Friday, November 15, 2013


Juu.. Sivu viimeistelyä vailla valmis, ja pitäis saada nettiin ja kuntoon 21. päivä mennessä.
Mutta itsellä on kuumetta ja keskittymis- ja työskentelykyky tiessään. Lisäksi käsittääkseni vielä silmätulehdus niskassa vaikka poskiontelon tulehdus on jo aikalailla voitettu.

Nyt täytyy vain rukoilla Jeesusta ja yrittää levätä ja toivoa että olo paranisi.
Tuntuu kyllä aivan kuten siltä räätäliltä Potterin Joulutarinassa.

"Pormestarin uusi takki pitäisi olla valmis Lauantaiksi ja nyt on jo Perjantai ilta.. kuumetta.. kuumetta.. ja silkki on loppu.. voi sentään.."

Harmi kun meidän kotihiiret.. tai ainakaan se Vinsentiksi nimeämäni yksilö joka majailee mun huoneen välikaton päällä  ei ole kykenevä koodaamaan mun puolesta. :-I

Juu pitää tosiaan rukoilla ihmettä. :/

Tuesday, November 12, 2013


Parempi myöhään kuin ei milloinkaan.
Päätin ottaa itseäni niskasta kiinni  ja tutkia koodia itseään sen sijaan että olisin tyytynyt leikkimään Word Pressin valmiilla ohjelman sisällä olevalla teemaneditointi-työkalaulla.

Pääsin siis käsiksi nappuloihin itseensä ja muokkaamaan niiden väriä.

Previkkaa ja infoo

Joo eli sivut alkaa olla valmiit. Faviconia muokattu eilen. Vielä pitäisi saada forkalla nappulat näkymään eli niiden väriä pitää vaihtaa, mut nyt sivu alkaisi olla aika lähellä sitä vaihetta että vois beta-versiota pistää ulos. 8-)

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Tässä tämän ja eilisen päivän aikana..

Olen taas käpälöinyt forkkaa ja sen ominaisuusksia. Kiroilufiltterin pitäisi nyt olla toimiva sekä forkka on saanut omia hymiöitä. Se mitä pitäisi vielä tehdä on korjata värivirhe muokkaus-osiossa niin että bold, ja kursive napit näkyisi paremmin. Lisäksi hymiöt olisi kivaa saada näkyviin sivulle. .. Lisäksi pitäisi saada forkka kivasti näkyviin jonnekin että pääsee suoran forkalle. :3

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Omia hymiöitä?

eli tänään smiley(pohja) asennettu forkalle ja alettu piirtelemään omia..

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Shadowlands pyörii omalla servulla omalla koneella

Juu eli nyt taas pystyn editoimaan sivua vaikka kaikki pitikin (taas kerran aloittaa alusta).
Nyt vanhoja ominaisuuksia palauttelen ja uusia lisäilen.
Nyt esim mukautettu hiiri-kursori lisätty.

Nyt pitää vielä profiili-osiot ja forkka rakentaa uudestaan. Ulkoasu alkaa olla palautettu.

Saturday, October 19, 2013

Ojasta allikkoon..

Syysloma on mennyt mukavasti. Olen lähinnä käsin piirrellyt ja suunnitellut logoja ja grafiikkaa.. Kivat kun näemmä nyt meni sivun kuukausittainen datansiirto-umpeen .. pitää joko ostaa maksullinen versio tai sitten olla ninja. Olen aikeissa olla yhteydessä viisaampiin ihmisiin tässä.

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Forkka toimintakuntoinen?

Olen nyt väkertänyt forkan parissa. Forkka .. samoin kuin chat (joka on vielä viimeistelyä vailla) ovat pian täysin toimintakuntoisia. Olen aikeissa tehdä pientä muoksimista ulkoasuun -- > ja rajuja muoksimisia teemaan.

Mut tällä hetkellä näyttää tältä.

Ainoa mikä on ongelmana on ettei s-posti uudelle käyttäjälle suostu lähtemään. Pitää tässä viikonloppuna selvittää onko vika palvelimessa vai sivustossa..
.. :3

Mut juu tadaa tältä forkka näyttää tällä hetkellä

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Kysymys -sivulle?

› Kimba
Okei siis tässä törmäsin erääseen malliin jonka kanssa tuli puheeksi se että tämä oli saanut ylläpidolta/modeilta jonkinsortin nootin siitä että tämä oli istunut siskonsa vieressä ja neuvonut siskolle miten Gosun pelejä pelataan?
Kaikki me varmaan muistamme Sharlotan aikalisän jonka jälkeen tästä oli jonkinsortin keskustelua.. joo itse olen viettänyt viikonloppuni kirjoja lukien mutta nyt haluttaisi kovasti saada virallinen selvitys että missä menee raja ja MINKÄ Te, ylläpito ja moderaattorit katsotte "Mallin jakamiseksi".

