Thursday, April 25, 2013

What happened to human rabbit hybrids?

Yes first there were one in China 2003 and then in USA later  and it was in news. I know they destroyed them but I still would want to  know why there is no  more news of any human rabbit mixing lately..

Its just weird that there is no talking about it. Just like those people would just quit their projects after spending so much money to it.

Why such silence about cloning and mixing humans and animals anyways?

Yes myself I use rabbit as my fursona but I totally found out that kind of mixing bit shocking.

Still at the other  hand I m interested to know what has been happening.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

My personalities

When I come to think about myself.. About all sad times I had and all feelings that I  had in my life I feel thinking of how I become what I m. After seeing movie based of life of Truddi Chase, girl who had documented with MPD; multiple personalities disorder I have started to think of my own personality.
There is the part of me that is nice and caring and polite but really really weak from inside and who easily wants to cry. When the other side is ready to be social and nice and is always getting great ideas and inspiration from things around me...

Then I have the warrior side of my persona that sometimes I m ready to fight till death. The warrior type of me is silent and just stares people around me. I dunno maybe I m analyzing myself too hard. I just remember when being in confirmation camp I could not get sleep when others were yelling middle of night. I just rose from bed and stared them because I was too tired to talk.. And they said I looked like I was about to kill them. They were scared and I found it odd.

Maybe I do have many sides of my personalities and I think I should not have any reason to worry about MPD as long as I can remeber all things and don't feel like I m snipped awake from moment that I don't remember what happened.  So I think I m just normal kid but I still find this kind of thinking interesting. Yet I know when I write this all nonsense here I m sure everyone thinks I m stupid. But you know what. I could not care less. Or at least the "warrior" side of me does not care.

Monday, April 8, 2013

An other tough of life walue

What is that makes human life worth anything? Just lets take religion out from the picture and also lets cut out those who claim that life is worth something. Then what is it?

Yep mates it is nothing.. Then we keep thinking and asking why people kill each other. We must value life. But we don't want to do it. We don't want to speak about Christianity or religions. We want to ignore them because that means there is maybe a God and we maybe have to take respond to our actions and do something..

And the worse of it. We are NOT perfect. We are just humans.

Yep. For so many people it is hard bit to bite. We are not perfect. Ofcurse you say that you are perfect but I bet you also have evil toughs like "borrowin" your friends computer game, phone or anything. Even if that comes to your mind you have committed a crime inside your heart. Every single one of us has done it. We are not perfect. Even how much we claim we are.

So that is why it is so hard to think of God. It makes people sad. That also is used reason why "Not teach kids value of life.." and still kids grow up and become killers. What does the world do?

I m really worried about this whole situation because so many can commit school shooting these days. And its really sad. I m not afraid to die but that someone else might get hurt.. Someone who does not know that Jesus loves him or her. I just find it sad.

But what can I do? These days I think that often but still end up doing nothing for it.
What should I do? Should I speak to people about it. I m sure many would say no. Just be quiet and wait till you get some sense inside your head.. But how long can I or anyone wait when I see people turning into somekind of stone in front of the very eyes of mine.
People just become empty from heart. They have so much troubles that they harden their heart.
And then I just have to stand and watch how they unless die or kill someone else.

I m really really worried.
Maybe I m over reacting. Maybe I should not care of anything around me. But that would mean I should harden my own heart.


My head is just so full of toughs  that I feel confused and feel like I want to say so many things aloud but then again I come to think if there is any good reason for it. I m pretty sure it helps no one even if I write this text here. Well at the moment I just feel like I want to write and write because of that.

Following the brown rabbit in Skyrim..

And I end up being almost robbed.

And what did I do? I just sneaked upon a rabbit like "Aww..  cuteey" And then bandits are after me and try to rob me. I m smart yes?

Friday, April 5, 2013

North Korean lead morals? Our morals?

Many people wonder what does go on inside Kim Jong Un -if he even thinks of nothing- I m sure about that.

Some might even think that maybe he does what he does because of his father. But do we really think why he does what he does? What are his moralic values of life?

We know that he has done lots of bad things. We all have done bad things. And we know that he is kind of person who does not be scared to put people in jail or kill them if he does not enjoy how "some of people" think.

Why is that? Is it just because he is mad? Nope. I think its more because no one taught him to value life itself. Nonsense you say.  But think of it. If he would keep life and freedom in high value would he try be so hardly what he now is? I m sure he does not.

And where does this way of thinking come from? From Bible?..
Nope. It is more like "Evolution-believing"  :
"We have no reason to be in this planet.. We are worth nothing.." -way of thinking.

And even we have seen this way of thinking effecting our own children in a way that they take a gun with them and shoot their class mates why still no one notices how dangerous is to teach "We have no reason to live.. unless we make it ourself."

Just thinking of it.

I m sure many of you will be disagree with this argument and I m not forcing you to be agree with me. Also I hope you are smart enough to let me have my opinion instead of starting a fight just to tell how wrong I might be.

I believe life is a gift from the God, and this kind of thinking puts us all in danger.

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Final count down for this perioid..

I have been really buzy lately. I have been doing my own portfolio lately.

Well I needs to say that now I m sure there is something wrong  with my brains because I just love coding and editing.. Even how annoying it can get I still kinda enjoy it.

I have been learning HTML5 and CSS3 lately and I find it kinda fun also.

The only bad side of my life is that I still need medicines for my depression. And when I tried to take less-effective amount of pills I found that I somehow  felt like wanting to cry many feelings that I had "hidden inside me"..

I find it a good thing but then it came to my mind that what if I have got too addicted to them so I m depended of them and it feels bit scary.

Well I did not have any scary nightmares or anything like that.. or so far  because I don't remember having one unless you count my last night dream as one where  I was late for work time training-job place of mine and was about to drown because of huge amount of water in City alleys and inside a mall I was walking by there.

But I returned to my old amout of them and I think okay now. 

But yes I really feel I should write here more often because I feel it helps me to keep  my head clear from all things that are in my mind. 

Sometimes it just feels like I think I m not even awake even I m. But I suppose everything is a lot better than it was over a year ago because  I m able to walk among people and I m able to study with out panic attacks 24/7.