Saturday, February 22, 2025


Im glad Bibas family is home, but Im so devastated to what was done to the children. Who kills children and babies on purpose with their own bare hands? Who strangles babies?

Worst kind of animalistic behavior. Someone on Tiktok had brilliant phrase for this;

"They are not even monsters, because monsters need a beating flesh heart to live and still have hearts in their chest that beat "

I know Im harsh but I notice now that all people who made me uncomfortable before and who have cut all ties to me because I support Israel and think Bible is unchanged word of God are all same character thrope that puts 🍉 after their name on Tiktok and who show srtong narcissistic traits which are even stronger when I learned to recognize DARVO. 

What Wikipedia has to say:

DARVO (an acronym for "deny, attack, and reverse victim & offender") is a reaction that perpetrators of wrongdoing, such as sexual offenders, may display in response to being held accountable for their behavior.

Some researchers indicate that it is a common manipulation strategy of psychological abusers.

DARVO is a tactic used by a perpetrator to avoid accountability for their actions. As the acronym suggests, DARVO commonly involves these steps:

The perpetrator denies the harm or abuse ever took place.

When confronted with evidence, the perpetrator then attacks the person that they had harmed, or are still harming. The attacker may also attack the victim's family and/or friends.

Finally, the perpetrator claims that they were or are actually the victim in the situation, thus reversing the positions of victim and offender It often involves not just playing the victim but also victim blaming.

These tactics are similar to other techniques used by perpetrators to avoid accountability by manipulating observers's perceptions of events.

 Researchers have noted similarities to outrage management, where a perpetrator tries to make observers think better of themself and their actions so they can avoid consequences. 

This strategy often involves denying the victim's version of events and trying to make observers doubt the victim's credibility, which are both key aspects of DARVO

Relevant techniques also include playing the victim and playing the hero, which perpetrators use to downplay the harm seen in their behavior.

 In playing the victim, a perpetrator highlights their own past suffering to attempt to be seen as a victim as well, and in playing the hero, a perpetrator admits to some amount of wrongdoing but highlights their own past good deeds to mitigate their harmful ones.

 Both techniques may come into play for the denying or reversing stages of DARVO.


The acronym and the analysis it is based on come from the work of the psychologist Jennifer Freyd, who wrote about it in 1997.

 The first stage of DARVO, denial, involves gaslighting.

Freyd writes:

... I have observed that actual abusers threaten, bully and make a nightmare for anyone who holds them accountable or asks them to change their abusive behavior. This attack, intended to chill and terrify, typically includes threats of law suits, overt and covert attacks on the whistle-blower's credibility, and so on. The attack will often take the form of focusing on ridiculing the person who attempts to hold the offender accountable. [...] [T]he offender rapidly creates the impression that the abuser is the wronged one, while the victim or concerned observer is the offender. Figure and ground are completely reversed. [...] The offender is on the offense and the person attempting to hold the offender accountable is put on the defense.

Research on interpersonal violence has mostly focused on how perpetrators use individual components or steps of DARVO, rather than studying them in combination. However, studies before and after DARVO was coined found a correlation between perpetrators who minimized or denied their wrongdoing and those who reversed the positions of victim and offender. Research during the 2010s began to focus on the use and effect of DARVO tactics in combination, suggesting that DARVO is a common tactic used by perpetrators.

Usage and effectiveness?

Freyd stated that DARVO is frequently used and effective, although the number of people who are inclined to believe a DARVO response decreases once they understand the tactic.

 However, the examination and determination of who is using DARVO proves to be difficult until the abuser and the victim in a case are clearly established.

Where DARVO is used?

Studies on the prevalence of DARVO suggest it is a common tactic used by perpetrators when they are confronted over their behavior, regardless of the type of harm they have caused. One study of undergraduates who had confronted someone over a harmful event found that DARVO was used by 72% of the perpetrators during the confrontation.

 The offenses ranged from social mistreatment, like betrayed secrets, to interpersonal violence, like sexual assault or child abuse. 

DARVO is particularly likely in cases of sexual violence, with one study of women who had been sexually assaulted at university reporting that half of the perpetrators involved had used elements of DARVO in later conversations.

DARVO has been studied and documented in specific contexts beyond those of interpersonal violence. DARVO has been labeled in some cases of medical malpractice, where victim blaming is already common since doctors and hospitals generally refuse to admit their mistakes due to legal risk.

DARVO has also been cited as common in workplace bullying and toxic workplace culture. In the case of academia, when professors try to report bullying, DARVO tactics often compel them to stop speaking up, adding to their trauma and contributing to a culture of silence.

This thing is too rooted to our culture and is seen on people worldwide.

What Ive noted the more person hates Israel and Jews and is only a culturar Christian or is under delusion that since Jesus paid all their sins and Father God does not see the sins no more means they are so free from sin, that all they do is automatically good and righteous and feel they need to silence and bully people who they manipulate, lie and yell at when no one is looking the more risk there is they will try gaslighting and DARVO at me.

People who support so called fantasy land called Palestine also do this a lot.

They are utterly unable to recognize Hamas as any fault on what happens in Gaza.

They are so filled with arrogant hate and hatred that they only see what Hamas claims Israel has done but do not recognize that kidnapping Bibas children and strangling them with their own bare hands and then mutilating the bodies after death is pure evil.

And yes, we DO have the medical reports made by team of forensic pathologists and coroners, specializing in post-mortem examinations, forensic medicine, and crime scene investigation.

Bibas babies were strangled and killed on purpose and their bodies were mutilated and terrible things were done to them after their deaths.

 Yes, modern techniques allows to recognize which injuries were done before and after death.

I used to question my own sanity as 5-10 years old asking myself why Im so scared of humans thinking everyone would do something bad to me or my mother or my family. 

Now I understand why. Humanity is pure evil and I know this is the end times become "love of many has grown cold."

If you believe in God now it is time to admit it and pray. Pray in name of Jesus that what comes next comes quickly and you are included in the rapture because when the antichrist comes its very very bad.

Also Im beyond sadness that also Shiri Bibas was murderd. Her body was handed out last night after Hamas was called out for giving wrong body as Shiri first. They are pure evil and everyone who supports them is one of them. Every Pro Palestinian is pure evil and I want nothing to do with their kind.

If you support mutilating and strangling babies and raping women you are a monster.

Yes Israel is not perfect but still, only people who think their side is perfect and pure of any wrongs is DARVO loving pro Pallywood useful idiots who march for ideologies that call out for real genocide.

