Do you know the feeling when you try your best and you still fail, and then you start to hate yourself thinking that you should have managed to do something right?
At the moment I have this feeling on so many levels. I ve read that its common with people with ADHD. I'm mostly sad that there is this person that I tried to be friendly with but ya..
I m not gonna rant it anymore. Lets just say that I learned valuabe lesson that if someone is mean to you and tries to use you on any level you should leave and stay away from that person. No matter how cute and nice that person seems.. and no matter how much they say they are sorry for hurting you. Or how much they ever claim that they did nothing to hurt you in a first place.
Like this person keeps switching person to talk to and tries to find somekind of substitute mother or I dont even know. But like now I know that if I feel abused and hurt I should not "wait that person to grow out from being abusive jerk." People dont do that. Its no use for me or anyone to just sit there and suffer all the pain and wait for things to turn to better.
Also there is this thing that Ive learned that sometimes these "mean people" love to hurt other. Either that or they cant see the pain they are causing. And even when you show them that they cause pain and tell them about your feelings they cant change the way they act because they love their own ass too much.
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