I recently hopped into a claim that marriage is love. If love= marriage, then I'm mostly married to my computer, Vincent, all my rpg charachters, my job, my food, my home, my bed, my pillow, my kittens, my clothes, my hat, my nails, my hair... Damn this list is too long.
What I wanna correct that I think love is about caring. I care about all that stuff above. But I still don't wanna marry them.. Well most of them maybe not are not considered as marriable objects due today's laws but you get the point.
I think love is synonyme to want to be with something and keep something neart and care about something. Its not always marriage.
YES; ABSOLUTELY marriage should have these things. You should be able to care and wanna be with the person you marry. But still that is not how I defy love. Love is part of marriage. So also is argues and talking about different opinions. They are also important part of us being social.
This text is no means to hurt anyone's feelings or attack any person/ inviduals what so ever.
I just want to make clear statement how I see things and also I'm interested to know how you see these things. Please comment and share!
Love is not just marriage. Love is caring, and LIKING the other person EVEN the other person sometimes is A TOTAL IDIOT: Thats part of love as well.
Deep shit for you broght by Varjokani. :P
This is my personal diary blog and I hope you will support it by not using adblockers. Feel free to share and comment my writings.
Monday, June 29, 2015
What is love?
Thursday, June 25, 2015
.. Deep shit here
In case you keep wondering if I actually enjoy being stupid and writing and wondering about all stuff I see the answer is yes. But if you ask me why then I just have to tell you that I don't know. Somehow I just feel it nice to pour all things inside my head to your head. I dunno. But this feels relaxing. It still helps me think clear. Kinda like telling stuff to someone close to me.. even I don't tell anyone. I just write it so all can see it. But then I wonder why it makes me feel so relaxed.
Maybe its because world is full of stuff that I just dont get. Like rapist, mean people, racist, people who just wanna abuse someone else,.. etc.
Maybe its more easy to me to handle stuff when I know someone else (meaning you poor fellow who accidently ended up opening this link) has to bare it with me.
Ahah. I wanna say I feel sorry for you but kinda I'm happy that you guys read this shit. :)
Maybe its because world is full of stuff that I just dont get. Like rapist, mean people, racist, people who just wanna abuse someone else,.. etc.
Maybe its more easy to me to handle stuff when I know someone else (meaning you poor fellow who accidently ended up opening this link) has to bare it with me.
Ahah. I wanna say I feel sorry for you but kinda I'm happy that you guys read this shit. :)
When people dont love other and don't even themselves ..
Today I made an other post considering rape and hurting others. I have been thinking whole day one question; "WHAT MAKES MAN not wanna care for others?"
Like if you can think of only of yourself and own desires, only then you'll be able to rape, hurt, steal or murder someone. On then just let's take it simple level to the bullying at school etc. All wrong selfish stuff needs people to for some reason stop caring. "I don't give a fuck" additude is dangerous. More dangerous than people think of. It can lead to horrible stuff.
Well still what made it in first place? And when people don't give damn about other do they even give damn of themselves? No. They don't in most cases. Or then they do but they seem to think that no one else gives a damn about them so they take avenge and "revenge the cruelty of the world back where it came from."
So in the end everyone hates each other and wanna kill each other..
Then there is an other thing that I don't understand. World view of youn +20 years old female who works as a prostitute and posts to magazine that "She is happy and proud when married people have sex with her..?"
Erm.. I have nothing against sex, but against cheating and helping with cheating and enjoying it is bit suspicious.
Also if think myself, I could never let total stranger touch me. Hugging yes, and dancing yes. But no sex. No being naked.
I just keep wondering how broken one must be if thinks that selling themselves like animals and being "abused" by strangers with no love involved makes them happy?
That makes me also note that everyone needs hugs and love. But I think selling own body to strangers to get it is kinda wrong way.
I see it as it could hurt people from inside. being used dishcloth surely can feel cool but I see it as same situation as I would make some stranger to clean my room and then spit on their face. Its not right.
But like I said earlier I don't wanna judge people. I just wanna know why they do stuff that I cant understand.
Like if you can think of only of yourself and own desires, only then you'll be able to rape, hurt, steal or murder someone. On then just let's take it simple level to the bullying at school etc. All wrong selfish stuff needs people to for some reason stop caring. "I don't give a fuck" additude is dangerous. More dangerous than people think of. It can lead to horrible stuff.