On toki tuomittavaa jos itse kirjautuu kaverin mallilla sisään ja kirjoittelee kaverin nimissä viestejä. Se on väärin ainakin mut missä se raja muuten menee?

Enkö mä saa istua kaverin vieressä kun tämä Gosuttaa? Ja enkö mä saa kaverin vieressä istuessa pelata esim. Vaatehuonehaastetta?

Ja Toivon todella ettei mulle tule tästä mitään varoitusta tai ongelmia. Jos tämän kaltaisten kysymysten esittäminen katsotaan pahana asiana pahoittelen jo etukäteen mutta mua vaan jäi vaivaamaan tämä asia.

Isoin halauksin kaikille yhteisön jäsenille

"Voi-Voihan Juustoh!!.. Mitäääh? Se oli kirosana."

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Admins and the owsla

Yep yep..
Eli nyt kun asensin Word Pressin täysin alusta uudestaan sain foorumi-osion toimimaan..
Nyt vielä pitää tehdä tyylimuokkauksia esim väreihin, sijainteihin ja vielä lisätä omaa grafiikkaa niin sitten voisin sanoa saaneeni jotain järkevää aikaiseksi.

Tällähetkellä sivuston Admin on ihan admin mutta esim. moderointi-oikeudet omaava ryhmä näillä  näkymin on nimeltään "Owsla". Ruohometsän kansa-kirjasta tuttu termi jep jep.

  "Owsla - yhdyskunnan johtojoukko"

Jep. Tämä on eläinfantasia-friikeille tarkoitettu sivu joten miksei pikkaisen lapiinia sotkettaisi joukkoon?
En kuitenkaan sotke Ruohometsän kansaa tähän sen enempää.. Ainakaan vielä.

Forum does not show text?

What did I do wrong with Word Press when it does not wanna show any text or names in site?
Did I miss install something?

Eli ekat ongelmat Word Pressin kanssa. Sisältö ei näy.. Ei kai auta kuin asentaa koko roska uudestaan?

Wednesday, October 2, 2013



lehti ilmoitus
reklamaatio (ei tyytyväinen asiakas lähettää valituksen)
vastaus reklamaatioon

Kaikki tekstit opettajalle jakson loppumiseen mennesshä

Saturday, September 28, 2013

Jotenki onnistun ..

kokoajan saamaan Joomala-pohjaisen sivun jumiin.. eli kokeilenpa nyt word pressillä..
ja kyllä Joomala vain raastoi hermojani.
+ taas "se" aika kuukaudesta että kaikki ärsyttää..

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Its time to rock and code css..

Vai miten se meni?
No kuitenkin näiden kahden päivän, ja edellisen viikonlopun aikana opinnäytetyöni css-koodit ovat alkaneet muotoutua .. vaikkakin taitavat tällähetkellä toimia VAIN Firefoxilla..

Pitää liittää eri selainversioiden csss-tiedostoihin kaikki jutut..
ja sitten pitäisi vielä saada kaikki yhtenäiseksi ja toimivaksi. Tästä tulee kivaa. Paniikki nousee suorituspaineiden mukana.
No ei vielä mitään elämää suurempaa cliffhangeria tullut (toistaiseksi) tietääkseni.

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Error in URL syntax: ''! (ERR 69)

Jep jep... Hyviin meneeeeh. 8-)
Tänään kun tutustuimme tarkemmin julkaisupalvelimen asentamiseen ammattiopistollani ajattelin ottaa Joomalan sivustoni pohjaksi.
Saa nähdä mitä tästäkin tulee.

Tällähetkellä taidan olla ihan liian leikkisällä tuulella. Mitäs nyt tein Vinskin (hahmo Prätkähiiret Marsista tv-sarjasta) nimissä sinne käyttäjän testatakseni käyttäjä-ominaisuuksia.

Jotenkin on sellainen fiilis että tästä voisi tulla ihan hyvä sivu. :3
Vielä kun saan muokattua sisältöä JA varsinkin ulkoasua niiin että tämä hyväksytään media-assistantin opinnäytetyöksi.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Itse pelin teko käyntiin ..

Siis virallisesti lähti käyntiin tänään. Etsin netistä malleja ja ohjeita joita läpi käymällä olen saanut aikaiseksi flash-pelin rangan. :3


Saturday, September 14, 2013

Deal with it bros

Do you sometimes feel like you should grow up?
Me, never. 8-)
I enjoy being childish the way I m. Deal with it.

