Good morning. This morning to me started really slowly due to the reason I was finding it hard timt to shoo Weedi from my bed. It seems the painkiller shot he got helped, and he was finally able to sleep after being in great pain all day long.
He even was purring again in the evening. I gave it in after midnight in a way that I first carried small babydoll-sized copy of my bed that we had in kitchen to my room, then brought some water to my room, and brought some catfood.
When Weedi saw food he carefully stepped down from my bed using small stool I had put next to the bed. Then he rushed to eat. He must have felt like a little princess again because normally my room is where "the littlemen", aka Zorro and Veli normally dine, while Weed eats in our dressing room, wich is next to the showers. Its warm there and its has many places he can sit and lay dow.
We feed them separetely because while Zorro lets everyone push him around and and is more than willing to let someone else to eat his food I have hands down to work to make sure Veli wont shoo Zorro away from food. And like Veli does not act aggressively at all, mere the fact of Veli walking near the food and smelling it is enough to make Zorro back down. And Veli has habit of tasting bit of food from both of the cups and just leaving it there. But since Veli has tasted from them Zorro thinks they belong to Veli. And then no one eats the food. And Weedi is already too well known for "coming to clean the plates" afterwards. We usually let Zorro come and eat it during the night time. Yes, Zorro eats when he is hungry, but because he rarely moves anywhere and he just is lazy with me he rarely feels the need to eat so much.
But ya, tonight Weedi was sleeping in my room. While I went to the kitchen I saw Zorro sitting middle of kitchen's table and staring at me with judgement in his eyes. Usually he is the one who sleeps next me till I fall a sleep. He is something I call "my autistic little princess.." because the way he acts to things. He is really cute and I m partially to blame, okay I m all to blame for it because Ive been mothering him and spoiling him rotten from the moment I got the cat twins Zorro and Veli.
After having the dream come true from Weedi and eating in my room with permission he laid rest, not to the bed I carried for him, but on floor. I told him good night, and I told him he is free to use both the bed on the floor or my bed. I even moved him to the doll bed. But as I turned off lights I noticed him walking back to my bed and falling a sleep next to my feet. He stayed there till morning.
Now he is super active. He still seems to be putting less weight on the left hind leg, but he is acting his normal impulsive self. And he wants to go out for a jog. I saw him standing on his both hind legs and scratching the door a while ago.
I feel so bad for him because we cant let him out, because we are taking him to the x-rays at 15:30 local time, and we cant have him running around harming the leg more before we know whats wrong with it.
I just hope my mom can take Weed's tantrums for jumping around the tables and showing of that "his leg is just fine and he can go out." He clearly is trying to show us up that he is just fine.
But Im really worried for him, because he is already been 13 years in the family. To me letting go of a friend or family member is really hard thing to do. And when anything is wrong with one of "my furr babies" I tend to worry sick. Like yesterday I did not eat anything before we were back from the doctor and I noticed that I was starting to feel really weak and fainthy.
My mom is super stressed too. She cried a lot. And I was at the verge of crying too. Those who know me that sometimes the pain is so numming that I cant even cry. I m too in shock and the tears come afterwards when the shock wears off. I m still at shock how my poor furbaby could get hurt. We still dont know what happened to him. It might have been a clash with a car or something.
But ya, I m trying to act as a barrier between Weed's showoffs and mom's stress. I hope everything returns to the normal soon.
Because atm while I would love to stream I dunno if I can. Because I feel so much like I m having panic attack myself for all that is going on.
Even everything seems to be okay atm. But Weed jumping around with broken leg is making my mom jump at it and nervous. I will post more when I know more .. Unless something so bad happens that I cant even open computer. You know what I mean.
When Viikka died I was not able to think straight. I was a mess. And I was pissed at everyone and everything. And I did not even like the dog so much. He was like an annoying baby brother to me. But I like fell for him due the time of his last month he looked for pets and ease from me too.
I know I m most likely over reacting and acting like stupid drama llama but I just wish my furr baby is okay.
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