Also did you know they tried to repeat October 7 day before yesterday night? God stopped them and their plans were foiled. But if you support so called Palestine this is your legacy.

Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Psalmi 83

Onko Psalmin 83 sota jo tapahtunut – vai onko se vielĂ€ edessĂ€?

TÀssÀ on koko Psalmi 83 kÀÀnnettynÀ AMP (Amplified Bible) versiosta.

1 Jumala, Ă€lĂ€ ole hiljaa! ÄlĂ€ ole vaiti Ă€lĂ€kĂ€ pysy toimettomana, oi Jumala!

2 SillÀ katso, vihollisesi aiheuttavat meteliÀ, ja ne, jotka vihaavat Sinua, nostavat pÀÀnsÀ.

3 He tekevÀt juonittelua kansaasi vastaan ja neuvottelevat salaa niitÀ vastaan, jotka SinÀ olet suojellut.

4 He ovat sanoneet: "Tulkaa, hÀvittÀkÀÀmme heidÀt kansana, niin ettÀ Israelin nimi ei enÀÀ ole muistossa."

5 SillÀ he ovat yksimielisesti liittoutuneet; he tekevÀt liiton Sinua vastaan:

6 Edomin teltat ja ismaelilaiset, Moab ja hagrilaiset,

7 Gebal ja Ammon ja Amalek, Filistea asukkaineen Tyyrosta.

8 Myös Assyria on liittynyt heihin; he ovat tulleet avuksi Lootin jÀlkelÀisille. (Sela)

9 Tee heille kuten teit Midianille, kuten teit Siseralle ja Jabinille Kisonin purolla,

10 jotka tuhottiin Endorissa ja muuttuivat lannaksi maalle.

11 Tee heidÀn johtajistaan kuin Oreb ja Seeb, ja kaikista heidÀn ruhtinaistaan kuin Sebah ja Salmunna,

12 jotka sanoivat: "Ottakaamme Jumalan niityt perinnöksi itsellemme."

13 Jumalani, tee heistÀ kuin pyörivÀ pölypilvi, kuin akanat, joita tuuli kuljettaa.

14 Niin kuin tuli polttaa metsÀn, ja niin kuin liekit sytyttÀvÀt vuoret tuleen,

15 vainoa heitÀ myrskytuulellasi ja kauhistuta heidÀt hirmumyrskyllÀsi.

16 PeitÀ heidÀn kasvonsa hÀpeÀllÀ, jotta he etsisivÀt Sinun nimeÀsi, Herra.

17 Olkoot he hÀpeissÀÀn ja jÀrkyttyneitÀ ikuisesti; olkoot he nöyryytettyjÀ ja hukkuisivat.

18 Jotta he tietÀisivÀt, ettÀ Sinun nimesi on Herra, yksin SinÀ olet Korkein yli koko maan.

TÀmÀ psalmi on vahva rukous Jumalan vÀliintulosta Israelin puolesta sen vihollisia vastaan. Se ei ole ainoastaan historiallinen kertomus, vaan voi olla myös prof

Psalmi 83 kuvaa liittoumaa, joka yrittÀÀ hĂ€vittÀÀ Israelin, mutta joutuu Jumalan tuhoamaksi. Monet ajattelevat, ettĂ€ tĂ€mĂ€ sota olisi jo tapahtunut historiassa – mutta kun katsomme tarkemmin, mitÀÀn tĂ€llaista suurta yhteenliittymÀÀ Israelia vastaan ei ole koskaan tapahtunut. TĂ€mĂ€ tarkoittaa, ettĂ€ kyseessĂ€ on mahdollisesti tulevaisuuden konflikti, joka voi toteutua lopun aikoina.

Psalmi 83 mainitsee seuraavat kansat:
✅ Edom → Jordania, osia Saudi-Arabiasta
✅ Ismaelilaiset → Arabivaltiot (Saudi-Arabia, Yhdistyneet arabiemiirikunnat jne.)
✅ Moab ja Ammon → Jordania
✅ Hagrilaiset → Egypti
✅ Gebal → Libanon
✅ Amalek → Osia EgyptistĂ€ ja Gazasta
✅ Filistea → Gaza (palestiinalaiset)
✅ Tyros → Libanon (Hizbollah)
✅ Assyria → Irak, Syyria
✅ He liittoutuivat Assyrian kanssa → Mahdollisesti Iranin tai muiden islamilaisten valtioiden tuki

TÀssÀ psalmissa nÀmÀ kansat muodostavat yhteisen sotilasliiton Israelia vastaan ja tavoittelevat sen tuhoa:

"He ovat sanoneet: 'Tulkaa, hÀvittÀkÀÀmme heidÀt kansana, niin ettÀ Israelin nimi ei enÀÀ ole muistossa.'" (Psalmi 83:4 AMP)

Mutta tÀtÀ sotaa ei ole koskaan kirjattu historiassa tapahtuneeksi juuri tÀssÀ muodossa. Koskaan ei ole ollut sotaa, jossa juuri nÀmÀ kansat yhdessÀ olisivat hyökÀnneet Israelia vastaan ja kokeneet Jumalan tuhoavan tappion.

Voisiko tÀmÀ sota olla vielÀ edessÀ? NÀemme tÀnÀkin pÀivÀnÀ, miten nÀmÀ samat maat vihaavat Israelia ja haluavat sen tuhoutuvan. Kun katsomme LÀhi-idÀn tilannetta, onko tÀmÀ sota jo oven takana?

#Psalmi83 #Israel #RaamatunProfetiat #LÀhiItÀ

Tuesday, February 11, 2025


Is Salvation by Faith Alone a Trick? Or Is It the Only Truth?

Many religious groups, like Jehovah’s Witnesses, teach that you must work for salvation, proving yourself worthy. But if that were true, it would mean:
❌ Jesus’ sacrifice was not enough.
❌ No one could ever be sure they are saved.
❌ Salvation would be a burden instead of a gift.

But What Does the Bible Say?

Ephesians 2:8-9 (AMP)"For it is by grace [God’s remarkable compassion and favor drawing you to Christ] that you have been saved through faith. And this [salvation] is not of yourselves [not through your own effort], but it is the [undeserved, gracious] gift of God; not as a result of [your] works, so that no one will [be able to] boast."

John 19:30"It is finished!" (τΔτέλΔσταÎč – Paid in full!)

Jesus completed salvation on the cross! If we had to add to it, that would mean grace is meaningless (Romans 11:6).