Thursday, September 12, 2013


Niin että tänään sitten olen rakentanus sivustoni Profiili-sivustoa/osiota. Eilen tein korjauksia yläpalkkiin. Pitää vielä miettiä jos muutan koko yläpalkki-logo-osion kokonaan toiseksi.
Tjaa se on sitten sen ajan murhe. Heheh. Nyt sitte vaan otetaan Vinskistä mallia (pahassa mielessä) ja tehdään ja koodataan ja mietitään seurauksia jälkeenpäin. Hihi.
Kyllä olen aamu-uninen ja luultavasti kadun kaikkea mitä tähän blogiin tänään ja tätä ennen olen kirjoittanut.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013


I m the lazy mouse.. or at least I m recognizing myself from this picture.. or kinda.
Yep wanted to share something I found from internet lol.

Friday, September 6, 2013

I really wish I had skills to make a fursuit.. Well meanwhile dreaming I can only draw.. Yes this picture is made by me.

And I was going

And I was going to learn that while relaxed and bored and listening music from Youtube I should not draw stuff...
Well I still do draw stuff. Heheh.
Here you have it folks! You asked for it!

Thursday, September 5, 2013

This is the beginning..

There still is something dark inside me?

Okay so it was not so smart idea to kill two small tics I found from an other of my kittens fur. I just crushed them with pliers I found from dad's tool set. I dunno. I somehow felt really happy and relaxed while doing it.
Yes the some of you might remember the time when I had bad habit of writing and drawing really hard and bloody stuff..
And this one here is just minor example. I mean this fellow still had a change to survive unlike some others of my drawings.

Usually I let my mom to take care of killing them because I just kinda still seem to have the an other side of mine.. Yes when I was at school I was bullied and I kinda lost all human feelings of mine. There was a part of me who just wanted to tear everyone into peaces.. And yes I sadly feel that this shadow inside me has not yet dead unlike I tough. I was sure it was over but now I just realized even I did just kill couple of small insects  I still found that there still is the dark side of mine left. The one that has no other feelings but thirst to get my hands covered with blood..

And somehow I find it heck of creepy.. Its not like I m going to kill any people. I never would allow myself to do that. I would never forgive myself. And after being Christian kid and believing Jesus loves everyone I would never dare to.. But yes. There still seems to be something dark left inside me. Something I haven't got known yet. I know my other trauma's and I know my wounds so I can treat them and they have started to heal. But I found that there still is something left. Something really dark and cold.
Something that I hope will never awake towards humans.

Yes. I know that I m over reacting and I know everyone of us has their shadows and bad sides. Also I know that my dark side is not even near the worst it could be.. but I still have to come face to face that I still have injuries inside my soul and still even I have started to feel like human I still have that "shadow" inside me..
Yea.. I really know what Kovu means in Lion King 2 with that ".. Maybe I got the darkness inside me too.."

Yep. its not nice but I have to live with it. Don't worry I m not going to hurt anyone who is able to breath. I m not the type. But stay tuned and be warned for blood in my art because now I m really feeling like drawing something that I m sure I will regret later on.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

I m starting to feel alive..

After using meds for depression for 3 years and soon 4 years I find it odd that today I have felt hungry. It feels like I had emty hollow spot inside me.. Its really odd feeling. And I also feel kinda cold chill in my hands.

Well I think I have nothing to worry after I bought little bit of chocolate cake from our school's coffeteria. Maybe after all it is the main reason I feel hungry.. because I want chocolate.
But yea I  m just wanting to make sure that I follow and keep track about how I feel. '

The biggest change in my life for couple last days has been that I have started to play piano again. Maybe it has something to do with me being able to feel hunger again?
Well it is quite annoying to eat while you are not feeling hungry. 

But yes rock on bros. 8-)

 Yes. Furries are cool and this is why I had to share it.
Picture made by QueenGalaxia from

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Pikkasen eteenpäin..

Tänään taas loin kirjautumispalvelimeen  osioita ja täydensin eri kenttiä. Pitää vielä tehdä se vastaanottava palvelin-koodi jotta saan sen toimmimaan.

Saturday, August 31, 2013

Why ..?

Why do I sudden feel myself really depressed?
I haven't felt this way for while. Its odd how you know to give value to happiness only when its gone..
And same thing goes with all things in life.

Friday, August 30, 2013

Furr and blood...

Should I write stories or not?
That is still one question in my mind. And then I have been thinking of my school works.
Maybe I should use pixel art to my page or then just draw bit anime styled graphics with cute and "kawaii" stuff..

But the other hand I m falling to do "The watership down effect".. meaning the furries and the blood.

Yep. Fur and blood. Its just kinda so cute.

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Gosun ristiriitaisuus?

Oonko ainoa joka on tätä mieltä?
Älkää tuomitko ennen kuin olette lukeneet koko tekstin. En tuomitse ketään enkä syytä. Musta tämä vain on outoa.