Well still what made it in first place? And when people don't give damn about other do they even give damn of themselves? No. They don't in most cases. Or then they do but they seem to think that no one else gives a damn about them so they take avenge and "revenge the cruelty of the world back where it came from."
So in the end everyone hates each other and wanna kill each other..
Then there is an other thing that I don't understand. World view of youn +20 years old female who works as a prostitute and posts to magazine that "She is happy and proud when married people have sex with her..?"
Erm.. I have nothing against sex, but against cheating and helping with cheating and enjoying it is bit suspicious.
Also if think myself, I could never let total stranger touch me. Hugging yes, and dancing yes. But no sex. No being naked.
I just keep wondering how broken one must be if thinks that selling themselves like animals and being "abused" by strangers with no love involved makes them happy?
That makes me also note that everyone needs hugs and love. But I think selling own body to strangers to get it is kinda wrong way.
I see it as it could hurt people from inside. being used dishcloth surely can feel cool but I see it as same situation as I would make some stranger to clean my room and then spit on their face. Its not right.
But like I said earlier I don't wanna judge people. I just wanna know why they do stuff that I cant understand.
over-reaction of self-defense and other nice stuff in Finland aka. Meanwhile in Finland
So basicly it seems that some "SMART DUDES" in Finland think that its okay to teach kids that if they rape someone its okay, and they just have to pay little money ('and when they don't have money goverment pays it off??") to get free hotel for couple of months or maybe for a year. Plus if anyone speaks badly about u and tell u are dangerous its a bad thing. So basicly you can go free in a year to roam free and do an other rape?
What the fuck.?..
What the actual fuck?
When someone does anything to hurt someone else, AND ISN'T EVEN SORRY for it. Its highly possible that with given change and "premission" they do it again. And in some case thei did it again. You can read it from newspapers that someone sexually assaulted someone and had records of doing violence to the even same person before. And still they are free to go where ever they please?
Ya, I don't wanna judge people. If you did some bad stuff in your past and you were sorry for it AND CHANGED to the better. And QUIT hurting people its okay. I don't blame you. But this is just so wrong. And I for one m coward of people and going out already. This is getting to the point when its not safe to go out again..?
Oh and I almost forgot the most 'awesome' part called "LEGITIMATE SELF-PROTECTION violent hyperbole", hätävarjelun liioittelu. It means basicly if someone tries to rob you or rape you and you happen to hit them in face so they get a nose bleed etc. Or the fact they even feel any pain for it is reason enough to you get to pay big money for the criminal for "hurting them invain while they were to try harm you."
Ya. In here it seems if someone breaks into your house and you show them fireplace poker stick and tell them to 'go away before you have to defend yourself' they can sue you for threatening their very life..
Or like I said if you hit thief in act thief gets you busted for using too much force.
And then again there were cases about rape where people were told "But he isn't quilty 'cause you did not do all you could to stop him..' But how can you do anything if its enough to get you busted.
Graw. I hate Finland.. or I hate its judges who judge dudes for selling snuff (tobbaccoo you put on your lip) for over a 3 years when people can walk free from rape because "It wasn't so humiliating".
Ya. Sorry guys but I'm just so much hate and fear for this thing. Its not nice to live in a country where defending yourself is a crime, and also there is none to defend and rise up for you if you need help. Not law at least.
What the fuck.?..
What the actual fuck?
When someone does anything to hurt someone else, AND ISN'T EVEN SORRY for it. Its highly possible that with given change and "premission" they do it again. And in some case thei did it again. You can read it from newspapers that someone sexually assaulted someone and had records of doing violence to the even same person before. And still they are free to go where ever they please?
Ya, I don't wanna judge people. If you did some bad stuff in your past and you were sorry for it AND CHANGED to the better. And QUIT hurting people its okay. I don't blame you. But this is just so wrong. And I for one m coward of people and going out already. This is getting to the point when its not safe to go out again..?
Oh and I almost forgot the most 'awesome' part called "LEGITIMATE SELF-PROTECTION violent hyperbole", hätävarjelun liioittelu. It means basicly if someone tries to rob you or rape you and you happen to hit them in face so they get a nose bleed etc. Or the fact they even feel any pain for it is reason enough to you get to pay big money for the criminal for "hurting them invain while they were to try harm you."
Ya. In here it seems if someone breaks into your house and you show them fireplace poker stick and tell them to 'go away before you have to defend yourself' they can sue you for threatening their very life..
Or like I said if you hit thief in act thief gets you busted for using too much force.