Why Works-Based Salvation Is a Lie

Jehovah’s Witnesses and similar groups believe:
🔾 You must earn salvation by following strict rules.
🔾 Jesus is not fully God, contradicting John 8:24.
🔾 Salvation depends on your performance, not God's grace.

But Jesus says:
John 8:36 (AMP)"If the Son makes you free, then you are unquestionably free."
Matthew 11:28 (AMP)"Come to Me, all who are weary and heavily burdened [by religious rituals that provide no peace], and I will give you rest."

How Can You Know You Have the Truth?

1️⃣ Does it align with the Bible? (JW beliefs twist Scripture.)
2️⃣ Does it bring freedom or fear? (Salvation by faith brings peace, works-based salvation brings slavery.)
3️⃣ Does it exalt Jesus as God and Savior? (JW beliefs lower Jesus’ divine status.)

Salvation is not about earning it—it is about trusting Jesus, who already paid for it. If works could save us, no one would ever be good enough (Romans 3:23).

Final Truth: Salvation Is by Faith Alone!

If you believe in Jesus and trust His finished work, you are saved—not because you earned it, but because of His grace.

#JesusPaidItAll #SalvationByFaith #GraceNotWorks #TruthSetsYouFree

Friday, February 7, 2025

MikÀ henki sinulle puhuu?

Ero synnistĂ€ vakuuttamisen ja tuomitsemisen vĂ€lillĂ€ – Miten tunnistaa, mikĂ€ henki meille puhuu?

Raamatussa on selkeÀ ero kahden kÀsitteen vÀlillÀ: synnistÀ vakuuttaminen [jonkun asian nimeÀminen synniksi ettÀ tÀmÀ on syntiÀ ja synti on meille itselle haitallista koska sen avulla paha saa niinsanotun laillisen oikeuden kiusata meitÀ] ja tuomitseminen ilman armoa. PyhÀ Henki ja saatanalliset voimat toimivat tÀysin vastakkaisesti.

PyhĂ€ Henki paljastaa synnin rakkaudessa – tarkoituksena on pelastus ja muutos

📖 Hepreaksi: Ś™ָŚ›ַŚ— (yakach) – paljastaa, nĂ€yttÀÀ todeksi, ojentaa
📖 Kreikaksi: áŒÎ»Î­ÎłÏ‡Ï‰ (elengchƍ) – nuhdella, paljastaa, todistaa vÀÀrĂ€ksi

PyhĂ€n Hengen tehtĂ€vĂ€ on paljastaa synnin todellisuus, mutta ei tuomitakseen meitĂ€ toivottomuuteen, vaan johdattaakseen meidĂ€t muuttamaan sitĂ€ mitĂ€ mieltĂ€ olemme asioista sen kautta ettĂ€ hĂ€n rakentaa meissĂ€ uutta , (Raamatun sana katumus on oikeasti kÀÀnnettynĂ€ metanoia, "”ɛtĂĄvola", mielen muutos )ja Jumalan lapseuteen (Vastaanotamaan ja hyvĂ€ksymÀÀn uuden identiteetin ettĂ€ kun meitĂ€ kysyy keitĂ€ me olemme sanoisimme ettĂ€ olemme Jumalan lapsia esim suomalaisuuden tai tĂ€ysin toivottoman ja rikkinĂ€isen sijaan, Jumalalle mikÀÀn ei ole mahdotonta. )

Kun PyhÀ Henki puhuu meille synnistÀmme, se ei ole kiusaamista, syyttÀmistÀ tai hylkÀÀmistÀ (HÀn ei ole se joka kiusaa ja nauraa ja syyttÀÀ meitÀ sanoen ettÀ 'ei tuollainen likainen ja huono saa tulla Jumalan luokse, Jeesuksen veri ei riitÀ sinulle') . Se mitÀ PyhÀ Henki tekee on rakkaudellista ojennusta, joka saa meidÀt ymmÀrtÀmÀÀn, ettÀ synti on vahingollista (vaarallista meille koska vaikka kaikki on meille luvallista jotkin asiat ovat haitaksi koska niiden kautta pahuus saa ns luvan kiusata mitÀ kun valitsemme seurata syntiÀ Jeesuksen tahdon sijaan ja sen kautta meille itselle tulee paha olla kun pahuus ja pahan voimat roikkuisi meistÀ kiinni tukahduttaen meidÀn shalom rauhan), mutta Kristuksessa on vapaus.

đŸ”č Joh. 16:8 (AMP):
"Ja kun HĂ€n tulee, HĂ€n paljastaa ja vakuuttaa maailman synnin todellisuudesta [sen todellisen olemuksen, synnin syyllisyyden], vanhurskaudesta [Jumalan olemuksen ja tarkoituksen] ja tuomiosta [Jumalan oikeudenmukaisuudesta]."

PyhÀ Henki ei ainoastaan osoita syntiÀ, vaan tarjoaa meille tavan pÀÀstÀ siitÀ vapaaksi. HÀn haluaa tehdÀ meissÀ työtÀ, rakentaa uutta elÀmÀÀ sisimpÀÀmme. PyhÀ Henki ei vie meiltÀ jotain pois ilman, ettÀ tuo tilalle jotain parempaa ja jo aloita uuden rakentamista ettÀ vanhaa ei enÀÀ tarvita. Uudistuksen myötÀ vanha elÀmÀ jÀÀ taakse luonnollisesti, kuin pois putoava painolasti.

Jumala ei pakota meitĂ€ muuttumaan, vaan odottaa suostumustamme. Kun annamme PyhĂ€n Hengen tehdĂ€ työtÀÀn, me muutumme vĂ€hitellen, emmekĂ€ enÀÀ halua entisiĂ€ asioita. TĂ€mĂ€ prosessi on pyhitys, ja se tapahtuu suhteessa Jeesukseen, kun ihminen valitsee tietoisesti kuulua HĂ€nelle. Pyhitysprosessi on seurausta siitĂ€ ettĂ€ ihminen tekee uskonratkaisun ja haluaa kuulua Jeesukselle ja tekee pÀÀtöksen ettĂ€ ei halua kuulua enÀÀ saatanalle. Yksinkertaisesti sen aloittamiseen ei ole mitÀÀn erityisiĂ€ sanoja, pyytÀÀ vaan ettĂ€ Jeesus ottaa omakseen, ja tekee tietoisen pÀÀtöksen, ettĂ€ nyt haluaa olla Jeesuksen oma. 