Ensin --> Älä puhu vaikeita termejä koska sua ei ymmmärretä. Eli meidän pitää puhua aina totta ja niin pois päin.. Ei mitää feikkiraskauksia tai feikki-juttuja.
Sitten itse kauhean epämääräinen selonteko tarkastaja Geraldista. Se annteaan viralliseen sävyyn vaikkei koko yhtiötä sen enempää kuin tarkastajaakaan ole olemassa.

Sitten nyt tämä Timpan tapaus.
Ensin tehdään selväksi että kapinointi on turhaa ja typerää, sekä mitään tempauksia toisia ihmisiä vastaan ei saa tehdä.

Sitten Timppa julkisesti ilmoittaa ylläpidon kautta lopanneensa koska häntä "hyväksikäytetään" ym..
Sekä kaikki Timpan kaverit hävinneet forkalta.
Tällä tarkoitan lentäviä possuja.

Mun mielestä tämä on hieman ristiriitaista ja outoa.

Ja kyllä oli tylsää joten päätin kirjoittaa  mietteeni ylös.

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Back To business

After having whole Bad authumn flu for last week I'm finally back to school and my Studies. Still having sore throat. Well I managed to start school projects and Feel quite Happy. Still would enjoy sleeping instead of studying. Because my head feels odd.

Saturday, August 24, 2013

JA nyt kun sivu on ylhäällä voin ..

Konkreettisesti kokeilla kaikkea ja saan sen tekemistä aika tavalla eteenpäin. Nyt tehtävänä olis tehdä kirjautumis-palvelin vielä kuntoon + grafiikat niin olen aika tyytyväinen. :3

Tällähetkellä graffa tossa kunnossa. 8-)
Ja kyllä Vinskihän se siinä.

Sivun alfa-versio ylhäällä

Okei eli nyt oma serveri ylhäällä ja toiminnassa ja voin alkaa rakentamaan sivua tuon rangan päälle jota oon tehnyt.

En jaa vielä mitään teille rakkaat mutta saatte kyllä linkin kun jotain on ylhäällä virallisesti.

Wednesday, August 21, 2013


Niin. Tänään olen laittanut palvelinta pystyyn ja opetellut käyttämään palvelinta.
Lisäksi tarkoituksena olisi saada raakarunko jo tänään ylös nettiin jotta siihen voisi rakentaa ensin kirjautumispalvelimen ja tämän jälkeen muuta sisältöä.

Stay tuned punks! 

Monday, August 19, 2013


Okei rupean nyt varmaan kirjoittamaan jotain tarinaa vaikka sitten  suomeksi tänne joten teitä on varoitettu.
Tarina ei sovi kenellekään missään tilanteessa.

Sunday, August 18, 2013

If I would write a story..

Would you read it?
Yep. This is a question for you ninjas in dA! 8-)
And yes what I have in mind at the moment is kinda related to Throttle. *vink*

Vastaillaas sitte näihin aikani kuluksi..

Jep.. I got kinda tagged here.. Damn it and I tough people only dared to tag me in dA.

11 Kysymystä seuraaville 

1. Miten luokittelisit tyylisi?
-Das Baikarmaus 8-)

2. Lempiblogisi?
-Olenko pahis jos sanon että oma blogini? Sinne on kivaa kirjoitella kaikkea mitä milloinkin ajattelee ja sitten myöhemmin miettiä ja katua että jahas.. oonko mä joskus kirjotellut tällastakin ja ajatellut tällastakin? XD

3. Mistä et pidä itsessäsi? 
-Tjaa.. aika paha. En nyt tiedä.. Ainakaan en ole kovinkaan iloinen siitä että mulla tosiaan on tuo lievä adhd, jonka seurauksena mulla on kaikki huonot ominaisuudet mitä BMFM Vinskilläkin. Paitsi ettei mulla ole ketään Turbon tai Moton kaltaista jonka seläntaakse piiloutua kun satutn töppäämään..

4. Kuvaile luonnettasi kolmella sanalla?
-Pirteä, Omalaatuinen , Vinski (Onks toi ees sana?)

5. Lempijuomasi? 
-Coca Cola

6. Miksi aloitit bloggauksen? 
-Tjaa siihen on useita syitä. Ehkä pääasiassa siksi että mulla on paljon enkunkielisiä ystäviä sivuston kautta ja yleensä kirjoittelenkin enkuksi kaikkea mitä ajattelen ja mietin ja niin edespäin..

7. Lempihiustenvärisi? 

8. Osaatko automerkkejä? 
-Toyota,Honda, Subaru, Mitsubishi, Nissan, Mersu, Volvo, Opel, Wolkwagen, Sisu, Lada... ööh.. Peugeot, Subaru, Ferrari.. enempää ei muistu mieleen.

9. Haluaisitko lävistyksen jonnekkin, minne? 
-Enpä oikeastaan. Olen aika kipuarka. Korvikset pitäis varmaan joskus hommata koska sukulaiset ostelee mulle niitä jatkuvasti vaikka tietävät ettei mulla ole (vieläkään) reikiä. Ja kyllä ikää on se 19v.