And then again there were cases about rape where people were told "But he isn't quilty 'cause you did not do all you could to stop him..' But how can you do anything if its enough to get you busted.
Graw. I hate Finland.. or I hate its judges who judge dudes for selling snuff (tobbaccoo you put on your lip) for over a 3 years when people can walk free from rape because "It wasn't so humiliating".
Ya. Sorry guys but I'm just so much hate and fear for this thing. Its not nice to live in a country where defending yourself is a crime, and also there is none to defend and rise up for you if you need help. Not law at least.
fireplace poker stick,
global health,
over-reaction of self-defense,
tapanilan raiskaustapaus,
Wednesday, June 24, 2015
Just randomn tic
For some reason my rigth eye keeps Twitching cause of tic with no reason whats so ever..
In Finland we call that "elohiiri", meaning "live-mouse".
I'd more likely have to have elohiiri that looks like this one
In Finland we call that "elohiiri", meaning "live-mouse".
I'd more likely have to have elohiiri that looks like this one

Yes.. my irl friends have already joked that I got just so much Vinnie on my head. Lollollol.
Tuesday, June 23, 2015
これが最後の時間であれば、私はあなたを参照してください。私は抱擁あなたをしたいと私はしたい私はあなたのすべての単一の1を愛したと言います。カンピオンくん..理子·ねこちゃん.. Uすべての私には非常に重要。
これが最後の時間であれば、私はあなたを参照してください。私は抱擁あなたをしたいと私はしたい私はあなたのすべての単一の1を愛したと言います。カンピオンくん..理子·ねこちゃん.. Uすべての私には非常に重要。
これは楽しみではありません。私は他の人のようになりたいです。しかし、私は失敗します。なぜ私は普通ではないのですか?してください?..プリティください。 :(
これは楽しみではありません。私は他の人のようになりたいです。しかし、私は失敗します。なぜ私は普通ではないのですか?してください?..プリティください。 :(
Monday, June 22, 2015
bugs and birds
Hi again. Yes, I m now 21 years old.. but somehow I don't feel one bit smarter or older. Maybe it is a good thing. Maybe it is a bad.
Well what is a bad thing that this morning I got bitten by tick. Somehow this little bug had sneaked inside our house because it wasn't anywhere near me when I got to bed last night. Only appeared this morning while I was eating.
I have removed several big ones from our pets but never was targeted myself before. Man I can tell you it's bite hurts. A LOT: Its like asset poured on your hand at the spot where they bite. Yes, they are small but still hurts. And makes me wanna scratch my hand till it bleeds. *A bad thing*..?
As if normal small Finnish mosqitos weren't eating me alive yesterday. D:
Well since I made my boyfriend buy me Pokewalker I should use it. But how to use it when getting fobia even in side..?
Well world is weirdo place. Maybe I chill down and take it easy later on. But now I'm bit panic. Yes, I went to see nurse on local hospital and she was like "Well don't worryy. If it starts making red and white sircles around ur wound then worry and come back."
I was like okaaay. O:_O
And now I'm like stalking my hand waiting something bad to happen.. I think I'm being bit paranoid, and a lot over reacting.. But then why when I don't react people come to tell me later I should have reacted and gone to see doctor. Like when last week they found out my ears and inner cheeck were infected by the flu. Nice work people.
Well lets see how this goes. I'll be writing for you more if something more interesting happens.
At the moment I'm at work, Rattata on my pocket. *grins*
Called him Throttle and nyaa... *kelws kawaii nyan aws nyan nyan* ^^¨
Yes, I know most of the people hate Rattata. I know they appear from everywhere and be annoying. But if you ever played ORIGINAL Gold or Silver ( I have them both for Gameboy color) you'll know that the really annoying shit face there who stalks and attacks your with your every step on grass is one called "Hoothoot".
(Images are from Google.)
And yes, so if you think that for 14 - +20 years old you have rage problems while encountering couple rats be my guest and try original Gold at nighttime. Hehehhee. Only thing you get is that annoying "Wroollolrwroolol rwrool" sound and Hoothoot appearing.
Could swear he actually says "Trolled here I come again bitch!"
Well what is a bad thing that this morning I got bitten by tick. Somehow this little bug had sneaked inside our house because it wasn't anywhere near me when I got to bed last night. Only appeared this morning while I was eating.
I have removed several big ones from our pets but never was targeted myself before. Man I can tell you it's bite hurts. A LOT: Its like asset poured on your hand at the spot where they bite. Yes, they are small but still hurts. And makes me wanna scratch my hand till it bleeds. *A bad thing*..?