Saatana tuomitsee ilman toivoa – tarkoituksena on epĂ€toivo ja ero Jeesuksesta

📖 Hepreaksi: ŚšָŚ©ַׁŚą (rasha') – tuomita syylliseksi, hylĂ€tĂ€, saattaa tuhoon
📖 Kreikaksi: ÎșαταÎșÏÎŻÎœÏ‰ (katakrinƍ) – tuomita ansaitsemaan rangaistus

Saatana taas on syyttÀjÀ, joka haluaa meidÀn uskovan, ettÀ synnin vuoksi meillÀ ei ole pÀÀsyÀ Jumalan luo. HÀn tuo ajatuksiimme jatkuvia syytöksiÀ, mutta ei tarjoa ulospÀÀsyÀ. Saatana haluaa meidÀn ajattelevan, ettÀ Jeesuksen sovitustyö ristillÀ ei ollut riittÀvÀ meidÀn kohdallamme.

💡 MistĂ€ tunnistamme, ettĂ€ kyseessĂ€ on saatanallinen syytös eikĂ€ PyhĂ€n Hengen työ?

Saatanan syytökset saavat meidÀt tuntemaan, ettei meillÀ ole lupaa lÀhestyÀ Jeesusta.

HÀn haluaa meidÀn tuntevan itsemme toivottomiksi, niin ettÀ vetÀydymme pois Jumalan rakkaudesta.

HÀnen tavoitteensa on estÀÀ meitÀ nojautumasta Jeesukseen, koska hÀn tietÀÀ, ettÀ Jeesuksen kautta kaikki kahleemme murenevat pala palalta.

đŸ”č Room. 8:1 (AMP):
"Joten nyt ei ole mitÀÀn tuomiota [ei syytöstÀ, ei vÀÀrÀÀ tuomiota] niille, jotka ovat Kristuksessa Jeesuksessa [jotka uskovat HÀneen vapauttavana Herrana]."

Saatana pelkÀÀ sitÀ, ettÀ ihminen nojautuu Kristukseen kaikessa heikkoudessaan, sillÀ silloin hÀn alkaa menettÀÀ otettaan meistÀ. Pahan valta vÀhenee joka kerta, kun turvaamme Jeesukseen.

Miten tunnistaa, kumpi ÀÀni puhuu sinulle?

✅ PyhĂ€ Henki: "TĂ€mĂ€ asia ei kuulu sinulle enÀÀ, olet uusi luomus. Minulla on parempi suunnitelma sinulle."
➡️ Se johtaa vapauteen ja Kristuksen lĂ€heisyyteen.

❌ Saatana: "Et ole tarpeeksi hyvĂ€. Ei sinulle ole armoa. Jumala ei voi rakastaa sinua tĂ€llaisena."
➡️ Se johtaa epĂ€toivoon ja eroon Jumalasta.

Jos synnintunto ajaa sinua Jeesuksen luo ja saa sinut kaipaamaan HÀntÀ, se on PyhÀn Hengen työtÀ. Jos tunnet toivottomuutta ja hÀpeÀÀ, joka ajaa sinut pois Jumalasta, se on saatanan työtÀ.

Jeesus on ainoa toivomme – PyhĂ€ Henki uudistaa meidĂ€t HĂ€nen kaltaisekseen

Pyhitys ei ole itsensÀ korjaamista, vaan Jeesuksen haluamista enemmÀn kuin syntiÀ. PyhÀ Henki ei jÀtÀ meitÀ yksin prosessiin, vaan rakentaa uutta meihin, ja sitÀ mukaa kun uutta tulee, vanha menettÀÀ otteensa meistÀ.

🙏 ÄlĂ€ usko vihollisen valheita, ettĂ€ et voi tulla Jeesuksen luo rikkinĂ€isenĂ€. Juuri siksi Jeesus tuli – jotta HĂ€nen voimansa voisi sinut muuttaa!

Ja kyllÀ, synti on yhÀ syntiÀ ja meitÀ on kutsuttu mielenmuutoksen ettÀ antaisimme PyhÀlle Hengelle luvan koskea meidÀn elÀmÀmme jokaiseen osa-alueeseen. Mutta toisin, kuin monet opettavat muutos ei riipu yksin sinusta. PyhÀ Henki on se, joka odottaa herrasmiehenÀ, ettÀ sinÀ annat hÀnelle luvan tulla elÀmÀÀsi ja annat hÀnelle pÀÀsyn kaikkein kipeÀmpiin haavoihin ja kipuun ja annat HÀnen hoitaa ja pestÀ sinua Jumalan sanalla, rakkaudella ja lÀsnÀololla.

PyhÀ Henki ei ole mikÀÀn hömelö kyyhkynen, ja vÀhempiarvoinen tai sekava persoonaton voima. HÀn on itse Jumala, ja Jumalan hengitystÀ. HÀn ei ei myöskÀÀn ole tuuli vaikka Ruach Hepreaksi kÀÀnnetÀÀnkin tuuli.

HÀn on se puolustaja jonka Jeesus lupasi kaikille, jotka hÀneen uskoo. Anna hÀnelle tÀnÀÀn lupa rakastaa sinua.

Jesaja 1:18 (AMP, suomennettuna)
"»Tulkaa nyt, ja selvittĂ€kÀÀmme tĂ€mĂ€ [asia]», sanoo Herra. «Vaikka teidĂ€n syntinne ovat kuin purppura, ne tulevat valkoisiksi kuin lumi; vaikka ne ovat verenpunaiset, ne tulevat olemaan kuin villa."

Jumala haluaa juuri sinun kanssasi keskinÀisen ja elÀvÀn suhteen, jossa voitte jutella aivan kaikesta ja aivan kaikista mielessÀ ja elÀmÀssÀsi olevista asioista. HÀn on hyvÀ ja rakastava IsÀ, jonka oma kÀsivarsi nimeltÀÀn Jeesus maksoi tÀyden hinnan jotta sinÀ voisit viettÀÀ HÀnen kanssaan ikuisuuden.

Conviction of Sin vs Condemnation

The Difference Between Conviction of Sin and Condemnation – How to Recognize Which Spirit is Speaking to Us

The Bible makes a clear distinction between two concepts: conviction of sin [naming something as sin and recognizing that sin is harmful to us because it gives evil a so-called legal right to tempt and afflict us] and condemnation without mercy. The Holy Spirit and satanic forces operate in completely opposite ways.