10. Sivusto, jolla vietät eniten aikaa?  
-Veikkaan että aika moni tulee valittamaan että mun pitäisi sanoa mutta jotenkin tuntuu että kyllä se enemmän tuo on. 

11. Pidätkö kissoista? 
-Niiden kanssa ei voi elää, eikä ilman niitä voi elää. Okei mulla vaan on kaksi pentua vahdittavana ja ne osaavat välillä olla hyvinkin rasittavia. Mutta pidän minä heistä.


Ja tiedän että taggauksen ideana on taggata muita mutta olen kapinallinen enkä taggaa ketään. Hahhahahahahha!

Kirjoittaisko turri-ficcejä vaiko ei? Vaikea päätös väsyneenä..

Mä myönnän etten ole mitenkään täydellinen ja osaan välillä käyttäytyä aika idioottimaisesti.. no mennyttään ei voi muuttaa ja pitää silti jatkaa eteenpäin.

Nyt kun taas on opiskelu alkanut ja kesäloma kului aikalailla BMFM-ficcien kanssa. :3
Nyt tuli itsellekin kauhea himo ruveta kirjoittamaan jotain.. Ehkä pitäisi? Tai sitten ehkä ei?
Tai ehkä kuitenkin pitäisi?

Näitä asioita pyörittelen päässäni ja mietin josko kirjoittaisin jotain, ja samalla mietin että minne pistän takarajan. Miten pahaksi se saa mennä?

Juu nyt taidan olla liian väsynyt ottamaan vastuuta siitä mitä kirjoittaisin jos rupeaisin ficciä tänne suomeksi kirjoittamaan. Ehkä Enlganniksi? Tai ei sekään varmaan tilannetta parantaisi. .. Ei ainakaan hyvässä mielessä koska setti olisi kuitenkin liian outoa ja katuisin sitä aamulla.

Niin ja jos joku teistä ei sitä vielä tiedä mulla on lievä ylivilkkaushäiriö jonka johdosta olen hyvin impulsiivinen, ja liian usein huomaan että toimin ensin ja ajattelen vasta jälkikäteen. Juuri sen takia tässä nyt päivittelenkin ja mietin että pitäiskö kirjoittaa tarinaa vaiko eikö?

Jotenkin kirjoittamalla saan pääni selvitettyä kaikkein parhaiten. Yleensä teen sen enkuksi mutta nyt jostain syystä iski kova himo kirjoittaa ihan suomenkielellä.

Tiedän että varmasti (jos ylipäätään olet jaksanut tänne asti) lukea pidät minua sekopäänä. Mutta minua ei kiinnosta. Itsepähän olet blogitekstiäni lukenut tänne asti. Joten itse saat päättää mitä teet elämälläsi joten minua on turhaa syyttää siitä että vein turhaan aikaasi.

Tällähetkellä vain ei yhtään tekisi mieli nukkua, vaan tekisi mieli kirjoitella jotain kivaa. Jotain turreihin liittyvää.. mutta taidanpa jättää ainakaan Suomeksi julkaisematta koska tiedän katuvani sitä heti huomenna aamulla kun luen ensimmäiset kommentit täältä.

Mut miten on? Kirjoittaisko jotain kivaa omaksi riemuksi vai ei?

Oioi Gosu..

Juu itse kyllä opin virheistäni enkä aijo enää Gosun palvelimesta sanoa halaistua sanaa.. Sen enempää väittää sitä toimivaksi kuin kertoa että se lagittaa.

Mutta siis asiaan.

"goSupermodelin käyttäjille
Lähetän tämän kirjeen, jotta osaatte varautua tarkastukseen. Internetin sivistystoimi on palkannut minut selvittämään, opitteko mitään tätä sivustoa (goSupermodelia) käyttäessänne.
Tulevien neljän viikon aikana laadin raportin sivustolla (goSupermodelissa) havaitsemistani asioista. Mikäli sivusto (goSupermodel) ei mielestäni palvele sivistämistarkoituksessa vaan tuhlaa käyttäjiensä aikaa, esitän sivuston muuttamista niin, että 90 % sisällöstä on koulutuksellista.

Esimerkkejä koulutuksellisesta sisällöstä ovat matemaattiset tehtävät, oikeinkirjoitusharjoitukset ja maantiedon kokeet.


Herra Gerard Gerland
Tarkastaja, Internetin sivistystoimi

Ei pahalla mutta ainakaan itse en ole koskaan kuullut mistään Internetin sivistystoimesta, eikä myöskään herra Geraldin nimellä löydy mitään. Epäilen että kyseessä on kuvitteellinen henkilö sekä kuvitteelinen kampania.

