Thursday, June 4, 2020

Re-posted from DeviantART just in case mods there think that rabbits arent allowed to talk

And yes as a Christian furry I think I might get someone feeling that because I disagree on something I m not allowed to speak so I also post this here as well.
AND I REPEAT, I have nothing AGAINST Pride or anything. I just have been told I m not allowed to say I feel pride of being me because I m not "gay enough" by several people in Finland. This is the reason for this rant because I think everyone should be equal. That is why the movement started years ago and why Prides were originally organized. That people felt they did not feel equal..

Here is my small essay of the subject. I dont do this for a badge but because I want to say couple of important things. I think we are missing some key elements here ( at least here where I currently live,)

Have you celebrated Pride before?
I think we all should re-think how we celebrate and what we celebrate.
I think all people should be happy and feel "Pride" for existing in peace. Not just LGBTQ+.
As a straight furry who has been bullied for her national background, (Being adopted from Russia to Finland as 1 year old) I think yes it is important to feel proud of being able to be with the person you love, yes that is important.

BUT at the same time, I think that we must not forget that everyone should feel pride in being alive and safe. And keeping everyone else safe and alive. There is too much of "You cant celebrate Bride because you arent x" talk from all directions. I think we should all be able to celebrate ourselves. Not just LGBTQ+ people. Yes I m pretty sure I will get at least one reply saying that I m not allowed to say this because I haven't been discriminated for my sexuality or for myself. I can tell you that I got my first "we should shoot you because you are not Finnish enough" as 13 years old in a Christian school by "Christian" kids for being adopted from Russia. The hate is still real. Why it hurt me the most I have just switched schools for being bullied for being a Christian and Russian born. And when I opened up in a new school I was told everyone like me should get shot and stuff. And the bullying continued whole my life. Yes you may argue that I m making this too personal about me and I have no right to do so but I say ;
"If we celebrate being equally valuable and loved part of the society we should allow everyone feel the pride of who they are." Not just sexuality but also what people are in general. We are all unique creatures on this planet and there ain't no one just like me or no one who is just like you. We all should be allowed to say we are proud of what we are and who we are.

What do you think of first when you think of Pride?
For me I have to admit that because of people around me keep telling me that (Note this might be only be a problem where I live so I cant tell this is everyone globally) "Because you arent part of LGBTQ+ you cant drag you being different and bullied because you were born in the ""wrong place"" into this. This is only for being gay or lesbian.."I do feel bit sad to think that SOME people in the community are so broken in their own spirit that they feel they have a need to tell other people what they are not allowed to feel or say. That is why I personally think that the Pride has lost something important and I don't feel so keen on it as it is presented now at the area where I live.

YES, I support people's rights to choose and be who and what they want to be. I JUST cant REPEAT myself enough, that while yes in the past Christianity has done wrong by saying gays should not exist- even their point was just that no sin should exist. (Also all humans do sin, so we all should not exist) but that is enough for an other rant subject-
And I understand how some people do want to take defending argument "If I m not allowed to exist I don't accept you either and I say you should not exist."

At least in Finnish media and in media in general people have told that Christians arent allowed to feel pride for being Christians because its mockery to the Pride culture.
I wanna say that this is exactly what I was trying to tell in part one above. I THINK WE ALL SHOULD HAVE THE RIGHT TO BE PROUD OF WHAT WE ARE!
And yes I DEFINITELY say that NO to all discrimination of all people. Gay and straight people are the same in my eyes. Both loved by God and important.
(And here I wanna point out that in case this gets deleted for being too Anti-gay I m gonna also upload this to my blog.) AND Wanna say only thing I feel anti anything are bullying and discrimination.
How do you show support for LGBTQ+ people you know?
I know many people who are pert of the LGBTQ+ and some of them are really old friends of mine. I don't even remember the time before I knew some of them. Like they have been friends since forever. I show my support to them mostly by being there when they need to talk to someone when they feel sad or have panic attack. Also as someone who runs both Discord and Telegram chat groups as an admin of the group I support them by defending them. If anyone dares to even breath thinking of saying something mean to them I m usually the first one to tell to quit the bullying.

What I really wanted to say to the people who don't understand my bad English mumbling rant;

All bullying is bad. I think while LGBTQ+ might have gotten the word of it it is important to remember to not repeat it. Let everyone feel the pride of what they are. This world is cruel and mean place and a really hard place to exist. As someone with PTSD for being bullied for being Russian born Christian ADHD furry and gotten death threats as young as 10-13 years old I know that. I also know that some people say "You are only you.. You have no right to compare yourself or tell that you are part of Pride or part of anything.." I say EVERYONE should feel safe and feel right to celebrating for being able to stay alive when people around them do and say horrible things to them.

Also everyone is different. There is no other you or other me. We must value that. We all are valuable and unique. We all should remember that and love one an other.
Love instead of hate. That is what I think Pride and life in general should be all about.

But then again I'm just "stupid Gollumn looking retarded ugly Russian shit who should have been shot the instance she drew her first breath who can never have any friends because she is so irrated by toxic radioactive shit".
What do I know about anything, right?

Monday, March 30, 2020

Animal crossing?

Because of the quarantine and mostly because I was bored I bought Old Animal Crossing New Leaf from Nintendo store.

I dunno if anyone else still plays this but in case you are interested hit me up. :D
Here is my fc in case you wanna join me: 1805-2281-2069

Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Horror in real life

This all shit feels so unreal..
Like stuff like this happens on Netflix's horror series not in real life. :/
I wanna scream and wake up.
Only that I know that this dream is real and there is no awakening..