The Holy Spirit Reveals Sin in Love – The Goal is Salvation and Transformation

📖 Hebrew: Ś™ָŚ›ַŚ— (yakach) – to reveal, to prove, to correct
📖 Greek: áŒÎ»Î­ÎłÏ‡Ï‰ (elengchƍ) – to rebuke, to expose, to prove wrong

The role of the Holy Spirit is to reveal the reality of sin—not to condemn us to despair, but to lead us to change our understanding (the biblical word for repentance is actually metanoia (”ɛtĂĄvola), meaning "change of mind") and to bring us into the adoption of God’s family (to receive and accept a new identity, so that when asked who we are, we would say we are children of God instead of identifying primarily with nationality or a hopeless, broken state—because for God, nothing is impossible).

When the Holy Spirit speaks to us about our sin, it is not temptation, accusation, or rejection. (He is not the one who tempts, laughs at, or accuses us, saying, “Someone as filthy and bad as you cannot come to God; Jesus' blood is not enough for you.”) What the Holy Spirit does is loving correction, helping us understand that sin is harmful (dangerous to us because, even though all things are permissible, some things are harmful as they allow evil to afflict us when we choose sin over Jesus’ will, leading to personal suffering as evil clings to us, suppressing our shalom peace). However, in Christ, there is freedom.

đŸ”č John 16:8 (AMP):
"And when He comes, He will convict the world about the reality of sin [its true nature and guilt], and [about] righteousness [God’s standard] and judgment [God’s justice]."

The Holy Spirit does not only point out sin but also provides a way to be free from it. He wants to work in us, to build a new life within us. The Holy Spirit does not take something away from us without replacing it with something better, and He begins the work of renewal so that the old is no longer needed. As renewal happens, the old life naturally falls away, like a weight dropping off.

God does not force us to change but waits for our consent. When we allow the Holy Spirit to work, we gradually change and no longer desire the old things. This process is sanctification, which happens in a relationship with Jesus when a person consciously chooses to belong to Him. Sanctification follows from the decision to believe in Jesus and to belong to Him, making a decision not to belong to Satan anymore. The process begins simply—not through any specific words, but by asking Jesus to take you as His own and consciously deciding that you want to be His.

Satan Condemns Without Hope – The Goal is Despair and Separation from Jesus

📖 Hebrew: ŚšָŚ©ַׁŚą (rasha') – to condemn as guilty, to reject, to lead to destruction
📖 Greek: ÎșαταÎșÏÎŻÎœÏ‰ (katakrinƍ) – to condemn as deserving punishment

Satan, on the other hand, is the accuser who wants us to believe that because of sin, we have no access to God. He places constant accusations in our thoughts but offers no way out. Satan wants us to think that Jesus' atonement on the cross was not sufficient for us.

💡 How can we recognize when the accusation is from Satan and not the Holy Spirit’s work?

Satan's accusations make us feel like we have no right to approach Jesus.

He wants us to feel hopeless, so that we withdraw from God’s love.

His goal is to prevent us from leaning on Jesus, because he knows that through Jesus, all our chains break piece by piece.

đŸ”č Romans 8:1 (AMP):
"Therefore there is now no condemnation [no guilty verdict, no punishment] for those who are in Christ Jesus [who believe in Him as their Lord and Savior]."

Satan fears when a person leans on Christ in their weakness because then he begins to lose his grip on them. The power of evil diminishes each time we trust in Jesus.

How to Recognize Which Voice is Speaking to You

✅ The Holy Spirit:
"This no longer belongs to you; you are a new creation. I have a better plan for you."
➡️ Leads to freedom and closeness with Christ.

❌ Satan:
"You are not good enough. There is no grace for you. God cannot love someone like you."
➡️ Leads to despair and separation from God.

If conviction of sin drives you to Jesus and makes you long for Him, it is the Holy Spirit’s work. If you feel hopelessness and shame that pushes you away from God, it is Satan’s work.

Jesus is Our Only Hope – The Holy Spirit Renews Us to Be Like Him

Sanctification is not about fixing oneself but about desiring Jesus more than sin. The Holy Spirit does not leave us alone in this process but builds something new within us. And as He brings in the new, the old naturally loses its hold on us.

🙏 Do not believe the enemy’s lies that you cannot come to Jesus while broken. That is exactly why Jesus came—to change you by His power!

Yes, sin is still sin, and we are called to transformation, allowing the Holy Spirit to touch every area of our lives. But unlike what many teach, transformation does not depend on you alone. The Holy Spirit is the one who, like a gentleman, waits for you to allow Him into your life, to grant Him access to your deepest wounds and pain, and to let Him heal and cleanse you with God’s Word, love, and presence.

The Holy Spirit is not some foolish dove, a lesser being, or an impersonal, chaotic force. He is God Himself—God’s very breath. He is not just “the wind,” even though Ruach in Hebrew can be translated as “wind.”

He is the Advocate Jesus promised to all who believe in Him. Give Him permission today to love you.

đŸ”č Isaiah 1:18 (AMP, translated):
"Come now, and let us reason together," says the Lord. "Though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they are red like crimson, they shall be like wool."

God wants a personal, living relationship with you—where you can talk about anything and everything on your mind and in your life. He is a good and loving Father, whose own arm, named Jesus, paid the full price so that you could spend eternity with Him.

Wednesday, February 5, 2025

Herran vÀkevin profeetta?

Dr. David Owuor on tunnettu kenialainen saarnaaja, joka on herĂ€ttĂ€nyt keskustelua vĂ€itteillÀÀn ja opetuksillaan. HĂ€n on muun muassa vĂ€ittĂ€nyt olevansa Ilmestyskirjan luvussa 11 mainittu sĂ€kkipukuinen profeetta. 

Jotkut hĂ€nen vĂ€itteistÀÀn, kuten itsensĂ€ kirkastuminen HelsingissĂ€ pidetyssĂ€ kokouksessa, ovat herĂ€ttĂ€neet kritiikkiĂ€ ja epĂ€ilyksiĂ€ valokuvien aitoudesta. 

Raamatun mukaan lopun aikojen kaksi todistajaa ovat kaksi erillistÀ henkilöÀ, jotka profetoivat 1260 pÀivÀn ajan. Raamattu ei tue ajatusta, ettÀ yksi henkilö voisi olla molemmat todistajat samassa ruumiissa.