Itseä kuitenkin hämmästyttää se miten vakavasti Gosu käskee meidän ottaa kaiken mitä sanomme ja teemme.

Kaiken pitää olla todenperäistä ja vakavaa..
Ja mitäs sitten itse tehdään jokin tällainen "pila" meille?


Ihmettelen täsäs vain että mitä ylläpidolla on mielessään.. Ja miksen minä ole mitään tuollaisesta sivistystoimesta kuullut.

Agenttirusakko pitää korvansa auki ja ...
Okei ehkä vaan keskityn koodaamaan sitä opinnäytetyötäni. 8-)
Image made by 



Friday, August 16, 2013

Too beautiful for my eyes...

Yep yep... I really should keep break from inernet but somehow scene like this makes my heart melt..
Its something that I found from one page.
And I really wanna start writing stories again.

Maybe I should? Or maybe not?
Too hard decition.
And for sure too bad content for you bros. *Vink Vink* 

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Mitä ihmettä Gosu?

"Olet aikalisällä!

Olet antanut muille käyttäjille vaikutelman, että edustat jollakin tavalla goSupermodelin ylläpitoa. Annat viesteissäsi tiedotuksia, jotka eivät kuulu tavallisen käyttäjän toimivaltaan.

Olet myös uhannut foorumilla goSupermodelin hakkeroimisella: "Kimballakin napsahtaa. Harmi ku oon 19v niin hakkeroinnista tulee kunnon syytteet.."

Jos jatkat toimintaasi, joudumme valitettavasti poistamaan mallisi.


Ensinnäkin olisi eri kivaa tietää missävaiheessa väitin olevani ylläpidon jäsen. Olen nimenomaan sanonut että EN ole ylläpidon jäsen.

Myönnän kirjoittaneeni että harmittaa että hakkerointi on laitonta mutta en ole aikeissa hakkeroida sivustoa.

Ikävä kyllä en tiedä mikä Gosun ylläpidolla on minua vastaan mutta jotain on.


Ylläpidon vastaus


Kiitos viestistäsi. Emme ole sanoneet, että olisit väittänyt olevasi ylläpidon jäsen. Kirjoitimme, että olet antanut sellaisen vaikutelman, että edustat ylläpitoa. Jotkut käyttäjät ovat siinä uskossa, ja se ei käy laatuun.

Tässä muutama viesteistä, jotka ovat aikalisän taustalla:

"Eli joskus saattaa olla tilanne ettei selaimesi saa yheyttä Gosuun. Tällöin jokin kuormittaa Gosun palvelinta. Luultavammin iso käviämäärä.
Ylläpidon mukaan palvelujen kaatuminen on täysin normaalia eli ei mitään tarvetta paniikkiin."

"Se johtui siitä että palvelin syystä tai toisesta oli nurin hetkellisesti. Ylläpidon mukaan se on ihan normaalia."

"Wups.. Jokin on nyt tosiaan rasittanut serveriä. Mutta ihan normi juttu se on. Ei hätää. sitten jos tätä alkaa tapahtumaan päivittäin pitää mielestäni huolestua ja miettiä onko Gosu verkkohyökkäyksen kohteena.

Mutta tiedän että ylläpito kyllä pitää huolta ettei niin pääse tapahtumaan. :3"

"Se on normaalia ja kaikki on hyvin. :)"

Noista viesteistä saa kuvan, että sinulla on tietoa, jota tavallisilla käyttäjillä ei ole. Tämähän ei pidä paikkansa. Sen sijaan annat käyttäjille virheellistä tietoa.

Pääosa käyttäjistä on todella nuoria, ja emme halua, että heitä johdetaan harhaan.

Toivottavasti ymmärrät. Meillä ei ole mitään sinua vastaan henkilökohtaisesti.

Ystävällisin terveisin,

SORI VAAN jos yritin ehkäistä paniikkia joka viimeksi osittain mun takia aiheutui.

Sunday, August 4, 2013

Ginga nagareboshi Gin tunnarin sanoitus

Vuoret kutsuvat sinua,
Taivas kutsuu sinua!
Sinä tiedät jonkun odottavan sinua kaukaisuudessa.
Tunnet veren palavan, oh nin elävästi.
Nyt sinä ymmärrät syyn miksi olet syntynyt


Muutu tuuleksi ja juokse.
Tule, ylitä se mitä teit eilen.
Haasta asiat jotka ovat suurenmpia kuin sinä itse.
Juuri nion, nuoruus on tähdenlento,
joka ei koskaan sammu.

Jos käännyt ympäri
rauhallisuus voi,
kuten äitisi kutsuen sinua äkillisesti pysähtymään.
Se unelma joka sinulla kerran oli,
Älä anna sitä kenelle tahansa.
Äla anna sitä, kenelle tahansa.


