kokoajan saamaan Joomala-pohjaisen sivun jumiin.. eli kokeilenpa nyt word pressillä..
ja kyllä Joomala vain raastoi hermojani.
+ taas "se" aika kuukaudesta että kaikki ärsyttää..
This is my personal diary blog and I hope you will support it by not using adblockers. Feel free to share and comment my writings.
Saturday, September 28, 2013
Jotenki onnistun ..
Tuesday, September 24, 2013
Its time to rock and code css..
Vai miten se meni?
No kuitenkin näiden kahden päivän, ja edellisen viikonlopun aikana opinnäytetyöni css-koodit ovat alkaneet muotoutua .. vaikkakin taitavat tällähetkellä toimia VAIN Firefoxilla..
Pitää liittää eri selainversioiden csss-tiedostoihin kaikki jutut..
ja sitten pitäisi vielä saada kaikki yhtenäiseksi ja toimivaksi. Tästä tulee kivaa. Paniikki nousee suorituspaineiden mukana.
No ei vielä mitään elämää suurempaa cliffhangeria tullut (toistaiseksi) tietääkseni.
No kuitenkin näiden kahden päivän, ja edellisen viikonlopun aikana opinnäytetyöni css-koodit ovat alkaneet muotoutua .. vaikkakin taitavat tällähetkellä toimia VAIN Firefoxilla..
Pitää liittää eri selainversioiden csss-tiedostoihin kaikki jutut..
ja sitten pitäisi vielä saada kaikki yhtenäiseksi ja toimivaksi. Tästä tulee kivaa. Paniikki nousee suorituspaineiden mukana.
No ei vielä mitään elämää suurempaa cliffhangeria tullut (toistaiseksi) tietääkseni.
Thursday, September 19, 2013
Error in URL syntax: ''! (ERR 69)
Jep jep... Hyviin meneeeeh. 8-)
Tänään kun tutustuimme tarkemmin julkaisupalvelimen asentamiseen ammattiopistollani ajattelin ottaa Joomalan sivustoni pohjaksi.
Saa nähdä mitä tästäkin tulee.
Tällähetkellä taidan olla ihan liian leikkisällä tuulella. Mitäs nyt tein Vinskin (hahmo Prätkähiiret Marsista tv-sarjasta) nimissä sinne käyttäjän testatakseni käyttäjä-ominaisuuksia.
Jotenkin on sellainen fiilis että tästä voisi tulla ihan hyvä sivu. :3
Vielä kun saan muokattua sisältöä JA varsinkin ulkoasua niiin että tämä hyväksytään media-assistantin opinnäytetyöksi.
Tänään kun tutustuimme tarkemmin julkaisupalvelimen asentamiseen ammattiopistollani ajattelin ottaa Joomalan sivustoni pohjaksi.
Saa nähdä mitä tästäkin tulee.
Tällähetkellä taidan olla ihan liian leikkisällä tuulella. Mitäs nyt tein Vinskin (hahmo Prätkähiiret Marsista tv-sarjasta) nimissä sinne käyttäjän testatakseni käyttäjä-ominaisuuksia.
Jotenkin on sellainen fiilis että tästä voisi tulla ihan hyvä sivu. :3
Vielä kun saan muokattua sisältöä JA varsinkin ulkoasua niiin että tämä hyväksytään media-assistantin opinnäytetyöksi.
Tuesday, September 17, 2013
Itse pelin teko käyntiin ..
Siis virallisesti lähti käyntiin tänään. Etsin netistä malleja ja ohjeita joita läpi käymällä olen saanut aikaiseksi flash-pelin rangan. :3
Saturday, September 14, 2013
Deal with it bros
Do you sometimes feel like you should grow up?
Me, never. 8-)
I enjoy being childish the way I m. Deal with it.
Me, never. 8-)
I enjoy being childish the way I m. Deal with it.
Thursday, September 12, 2013
Niin että tänään sitten olen rakentanus sivustoni Profiili-sivustoa/osiota. Eilen tein korjauksia yläpalkkiin. Pitää vielä miettiä jos muutan koko yläpalkki-logo-osion kokonaan toiseksi.
Tjaa se on sitten sen ajan murhe. Heheh. Nyt sitte vaan otetaan Vinskistä mallia (pahassa mielessä) ja tehdään ja koodataan ja mietitään seurauksia jälkeenpäin. Hihi.
Kyllä olen aamu-uninen ja luultavasti kadun kaikkea mitä tähän blogiin tänään ja tätä ennen olen kirjoittanut.
Tjaa se on sitten sen ajan murhe. Heheh. Nyt sitte vaan otetaan Vinskistä mallia (pahassa mielessä) ja tehdään ja koodataan ja mietitään seurauksia jälkeenpäin. Hihi.
Kyllä olen aamu-uninen ja luultavasti kadun kaikkea mitä tähän blogiin tänään ja tätä ennen olen kirjoittanut.
Tuesday, September 10, 2013
I m the lazy mouse.. or at least I m recognizing myself from this picture.. or kinda.
Yep wanted to share something I found from internet lol.
Yep wanted to share something I found from internet lol.
Friday, September 6, 2013
I really wish I had skills to make a fursuit.. Well meanwhile dreaming I can only draw.. Yes this picture is made by me.
And I was going
And I was going to learn that while relaxed and bored and listening music from Youtube I should not draw stuff...