As if normal small Finnish mosqitos weren't eating me alive yesterday. D:
Well since I made my boyfriend buy me Pokewalker I should use it. But how to use it when getting fobia even in side..?
Well world is weirdo place. Maybe I chill down and take it easy later on. But now I'm bit panic. Yes, I went to see nurse on local hospital and she was like "Well don't worryy. If it starts making red and white sircles around ur wound then worry and come back."
I was like okaaay. O:_O
And now I'm like stalking my hand waiting something bad to happen.. I think I'm being bit paranoid, and a lot over reacting.. But then why when I don't react people come to tell me later I should have reacted and gone to see doctor. Like when last week they found out my ears and inner cheeck were infected by the flu. Nice work people.
Well lets see how this goes. I'll be writing for you more if something more interesting happens.
At the moment I'm at work, Rattata on my pocket. *grins*
Called him Throttle and nyaa... *kelws kawaii nyan aws nyan nyan* ^^¨
Yes, I know most of the people hate Rattata. I know they appear from everywhere and be annoying. But if you ever played ORIGINAL Gold or Silver ( I have them both for Gameboy color) you'll know that the really annoying shit face there who stalks and attacks your with your every step on grass is one called "Hoothoot".
(Images are from Google.)
And yes, so if you think that for 14 - +20 years old you have rage problems while encountering couple rats be my guest and try original Gold at nighttime. Hehehhee. Only thing you get is that annoying "Wroollolrwroolol rwrool" sound and Hoothoot appearing.
Could swear he actually says "Trolled here I come again bitch!"
Thursday, June 18, 2015
Just in case
And for some reason I'm kinda scared if GSM admins still stalk my blog. Well if you guys do I wanna say "Hi Pia! What's up? Why not getting new hobbie and be honest for kids for a change?"
Like no more lying about paying back money for Gosupermodel.fi if site goes down since you aren't going to pay it back. Or so it says on your user agreement page.
But the other hand ur "info about superpass" page claims you will pay back? So wich one is true?
But ya. 79% change I'm just imagining things and being paranoid and scared of nothing. But if you guys DO stalk me (I know they stalked me when I had model on the site) plz go and take cold shower and thing up two words. "Honesty" and getting "a new hobby".
Thats all I had for ya folks.
Like no more lying about paying back money for Gosupermodel.fi if site goes down since you aren't going to pay it back. Or so it says on your user agreement page.
But the other hand ur "info about superpass" page claims you will pay back? So wich one is true?
But ya. 79% change I'm just imagining things and being paranoid and scared of nothing. But if you guys DO stalk me (I know they stalked me when I had model on the site) plz go and take cold shower and thing up two words. "Honesty" and getting "a new hobby".
Thats all I had for ya folks.
Hurry up get better plz
So I'm atm basicly doing work atm andd counting minutes I can go back to home to sleep the end of my fever away.
Well I that should go easy. I just hope I don't pass out. I was supposed to be heatlhy for weekend when I'm going to see family. my granfather and my auntie and my cousin. I have missed them so much. But its damn bad if I can't go near then or hug them. So I wait for this flu to miraciously to go away. Ya, I have antiobiotes. But for so long not looking so good. :(
Also its going to be my birthday at sat. 21. Can you imagine me turning 21 years old and being grown up? Ya. I don't suppose that happens.
Well I that should go easy. I just hope I don't pass out. I was supposed to be heatlhy for weekend when I'm going to see family. my granfather and my auntie and my cousin. I have missed them so much. But its damn bad if I can't go near then or hug them. So I wait for this flu to miraciously to go away. Ya, I have antiobiotes. But for so long not looking so good. :(
Also its going to be my birthday at sat. 21. Can you imagine me turning 21 years old and being grown up? Ya. I don't suppose that happens.
damn flu,
get better,
not funny
Let's play
Let's do small testing with tags. :) If we could get the big fish.
pia eddman,
pian edman,
me and the damn flu
Hai there again. Long time no see. Okay well.. It happened again. That damn flu and infection on my throat and ears that strikes me down every single summer.. Always when one is supposed to enjoy the fresh air and go to the beach and run wildy on forest etc. and do all fun stuff I'm forced to take it easy and sleep in bed eating like 5 different pills twice per day. Its damn annoying.
Up to this point none of the doctors can't tell me why every single flu in the universe (okay at least from the people who are in same room with me for like ten seconds) strikes me and for all of people around me I'm only one who is forced to take it easy.