Juokse tuulen kanssa.
Kyyneleet jotka olet pirstonut
ovat jo alkaneet kuivua.
Kirkas uusi aurinko on nousemassa
toisella puolen tietä.
Joku heiluttaa kättään ja sanoo "Juostaan rinta rinnan vierekkäin!".


muutu tuuleksi ja juokse.
Tule, ylitä se mitä teit eilen.
Haasta asiat jotka ovat suurenmpia kuin sinä itse.
Juuri nion, nuoruus on tähdenlento,
joka ei koskaan sammu.

Käännös englanninkielisestä käännöksestä:

Saturday, July 27, 2013


Gosun ropen esittelyteksti.
Säilytettäväksi sen varalta jos keskustelu täyttyy ja poistetaan ennenkuin ehdin tehdä uutta.


Mainostajat törmäävät ärsyyntyneeseen Vinskiin omalla vastuulla.
(Me emme kaipaa mainostuksia koska emme myy emmekä osta mitään.)

PS. Tosikoilta pääsy ehdottomasti kielletty.

кยкค ๏ภ кєภєภкเภ

Vinski - Kimba

Turbo - Requem

Moto - Darren Shan

Minni -Criticize

Anni - Maritsu

Rontti - Lara Moo

Leipäjuusto - Sipulin ropemalli

Miihkali - Sarakiina

Sädesilmä - Nickole


Jos joskus menee täyteen Kimba tekee uuden eiks je? :3

Muistetaan Gosun säännöt täälläkin eiks je? Jos kotikaljaa kitataan niin ostetaan kaupasta sitä alkoholitonta versiota ja ollaan cooleja ja ajetaan kypärät päässä. 

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Epic anatomy learning..?

I might be entirely wrong but I m getting the feeling I m getting the hang on to this stuff.
I m feeling like I m finally learning how to draw anatomy free handed.
Yep and I think my web site project (that I have been building) is working out fine because my uncle promised to help me with PHP-coding.

Friday, July 5, 2013

Standing and watching pain is really hard..

After being depressed so many years and when finally feeling okay I find it hard to watch when very dear friend of mine is depressed..
was it really this hard to my friends also to watch me fading and suffering?
I want to give big hug to everyone who stood by my side when I was hurt and weak.
Same time I want to pray God powers to my friend who is really sad at the moment.

Oh how I wish if I could get his pains inside me.
He is so much weaker than I m. I feel like I was missing my own pain and would be ready to take my own pain inside me just to see him smile.

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Can't get sleep because good idea you wanna try out?

You ever feel like it at the night time that  you just can't get sleep and you have an awesome idea about something and then you just keep thinking how would you make your idea come true?
Well at the moment its kinda the feeling I m having..
Also I m sure that this warm and annoying weather is one reason why I can't get sleep. Its annoying. Its too warm and air seems too "emtpy".

Well here we go.. Or die trying to write synopsis for my school project.
"Its time to Biker Mice to hit the road again.."

Sunday, June 30, 2013

Friday, June 28, 2013

One more time old timer..

Bring it on..
And look what did I drew? :3
Stokeerr! *Evil grin*

And next in laundry list again.. is 


And again I happened to stay up awake late drawing furries. Smart me, da? *grin*
But if you want to see more of my drawings please visit my gallery.

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

What .. Why did I drew this?

Hi again!
And yes why do I enjoy drawing these?
I really don't know. I just started to sketch something and came up with this image inside my head after thinking of Vinnie being evil cookie thief that needed to be captured..
Well I still like it myself and it was a good practice even its odd and weirdo..

 But I think this is good work, taking up the point that I drew it with my laptop.

Maybe I should stop drawing anthro furries for while..?
But then again maybe not because I find these cool and awesome.  
Plus now I really want to capture Vinnie..*grin*

And this leaves me with just one question. I wonder who reads this stuff..?
Please comment and tell me what I should write about next? Or then just give me drawing ideas.
But please comment!
I feel so weirdo when I know people read my blog but none comments.

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Things to remember--> DO NOT drive like Vinnie, DO NOT Think like Vinnie.. etc.. lol

Here again one year older but still as stupid as ever.. And what did we learn when I tried to ride my bike like Vinnie from Biker Mice -Not watching where driving and instead grinning and fooling around.- Well I got nice marks in my left knee and hand to remind about it for while. Hehhehee.

This is what I meant when I told you that I got the all bad habits of Vinnie.. And  I think he reminds me in bad way. But yes no bones broken as long as I know but just a little scratch in my wrist and an other in my knee. Everything perfect. *grin* No okay I better to stop this before I even start. *Slaps myself into face*

Well what did I got as Birthday present. As you all know I have hand problems with  my Nokia C7 and its BAAAD battery that can't hold for one 24h with out being loaded so now I got new Nokia with Windows sysetem.. And its just so weirdo that I  don't know how to use it..
Oh maybe  I do.