LisÀksi Raamattu varoittaa vÀÀristÀ profeetoista, jotka voivat johtaa harhaan. On tÀrkeÀÀ arvioida jokaisen opettajan opetuksia Raamatun valossa ja olla varuillaan opetuksista, jotka eivÀt ole linjassa Raamatun sanan kanssa.

NÀiden seikkojen perusteella Dr. Owuorin vÀitteet herÀttÀvÀt kysymyksiÀ hÀnen opetustensa raamatullisuudesta.

Profeetta Dr. David Owuor painottaa opetuksissaan voimakkaasti parannuksenteon, pyhyyden ja kuuliaisuuden merkitystĂ€ pelastuksen kannalta. HĂ€n opettaa, ettĂ€ usko Jeesukseen Kristukseen on vĂ€lttĂ€mĂ€töntĂ€, mutta se ei yksin riitĂ€ – ihmisen on myös elettĂ€vĂ€ pyhÀÀ ja synnitöntĂ€ elĂ€mÀÀ pÀÀstĂ€kseen taivaaseen.

Onko tÀmÀ raamatullista?

Raamattu opettaa selkeÀsti, ettÀ pelastus tulee yksin armosta uskon kautta, ei tekojen kautta:

Ef. 2:8-9 (AMP):
"SillÀ armosta te olette pelastetut (vapautetut Jumalan tuomiosta) uskon kautta; ettekÀ omasta ansiostanne (se ei ole omien tekojenne seurausta), vaan se on Jumalan lahja; ei tekojen kautta (ei henkilökohtaisten ansioiden kautta), ettei kukaan voisi ylpeillÀ tai ottaa siitÀ kunniaa itselleen."

Room. 3:28 (AMP):
"PÀÀtÀmme siis, ettÀ ihminen tulee vanhurskautetuksi ja saa Jumalan hyvÀksynnÀn uskon kautta, erillÀÀn tekojen kuuliaisuudesta Laille."

Owuorin opetusten ongelma

Vaikka Raamattu kyllÀ kehottaa kristittyjÀ elÀmÀÀn pyhÀÀ elÀmÀÀ (1. Piet. 1:15-16), Owuorin korostus teoista voi johtaa lainalaisuuteen ja pelastuksen ansaitsemiseen omilla teoilla, mikÀ ei ole raamatullista.

Jos pyhyys ja synnittömyys olisivat pelastuksen ehto, kukaan ei pelastuisi, koska kaikki ovat syntiÀ tehneet (Room. 3:23). Kristuksen sovitus on ainoa tie pelastukseen (Joh. 14:6).

Johtaako Owuorin oppi harhaan?

Jos hÀn opettaa, ettÀ ilman tÀydellistÀ pyhyyttÀ kukaan ei pelastu, se on ristiriidassa Raamatun sanoman kanssa.

Jos hÀn sanoo, ettÀ teot viimeistelevÀt pelastuksen, se vie pois ristin työn merkityksen.


Raamattu opettaa, ettÀ pelastus on yksin uskosta Jeesukseen.

Teot ovat seurausta pelastuksesta, eivÀt sen ehto. (Jaak. 2:17, mutta ei ristiriidassa Ef. 2:8-9:n kanssa)

Owuorin korostus pyhyyden vÀlttÀmÀttömyydestÀ pelastukselle voi johtaa lainalaisuuteen, mikÀ on vaarallista.

KyllÀ, usko ilman tekoja on kuollut. Jos et usko ettÀ irrallinen voimajohto voi vahingoittaa sinua ja terveyttÀsi et varo koskemasta siihen. Mutta kuitenkin vaikka elÀisimme kuinka pyhÀsti ja hyvin se ei kuitenkaan riitÀ koska vain yksin Jeesuksen uhraus on se joka sovitti syntimme.

Jeesusta seuraamalla sitĂ€ enemmĂ€n mitĂ€ kristillinen uusi identiteetti kasvaa ja Jumala luo meissĂ€ uutta sitĂ€ mukaa paljon vanhaa kuolee pois ja ikÀÀn kuin tippuu meistĂ€ pois. 

TÀmÀ on erillinen pyhitysprosessi joka verenvuoto on seuraus haavasta (huono vertaus tiedÀn) niin myös tahto tehdÀ hyvÀÀ on seurausta siitÀ ettÀ on oppinut jo tuntemaan Jeesuksen ja pÀÀttÀnyt antaa elÀmÀnsÀ Jeesuksen kÀsiin ja luottaa Jeesukseen Jumalana.

Dr. David Owuorin opetuksessa korostuu voimakkaasti pyhitys ja synnistÀ irrottautuminen, mutta hÀnen nÀkemyksensÀ poikkeavat monin tavoin Raamatun opettamasta pelastuksesta ja pyhitysprosessista.

1. Owuorin opetuksen ongelmat verrattuna Raamattuun:

A) HĂ€n korostaa tekoja pelastuksen ehtona

Owuor painottaa voimakkaasti pyhyyttÀ ja tekoja niin, ettÀ se saattaa antaa vaikutelman, ettÀ pelastus riippuu ihmisen omista teoista, ei yksin armosta.

Raamatun opetus:

Ef. 2:8–9 (AMP):
"SillÀ armosta [Jumalan suosiosta] te olette pelastetut uskon kautta. Ja tÀmÀ [pelastus] ei ole lÀhtöisin teistÀ itsestÀnne [se ei ole omien tekojenne tulos], vaan se on Jumalan lahja; ei tekojen kautta [niin ettei kukaan voisi ylpeillÀ tai ottaa kunniaa itselleen]."

Room. 3:28 (AMP):
"SillÀ me pidÀmme ihmisen vanhurskautettuna [julistettuna oikeaksi Jumalan edessÀ] uskon perusteella, ilman lain tekoja [eli ilman kuuliaisuutta Mooseksen lain rituaaleille]."

Gal. 2:16 (AMP):
"Ihminen ei tule vanhurskaaksi lain tekojen kautta, vaan Jeesuksen Kristuksen uskon kautta."
➤ Owuorin opetuksessa painotus siirtyy helposti pois armosta kohti lainomaista suorittamista.

B) HÀn vÀittÀÀ olevansa ainoa Jumalan profeetta ja portti pelastukseen

Owuor opettaa, ettÀ hÀn on Jumalan pÀÀprofeetta ja ettÀ ilman hÀntÀ ihmiset eivÀt voi todella valmistautua Jeesuksen paluuseen.

