesus that what comes next comes quickly and you are included in the rapture because when the antichrist comes its very very bad.

Also Im beyond sadness that also Shiri Bibas was murderd. Her body was handed out last night after Hamas was called out for giving wrong body as Shiri first. They are pure evil and everyone who supports them is one of them. Every Pro Palestinian is pure evil and I want nothing to do with their kind.

If you support mutilating and strangling babies and raping women you are a monster.

Yes Israel is not perfect but still, only people who think their side is perfect and pure of any wrongs is DARVO loving pro Pallywood useful idiots who march for ideologies that call out for real genocide.

Also did you know they tried to repeat October 7 day before yesterday night? God stopped them and their plans were foiled. But if you support so called Palestine this is your legacy.