Monday, June 10, 2019

My training sessions and the great failure of yesterday

Today I did first running/jogging exercise for a while. It is a bitter fact that I have completely forgotten how to jog. I feel so ashamed of myself at the moment.
But same time I feel really proud of myself for doing it. My sad duty to report that I flarged up my diet. I ended up losing the fight just when I got myself lose some weight so I could feel it.
But there was Italian Bananasplit icecream on this one cafeteria and I just felt like I deserved it after being such a good rabbit and following my diet.

I felt such disappointment in myself when I was just able to drop my weight to 82.6 kg and it was back at 83.6 kg today. I felt almost like crying.

Also, I felt sad when I checked my old health software and realized I used to be so much skinnier. But at the same time, I feel happy because when I started this diet and going out thing I used to weight as much as 86 kg and that is like from just a  month ago so at the moment I really feel like a winner. Here is a short review of my daily fast walking session. I know I flarged it.

I still have no idea what the Huawei health app wanted out of me when it told me to "Twaddle".. Like what does that word even mean? I have no idea. 

Anyhows I might be posting another post later today because I feel like I might wanna chat and talk some more about some topics in my mind, but I'm trying to have bit self-control over myself and instead of making this another long post I might just do two separate posts about separate things in my mind. 

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