I mean it. "Normal flu" that takes like day to recover for everyone else takes like 1-2 weeks minimal to me to recover. I feel like I'm so done with this stuff. I wanna go out and see friends but nope. I'm told by doctor to sleep and try get the damn fever down. Yes, I had 6 days of duty from work because of this and now I'm back at work. Still feeling bit off.
But I just can't figure out what triggers it..? Why me? Always every single summer? Also getting one during autumn also.
Ya ya. Pepople tell me to go out and work for my body's ability to resist sickness. But how you resist it when all times you get beamed with flu first time someone sneezes towards you. And for most of the times you don't even need anyone to sneeze at you. Just someone with flu just sits in same room (different ends of the room) is enough to get me infected with it.
As a kid I was tested for all kind of allergies and they found none. Now I would not count on it. But its not allergy. Always when I go see doctor I got BAD infection on my inner ears and my inner cheeck chambers are filled with snot and also badly infected. .. What ...? What do I do wrong? Ya, I'm supposed to flush it daily with hot water and ocean salt. But I don't wanna. It hurts a lot. And last time I did it or tried to do it I felt just so much pain. It just hurted so damn much and I could not see it helping one thing to get my nose burn while my throat and ears were already burning with pain.. Or my head was. Not my ears.
Funny thing. When ever I get infection in my ear only things I notice is "the pressure" inside my head and I feel bit drowsy and sleepy. Also I feel like I'm more angry to people. But no pain inside my ears. None unless I stick something inside them. Like Medicine. Then it hurts a lot. But other than that I just don't feel the pain there. I think its main reason why I never detect it in time.
I've heard other people that during infection inside inner ear they have pain. I just feel odd on my head. Maybe it is because I got so many of these that my head actually become numb for the pain.-
But ya. I think I'm done with this flu and I hate it, but for my bad I feel that IT loves me and always comes back. I had a boy like that in confirmation camp. And he was annoying! Stalked me and wanted me to date him.
Up to this point none of the doctors can't tell me why every single flu in the universe (okay at least from the people who are in same room with me for like ten seconds) strikes me and for all of people around me I'm only one who is forced to take it easy.
I mean it. "Normal flu" that takes like day to recover for everyone else takes like 1-2 weeks minimal to me to recover. I feel like I'm so done with this stuff. I wanna go out and see friends but nope. I'm told by doctor to sleep and try get the damn fever down. Yes, I had 6 days of duty from work because of this and now I'm back at work. Still feeling bit off.
But I just can't figure out what triggers it..? Why me? Always every single summer? Also getting one during autumn also.
Ya ya. Pepople tell me to go out and work for my body's ability to resist sickness. But how you resist it when all times you get beamed with flu first time someone sneezes towards you. And for most of the times you don't even need anyone to sneeze at you. Just someone with flu just sits in same room (different ends of the room) is enough to get me infected with it.
As a kid I was tested for all kind of allergies and they found none. Now I would not count on it. But its not allergy. Always when I go see doctor I got BAD infection on my inner ears and my inner cheeck chambers are filled with snot and also badly infected. .. What ...? What do I do wrong? Ya, I'm supposed to flush it daily with hot water and ocean salt. But I don't wanna. It hurts a lot. And last time I did it or tried to do it I felt just so much pain. It just hurted so damn much and I could not see it helping one thing to get my nose burn while my throat and ears were already burning with pain.. Or my head was. Not my ears.
Funny thing. When ever I get infection in my ear only things I notice is "the pressure" inside my head and I feel bit drowsy and sleepy. Also I feel like I'm more angry to people. But no pain inside my ears. None unless I stick something inside them. Like Medicine. Then it hurts a lot. But other than that I just don't feel the pain there. I think its main reason why I never detect it in time.
I've heard other people that during infection inside inner ear they have pain. I just feel odd on my head. Maybe it is because I got so many of these that my head actually become numb for the pain.-
But ya. I think I'm done with this flu and I hate it, but for my bad I feel that IT loves me and always comes back. I had a boy like that in confirmation camp. And he was annoying! Stalked me and wanted me to date him.
always sick,
not funny,
not like it,
why me
Monday, June 8, 2015
I was just thinking that I love streaming and being social as long I have quick escape route clear in case things get rough. Like pause stream button or shutting down the computer.
But still I for most of the time I'm home also my parents are and they watch tv with full volume and kill my ears. Also they make me walk dogs 30mins x 3 per day. Also they wanna me do all random chores they can think of.