Raamatun opetus:

1. Tim. 2:5 (AMP):
"SillÀ yksi on Jumala, yksi on myös vÀlimies Jumalan ja ihmisten vÀlillÀ: ihminen Kristus Jeesus."

Joh. 14:6 (AMP):
"Jeesus sanoi hĂ€nelle: ’MinĂ€ olen tie, totuus ja elĂ€mĂ€; ei kukaan tule IsĂ€n tykö muutoin kuin minun kauttani.’"
➤ Raamatun mukaan Jeesus on ainoa tie pelastukseen – ei kukaan ihminen.

C) HÀn opettaa tÀydellistÀ synnittömyyttÀ tÀssÀ elÀmÀssÀ

Owuorin opetuksessa korostuu ajatus, ettÀ oikea uskovainen voi saavuttaa tÀydellisen synnittömyyden jo tÀssÀ ajassa.

Raamatun opetus:

1. Joh. 1:8 (AMP):
"Jos sanomme, ettei meillÀ ole syntiÀ [eikÀ me koskaan tee syntiÀ], eksytÀmme itseÀmme ja totuus ei ole meissÀ."

Room. 7:18–19 (AMP):
"SillÀ minÀ tiedÀn, ettei minussa, se on minun lihassani, asu mitÀÀn hyvÀÀ. Tahto minulla kyllÀ on, mutta hyvÀn toteuttamista en löydÀ. SillÀ sitÀ hyvÀÀ, mitÀ minÀ tahdon, minÀ en tee, vaan sitÀ pahaa, mitÀ en tahdo, sitÀ minÀ teen."
➤ Raamatun mukaan kristityt kamppailevat synnin kanssa koko elĂ€mĂ€nsĂ€ ajan, mutta Jumalan armo riittÀÀ.

2. Owuorin opetus on vaarallista, koska se vie pois Kristus-keskeisyydestÀ

HÀnen opetuksensa keskittyy hÀneen itseensÀ ja hÀnen "profetiansa" seuraamiseen, eikÀ pelkÀstÀÀn Kristukseen.

Raamattu varoittaa vÀÀristÀ profeetoista:

Matt. 7:15 (AMP):
"Varokaa vÀÀriÀ profeettoja, jotka tulevat luoksenne lammasten vaatteissa, mutta sisÀltÀ ovat raatelevia susia."

2. Piet. 2:1 (AMP):
"Mutta myös vÀÀriÀ profeettoja nousi kansan keskuuteen, niin kuin teidÀnkin keskuudessanne on tuleva vÀÀriÀ opettajia, jotka salaa tuovat sisÀÀn tuhoisia harhaoppeja ja kieltÀvÀt Herran, joka on heidÀt ostanut."

JohtopÀÀtös: Owuorin opetukset eivÀt ole tÀysin raamatullisia

Pelastus ei ole kiinni teoista, vaan uskosta Jeesukseen.

MikÀÀn ihminen ei ole vĂ€limies Jumalan ja ihmisten vĂ€lillĂ€ – vain Jeesus.

Kristityt eivÀt saavuta tÀydellistÀ synnittömyyttÀ ennen taivasta.

Owuor vie huomiota pois Jeesuksesta ja nostaa itseÀÀn "profetiana", mikÀ on vaarallista harhaoppia.

Raamatun sanoma on selkeÀ: pelastus tulee yksin armosta, yksin uskon kautta, yksin Kristuksessa!

God's mightiest prophet?

Dr. David Owuor is a well-known Kenyan preacher who has sparked discussions with his claims and teachings. Among other things, he has claimed to be the sackcloth-wearing prophet mentioned in Revelation 11.

Some of his claims, such as his alleged transfiguration at a conference in Helsinki, have drawn criticism and skepticism regarding the authenticity of the photographs.

According to the Bible, the two witnesses of the end times are two separate individuals who prophesy for 1,260 days. The Bible does not support the idea that one person could be both witnesses in the same body.

Additionally, the Bible warns against false prophets who can lead people astray. It is important to evaluate every teacher's teachings in the light of Scripture and be cautious of doctrines that do not align with the Word of God.

Based on these points, Dr. Owuor's claims raise questions about the biblical validity of his teachings.

Dr. David Owuor’s Emphasis on Holiness and Works

Dr. Owuor strongly emphasizes repentance, holiness, and obedience as necessary for salvation. He teaches that faith in Jesus Christ is essential, but that faith alone is not enough—one must also live a holy and sinless life to enter heaven.

Is this biblical?

The Bible clearly teaches that salvation comes by grace through faith alone, not by works:

Ephesians 2:8-9 (AMP):
"For it is by grace [God’s remarkable compassion and favor drawing you to Christ] that you have been saved [actually delivered from judgment] through faith; and this [salvation] is not of yourselves [not through your own effort], but it is the undeserved, gracious gift of God; not as a result of your works [nor your attempts to keep the Law], so that no one will [be able to] boast or take credit in any way."

Romans 3:28 (AMP):
"For we maintain that an individual is justified [declared free of the guilt of sin] by faith, apart from works of the Law [the observance of which has nothing to do with justification]."

The Problem with Owuor’s Teachings

While the Bible does encourage Christians to live a holy life (1 Peter 1:15-16), Owuor's emphasis on works can lead to legalism and the idea that salvation must be earned, which is unbiblical.

If holiness and sinlessness were the condition for salvation, no one could be saved, because all have sinned (Romans 3:23). The atonement of Christ is the only way to salvation (John 14:6).

Does Owuor’s Doctrine Mislead?

If he teaches that without perfect holiness, no one can be saved, it contradicts the message of the Bible.

If he says that works complete salvation, it diminishes the significance of Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross.


The Bible teaches that salvation comes by faith in Jesus alone.

Works are the result of salvation, not the condition for it. (James 2:17, but this does not contradict Ephesians 2:8-9.)

Owuor’s emphasis on holiness as a requirement for salvation can lead to legalism, which is dangerous.

Yes, faith without works is dead. If you don’t believe that a loose power cable can harm you, you won’t be cautious when touching it. However, no matter how holy we live, it is still not enough, because only Jesus’ sacrifice atoned for our sins.

The more we follow Jesus, the more our Christian identity grows, and God renews us, causing sinful habits to fall away.

This is a separate sanctification process—just as bleeding is a result of a wound, the desire to do good is a result of knowing Jesus and surrendering to Him as God.

Issues in Owuor’s Teachings Compared to the Bible:

A) He Emphasizes Works as a Condition for Salvation

Owuor strongly emphasizes holiness and works, giving the impression that salvation depends on human effort, not grace alone.

