Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Staying away from abusive people short

Do you know the feeling when you try your best and you still fail, and then you start to hate yourself thinking that you should have managed to do something right?
At the moment I have this feeling on so many levels. I ve read that its common with people with ADHD. I'm mostly sad that there is this person that I tried to be friendly with but ya..
I m not gonna rant it anymore. Lets just say that I learned valuabe lesson that if someone is mean to you and tries to use you on any level you should leave and stay away from that person. No matter how cute and nice that person seems.. and no matter how much they say they are sorry for hurting you. Or how  much they ever claim that they did nothing to hurt you in a first place.

Like this person keeps switching person to talk to and tries to find somekind of substitute mother or I dont even know. But like now I know that if I feel abused and hurt I should not "wait that person to grow out from being abusive jerk." People dont do that. Its no use for me or anyone to just sit there and suffer all the pain and wait for things to turn to better.

Also there is this thing that Ive learned that sometimes these "mean people" love to hurt other. Either that or they cant see the pain they are causing. And even when you show them that they cause pain and tell them about your feelings they cant change the way they act because they love their own ass too much.

Saturday, April 27, 2019

What is it with people's need to be mean and spoil stuff on purpose?

I understand if someone accidently slips something, but like whats the joy of going to yell to people who are waiting to see a movie and try to enjoy it with full of surpises "Hey hey did you knoow that this person X does a thing Y in a movie and then that other person B does thing C with Y?" 
Like in a way you are also ruining it for the film makers. They are telling us a story, and we are paying them to hear the story, and then if we know the story already we have no "need" to hear the story.

Also I think story is best told by the person who wrote it. Like have you guys listened Redwall audiobooks by Brian Jacques? Those are true masterpieces! Even Redwall is repeative as flarg the audiobooks are still pure art.

As someone got to hear one major spoiler on Twitch.tv's Pokemon stream before I realized that I definetely m better if I stay out of social media all together before I see the Endgame I just wanna slap everyone who enjoys spoiling the story and the mood from other people and ask if their own mother's did not love them enough so thay are feeling this empty void inside of them and they have this need to make others feel their pain and emptiness.

If you have issues with yourself be a nice sport and go to talk to a professional or someone over the internet who is willing to sacriface their own time to listen you cry. Be warned if you are a jerk and annoy people enough no one will want to be your friends or listen to you anymore.

I got to meet the latter situation with one of my ex-friends. Ya, you know I was posting weeks ago about this person who I tried to be friends with, but he was too lazy to be friendly back, "Alex". Well quess what. He ghosted someone else for a week, and when this person who got ghosted become bored and spoke to me this one person lets call him Alex because -I dont wanna tell any info about them- yelled at me that "How dared I speak to his friends!" and he was mad on me for getting nice and warm words from his friends. I was like hey I did send you multiple messages that this other person lets call her Pinja missed you. And he was like "I dont care. I  can ghost people for weeks but if you talk to them you are the most annoying and mean person in the universe and I hate you."
I was like oki.. well then.

But yes, this incident made me realize how much there are people who has issue with their own self and they reflect in on the other people and drag the other people into mud with them. Please, if you feel sad and lonely or insecure about youreslf find some professional to talk with instead of either annoying or hurting, or both to the peopple over internet.

If you get hurt you still have no right to hurt other people back. By doing so you are just causing more people who suffer like you did.  I can kinda understand this type behaviour from someone like Rocket Raccoon who literally had no one called family ever in his his life, but most of these kids who act the same, that they dont care a flarg about others, exept they enjoy people feeling as miserable as they do did in most case have at least some kind of family. I m not saying it was any good but it was a family.  Still ya. I wish this Alex would realize that he cant act like Domina to every single person over the internet while being really cruel and uncaring about other people's feelings.

But ya. Here is my rant for now. I will do more later for sure. Now I gotta start getting ready for this one study class that I m taking about the End times. Whahaha.

Be blessed, and PLS if you are having a bad day dont reflect it back on others. You will just make everyone think you are asshat and really really mentally retarded and selfish jerk. And NO one wants to be friends with that. Yes, if you feel like no one loves you and everyone hates you because you are jerk, maybe instead of just thinking that one could think how to not be so much jerk and how at least try make someone else feel safe and happy. If no one else just try make yourself feel safe. Get some adults to talk to. And if you are being honest to yourself no one is truelly happy to see the world burn.. Okay Rocket Raccoon is gotten in so much deep in depression lane but even he enjoys more being friends and chilling than making everyone burn. Okay maybe bit roasting Quill but other than that.
I will do review about Endgame after most of people are seen it so I wont spoil anything. Hugs to all fellow Raccoonatics there! <3