Friday, July 26, 2019

Okay lets put this nicely and ask a simple question;

What the flarg you think you would find from here?
Something to get insulted or sad?
Why would you not try Tumblr or Reddit instead to get offended?

Just out of curiosity. Why do you people keep reading this blog?
It is not like anything interesting happens in my life so why you so curious? It is kinda giving me the creeps when I know people read this and never reply anything on my posts.

And no, I cant make you any good quality vids on Youtube or to Twitch because people are still fixing our roof and the banging noises would butcher your ears so I m not making any streams till its over. So I m kinda using this as a spare tool to communicate and pour my heart out when Youtube and Twitch are out of the question.

Unless you want to get ear-killing-stream with all construction noises with it. That too would require you to  post a comment here so..
But ya:

"Mitä flarg sää luulet täält löytäväs? Kerro se mulleki. Muaki kiinnostaa mitä nii kiinnostavaa tääl on. uwu"

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