Biblical Teaching:

Ephesians 2:8–9 (AMP):
"For it is by grace [God’s favor] that you have been saved through faith. And this [salvation] is not of yourselves [not the result of your own efforts], but it is the gift of God; not a result of works [so that no one may boast]."

Romans 3:28 (AMP):
"For we maintain that a person is justified by faith apart from the works of the Law."

Galatians 2:16 (AMP):
"A person is not justified by the works of the Law, but through faith in Jesus Christ."

➤ Owuor’s teaching shifts the focus from grace to legalistic performance.

B) He Claims to Be the Only Prophet and Gate to Salvation

Owuor teaches that he is God’s main prophet and that without him, people cannot properly prepare for Jesus’ return.

Biblical Teaching:

1 Timothy 2:5 (AMP):
"For there is [only] one God, and [only] one Mediator between God and mankind, the Man Christ Jesus."

John 14:6 (AMP):
"Jesus said to him, ‘I am the Way, and the Truth, and the Life; no one comes to the Father except through Me.’"

➤ According to the Bible, Jesus is the only way to salvation—not any human leader.

C) He Teaches Sinless Perfection in This Life

Owuor teaches that a true believer can achieve complete sinlessness in this lifetime.

Biblical Teaching:

1 John 1:8 (AMP):
"If we say we have no sin, we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us."

Romans 7:18-19 (AMP):
"For I know that nothing good lives in me, that is, in my flesh [my human nature, my worldliness—my sinful capacity]. For the willingness [to do good] is present in me, but the doing of good is not. For the good that I want to do, I do not do, but I practice the very evil that I do not want."

➤ The Bible teaches that believers will struggle with sin throughout life, but God’s grace is sufficient.

2) Owuor’s Teachings Are Dangerous Because They Shift the Focus Away from Christ

His teachings focus on himself and following his “prophecies” rather than solely on Jesus Christ.

The Bible warns about false prophets:

Matthew 7:15 (AMP):
"Beware of false prophets, who come to you dressed as sheep, but inside they are ravenous wolves."

2 Peter 2:1 (AMP):
"But [in those days] false prophets arose among the people, just as there will be false teachers among you, who will secretly introduce destructive heresies, even denying the Master who bought them, bringing swift destruction on themselves."

Conclusion: Owuor’s Teachings Are Not Fully Biblical

Salvation is not based on works, but faith in Jesus.

No human is a mediator between God and people—only Jesus is.

Christians will not achieve complete sinlessness in this life.

Owuor shifts focus away from Jesus and elevates himself as a prophet, which is dangerous.

The Bible’s message is clear: Salvation comes by grace alone, through faith alone, in Christ alone!

Thursday, January 16, 2025

Who and what is Al-Samad?

I stumbled upon something Sam Shamoun  also stumbled upon about god of Islam.  Samad is name of Baal's club weapon he used in his hand.

The phrase "Samad dances in Baal's hand like an eagle" is attributed to Ugaritic texts, specifically the Baal Cycle, a series of ancient Canaanite mythological texts discovered in Ras Shamra (modern-day Ugarit, Syria) in the 1920s and 1930s. These texts were written in the Ugaritic cuneiform script, a Semitic language closely related to Hebrew and Phoenician.

The Baal Cycle tablets are dated to approximately 1400–1200 BCE during the Late Bronze Age. This period corresponds to the height of Ugaritic culture and its interactions with neighboring civilizations, such as the Hittites, Egyptians, and early Israelites.

These texts provide significant insights into Canaanite religious practices and their pantheon. They also influence how we understand the biblical context, as Baal was a prominent rival deity mentioned in the Old Testament.

Allah being called Al-Samad comes from the Qur'an, specifically in Surah Al-Ikhlas (112:2):

In Arabic:

Ű§Ù„Ù„َّهُ Ű§Ù„Ű”َّمَŰŻُ
Allah is Al-Samad.

Allah is nothing but tool Baal aka satan uses and Baal's weapon. 

YET muslims pretend this didn't happen and they do not want you to find this.

Thanks to Sam Shamoun for digging this information up.

Allah is Baal and Baal is Allah.  No matter how you try to twist this the fact remains Allah of Qur'an is not God of Abraham and Isac and Jacob and Jesus but he is Baal Mohammed's tribe brought to Syria to Kaaba as main diety of Kaaba and whom Mohammed started to claim to be God of Abraham because of fallen angel lied to him. Search Qur'an , not once Mohammed has connection or communication with God only a rĆ«h, Spirit who claims to come from God but it was Satan himself.

Friday, January 10, 2025

World is blind and doesn’t want to wake up.

 "What we miss, when we misbehave.." Holy Spirit told me Wicked movie was Satan mocking atheist how well they eat his lies by showing how Elphaba is accused for everything goes wrong and she so evil "pure water will melt her" and bunch of Wicked fans singing the songs and saying "Oh we are smarter than the munchins.. you will never trick us into believing a lie like that we know truth" or how the characters sing in Wicked ;

"No one mourns the wicked,

No one cries, "They won't return!"

No one lays a lily on their grave,

The good man scorns the wicked!

Through their lives, our children learn:

What we miss, when we misbehave..."

Yet we are not any better than them.. here its Jews who get blamed by same people who watched Wicked who go "Oh they would never trick me into hating anyone innocent and I would never allow my mind be poisoned." yets its literally that "Jews have super weapon which will evaporate bodies so that is why there is no bodies to bury" (Al Jazeera reporter tweeted this, look it up) and now its Jews who they also blame about fires in LA;

If you still think world has not gone crazy and isnt filled with Spirit of Violence (spelled chāmās) and Spirit of Death which also runs along with Spirit of Pride shouting for actual genocide then you are part of the issue and problem. It is time to wake up. Just because antisemites are not trying to eracide Christians where you live it doesn't mean their agenda isn't also against Christians and the very values western world is build upon. 

They already blamed Jews for the weather when it was raining the day Raisi died.. how much longer till you snap out of it and wake up. The world is evil and wants to hurt innocent and Jews are just first on the list but I know since me and my family we are Christians too.. we too are on the same list. I'm begging you. Wake up. 

And yes for clarification "From the river to the sea" cry is actually copied from Jews and now used against them. Their country, Israel is from the river to the sea and calling to erase it is calling to erase the world's only Jewish state. 

We mock and scold evil in Wicked the musical but we are becoming them if we believe likes of Al Jazeera and even Yle who only tell lies and half of the story what happens in Israel.