Well I still do draw stuff. Heheh.
Here you have it folks! You asked for it!
And I was going to learn that while relaxed and bored and listening music from Youtube I should not draw stuff...
Well I still do draw stuff. Heheh.
Here you have it folks! You asked for it!
biker mice,
Thursday, September 5, 2013
There still is something dark inside me?
Okay so it was not so smart idea to kill two small tics I found from an other of my kittens fur. I just crushed them with pliers I found from dad's tool set. I dunno. I somehow felt really happy and relaxed while doing it.
Yes the some of you might remember the time when I had bad habit of writing and drawing really hard and bloody stuff..
And this one here is just minor example. I mean this fellow still had a change to survive unlike some others of my drawings.
Usually I let my mom to take care of killing them because I just kinda still seem to have the an other side of mine.. Yes when I was at school I was bullied and I kinda lost all human feelings of mine. There was a part of me who just wanted to tear everyone into peaces.. And yes I sadly feel that this shadow inside me has not yet dead unlike I tough. I was sure it was over but now I just realized even I did just kill couple of small insects I still found that there still is the dark side of mine left. The one that has no other feelings but thirst to get my hands covered with blood..
And somehow I find it heck of creepy.. Its not like I m going to kill any people. I never would allow myself to do that. I would never forgive myself. And after being Christian kid and believing Jesus loves everyone I would never dare to.. But yes. There still seems to be something dark left inside me. Something I haven't got known yet. I know my other trauma's and I know my wounds so I can treat them and they have started to heal. But I found that there still is something left. Something really dark and cold.
Something that I hope will never awake towards humans.
Yes. I know that I m over reacting and I know everyone of us has their shadows and bad sides. Also I know that my dark side is not even near the worst it could be.. but I still have to come face to face that I still have injuries inside my soul and still even I have started to feel like human I still have that "shadow" inside me..
Yea.. I really know what Kovu means in Lion King 2 with that ".. Maybe I got the darkness inside me too.."
Yep. its not nice but I have to live with it. Don't worry I m not going to hurt anyone who is able to breath. I m not the type. But stay tuned and be warned for blood in my art because now I m really feeling like drawing something that I m sure I will regret later on.
Yes the some of you might remember the time when I had bad habit of writing and drawing really hard and bloody stuff..
And this one here is just minor example. I mean this fellow still had a change to survive unlike some others of my drawings.
Usually I let my mom to take care of killing them because I just kinda still seem to have the an other side of mine.. Yes when I was at school I was bullied and I kinda lost all human feelings of mine. There was a part of me who just wanted to tear everyone into peaces.. And yes I sadly feel that this shadow inside me has not yet dead unlike I tough. I was sure it was over but now I just realized even I did just kill couple of small insects I still found that there still is the dark side of mine left. The one that has no other feelings but thirst to get my hands covered with blood..
And somehow I find it heck of creepy.. Its not like I m going to kill any people. I never would allow myself to do that. I would never forgive myself. And after being Christian kid and believing Jesus loves everyone I would never dare to.. But yes. There still seems to be something dark left inside me. Something I haven't got known yet. I know my other trauma's and I know my wounds so I can treat them and they have started to heal. But I found that there still is something left. Something really dark and cold.
Something that I hope will never awake towards humans.
Yes. I know that I m over reacting and I know everyone of us has their shadows and bad sides. Also I know that my dark side is not even near the worst it could be.. but I still have to come face to face that I still have injuries inside my soul and still even I have started to feel like human I still have that "shadow" inside me..
Yea.. I really know what Kovu means in Lion King 2 with that ".. Maybe I got the darkness inside me too.."
Yep. its not nice but I have to live with it. Don't worry I m not going to hurt anyone who is able to breath. I m not the type. But stay tuned and be warned for blood in my art because now I m really feeling like drawing something that I m sure I will regret later on.
Wednesday, September 4, 2013
I m starting to feel alive..
After using meds for depression for 3 years and soon 4 years I find it odd that today I have felt hungry. It feels like I had emty hollow spot inside me.. Its really odd feeling. And I also feel kinda cold chill in my hands.
Well I think I have nothing to worry after I bought little bit of chocolate cake from our school's coffeteria. Maybe after all it is the main reason I feel hungry.. because I want chocolate.
But yea I m just wanting to make sure that I follow and keep track about how I feel. '
The biggest change in my life for couple last days has been that I have started to play piano again. Maybe it has something to do with me being able to feel hunger again?
Well it is quite annoying to eat while you are not feeling hungry.
But yes rock on bros. 8-)
Well I think I have nothing to worry after I bought little bit of chocolate cake from our school's coffeteria. Maybe after all it is the main reason I feel hungry.. because I want chocolate.
But yea I m just wanting to make sure that I follow and keep track about how I feel. '
The biggest change in my life for couple last days has been that I have started to play piano again. Maybe it has something to do with me being able to feel hunger again?
Well it is quite annoying to eat while you are not feeling hungry.
But yes rock on bros. 8-)
Yes. Furries are cool and this is why I had to share it.
Picture made by QueenGalaxia from DeviantART.com
Tuesday, September 3, 2013
Pikkasen eteenpäin..
Tänään taas loin kirjautumispalvelimeen osioita ja täydensin eri kenttiä. Pitää vielä tehdä se vastaanottava palvelin-koodi jotta saan sen toimmimaan.
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