Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Updates on Weed

Hi. We are back from x-rays. There is no clear noticeable bone fracture but the sinew has partially loosen from the bone. Its still half attached to it on his left hind leg. Doctor put some bandgage on him but it fell straight when he walked trough dog gate on my door. Also when he tried to walk with it it seemed too heavy for him and it seemed just to give him more annoyence than use.
I might try make new bandage for him for the night to support the leg. But he is a cat and the vet warned us that it might slip loose really soon.

He got some  inflammatory drugs and order for house arrest for 3 weeks. We should try look after him so he would not jump around indoors either. But he loves jumping and sitting in high places and begging for food. First thing he did once he got home was rush to my room for cat food.

We will have to go for check up visit within 2-3 weeks afterwards to decide whatever we will keep giving him the painkillers for rest of his life. Im relieved to hear that it was not broken bone, but I m still bit worried. Now all I can hope is that the feet heals itself. But the hard factor is that Weedi is already 13 years old, and old cats heal slower than the young ones.
But Im hovewer grateful to have my "big baby boy" back home safe. Also I  owe to my in real life best friend for life for driving me to the wet and back home. You are the best sister! I dunno what would I have done with out you. Normally I would have bugged my mom into it, since I live with my family, but our car is currently under repairs.

But ya. Now I feel much more relaxed than I did before going to the wet. I might be able to get something to eat and maybe do some streaming that I ve have longing to do for a week. Only dark cloud in my life now is the literal ones because I can see them in the sky, and I can also feel my thunder headache poking my brains.

But in short he has a fracture where the area of ​​attachment of the joint, the plexus or the muscle stroke is torn off the bone at least partially.

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