So basilcy no time to edit, or no peace and quiet to stream stuff.. Or when I finally have I'm so damn tired I just wanna sleep.
But I have to admit I would love to live like Pewdiepie. I mean not needing to go work but work from home and product media for other people. And being social from home. But ya. No such luck.
First of I would need to buy my own house and then my own food. And have money for bills. That requests of looots of money. So I would need to get good job first, but then again I wanna work online and do stuff online. But then again I need money for it, but I kinda don't get any money before I do it.
Life is hard broskies. Try live with it.
Maybe I'll figure out something. Ya, I know. Its not like I would be able to live just with my blog's adds. While none actually ever sees them because everyone uses addblock. I also use it on youtube sometimesh.. Heheh. So I don't blame you.
And just in case you wanna know more of my problemos you can follow me twitter and Tumblr.
And speaking of Tumblr I did whole rework with my theme. Also made own account for Räävis, so I could keep Räävis directed stuff better organized and so you bros would have change to send him fanmail. Yes. I know you want to spam Räävis with fanmail.
His address is the same:
But still I for most of the time I'm home also my parents are and they watch tv with full volume and kill my ears. Also they make me walk dogs 30mins x 3 per day. Also they wanna me do all random chores they can think of.
So basilcy no time to edit, or no peace and quiet to stream stuff.. Or when I finally have I'm so damn tired I just wanna sleep.
But I have to admit I would love to live like Pewdiepie. I mean not needing to go work but work from home and product media for other people. And being social from home. But ya. No such luck.
First of I would need to buy my own house and then my own food. And have money for bills. That requests of looots of money. So I would need to get good job first, but then again I wanna work online and do stuff online. But then again I need money for it, but I kinda don't get any money before I do it.
Life is hard broskies. Try live with it.
Maybe I'll figure out something. Ya, I know. Its not like I would be able to live just with my blog's adds. While none actually ever sees them because everyone uses addblock. I also use it on youtube sometimesh.. Heheh. So I don't blame you.
And just in case you wanna know more of my problemos you can follow me twitter and Tumblr.
And speaking of Tumblr I did whole rework with my theme. Also made own account for Räävis, so I could keep Räävis directed stuff better organized and so you bros would have change to send him fanmail. Yes. I know you want to spam Räävis with fanmail.
His address is the same:
I wanna,
living with parents,
rabbit problemos.,
Yay! New week has begun. But I feel weird. Yesterday I had fricking weird headache and today I notice that I see everything bit blurry and feel tired. And feel like my nose is stuck with slime.. again. I don't know if I'm starting to get some illness again. I hope not. Because I 'm too tired for it.
Well I tried washing my eyes at work and they feel sore. But I try work normal today. Maybe I'm just too tired for somereason. It was quite much sunligth last night.. so I dunno. But if this continiues I dunno what to do. Yap. I got it from my mom that I always think I'm okay until I'm half dead. But other than feeling damn sleepy and my eyes are sore I feel competely normal and okay.
so I think I m okay. Well lets see tomorrow. I just felt like writing about this. And yes, while being at work I notice myself starting to be more me again. Or at least I haven't felt lately that I would have personal me changing within me. Or I feel I think of the times same way all the time. My feelings haven't changed as it was different me for a week. I dunno if its a good thing or a bad one.
But yah. See ya. :)
Well I tried washing my eyes at work and they feel sore. But I try work normal today. Maybe I'm just too tired for somereason. It was quite much sunligth last night.. so I dunno. But if this continiues I dunno what to do. Yap. I got it from my mom that I always think I'm okay until I'm half dead. But other than feeling damn sleepy and my eyes are sore I feel competely normal and okay.
so I think I m okay. Well lets see tomorrow. I just felt like writing about this. And yes, while being at work I notice myself starting to be more me again. Or at least I haven't felt lately that I would have personal me changing within me. Or I feel I think of the times same way all the time. My feelings haven't changed as it was different me for a week. I dunno if its a good thing or a bad one.
But yah. See ya. :)
Wednesday, June 3, 2015
So much hate
So the clear thing as mud is the fact that the weather hates me. When I decide to dress up warmly its hot and I'm dying. Then If I leave my fave hoodie home I freeze. This isn't just working. And I'm getting to the point I end up being really annoyed by it.
Why even I read and check weather reports I still get into trouble.
Why even I read and check weather reports I still get into trouble.
Tuesday, June 2, 2015
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