--> Its time to think Vinnie (un)-smart=
*Hits the new phone to wall*
Thhhehehehehe. XD

Okay just kidding. I m not throwing it to wall.. yet. But have a nice day peeeople. ;-)

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Biker Mice translated to Finnish

Kadulle iskee / Jalkakäytävä tuntee lämmön /Moottoripyörä sykkii
/ Mäntä alas metalliin/  Käy liman kimppuun//Pussittaa rikoksen pois
/ ja paineet polkimeen yeah !

 ( refrain)
 Biker Mice from Mars
 Biker Mice from Mars
 Biker Mice from Mars
Biker Mice from Mars

 Välähtää pyörät tulesta / hehkuen alas johdinta /
Oikeus on heidän syvin halunsa / kosto myös pitää (sitä) yllä /
Pyöräillen rappeutuneisuuden läpi / taistellen tiensä läpi
/ Pyöräiljät täällä jäädäkseen / Kunnes nahka repeytyy nahan läpi.

 Valaise yö kullalla / Hehkuen alas tietä /
 Pumpaten tulta niin uskaliasta / Paras pistää parastaan
/ Ajaen yön halki He tulevat olemaan siellä taistellakseen / Missä se on oikein
 / Prätkähiiret ikuisesti yeah.
 Refrain //

Missä hyvät lastenohjelmalaulut 2000-luvulla? O_O (Käänsin noin 4-5 min joten voi olla virheitä)

One or two thing about Biker Mice..

Yep. This is odd to know that these two songs were used as Japanese themes for Biker Mice in Japan, as I understood from Japanese wikipedia to claim. What do you think?
I think they are nice but kinda different for the other ones I have heard.

And the reason I have been listening these is that I have been drawing this and that..

And yes I still needs to color this one..

Sunday, June 16, 2013

And here we go again, drawing Throttle

Well here we go again..

Yes I m going to color this one also.
Why are old cartoon characters so fluffy and cute. and why does I just need to keep drawing them?

Friday, June 14, 2013

Vinnie's additude on life..

I just needs to say that this little fellow has damn good way of looking of things..
Also wanted to share my newest drawing.

Onko Gosu nurin?

Juu eli tännne vaan mulle tietoja et oonko ainoa jolla on -sivusto nurin..
Vai oonko taas ainoo?

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Kimba on kunnossa - Kaikki hyvin

Juu eli ajattelin tännekin kirjoittaa ihan vaan selvennykseksi koska monia on ihmetyttänyt tuo mun Gosu-aikalisäni.

Niin olin sen verran huolimaton ja tylsistynyt että menin puhumaan foorumilla Drupal- nimisen julkaisupalvelimen sisällä tapahtuneista hakkeroinneista ja mietin olisiko myös gosun tiedostoihin kajottu. Ylläpidon mielestä käytin liikaa media-termistöä jota "normaalit käyttäjät" eivät ymmärrä sekä sain aikaiseksi paniikki-tilanteen puhumalla julkaisupalvelimen hakkeroinnista.

Eli Gosua itseään ei olla hakkeroitu ja kaikki on hyvin eli ilmeisesti huolestutin porukoita turhaan.
Pahoitteluni tässä vielä että olin ylläpidolle ja modeille vaivaksi. Ensikerralla ku tulee tällasia uutisia vastaan pidän ne sitten omana tietonani enkä puhu niistä forkalla Gosulaisten kesken.

Ja juu eli Kimba on kunnossa ja samoin ilmeisesti Gosun julkaisupalvelinkin kun ylläpito ei ainakaan sanonut siitä juuta eikä jaata. Mutta sanoi että mallit on turvassa eli ei hätää.

-Kimba/ Varjokani

Monday, June 3, 2013

Be happy like a biker mouse... What the heck did I just write?

It is warm, and it is lovely. But somehow I ended up getting some kind of flu again.
I m sure that this flu haunts me. Somehow I always manage to get the same disease year after year.  Well it never stopped me and this year is not going to be any different. I m going to enjoy my summer no matter what.

At this moment I m doing it while eating icecream and watching Biker Mice From Mars -tv series.  That brinhgs me just one question. Did Vinnie have ADHD? Well if he has I m so proud of him to have same broblem as I have.  Being hyperactive can sometimes be really annoying. And sometimes the one who is annoying is you. And then you just wanna scream and hit your head to the wall. But it can be quite fun time to time.. It is really fun when it is you who saves the day being hyperactive and "crazy" (who should have died) but somehow you survive and save the day.

Sometimes it seems that people have forgotten how to be happy and enjoy their life. And many seems to have big problems trying to see the bright side of life. Even I who again got sore throat and flu realize to have this same problem. But maybe I just needs to learn something from Vinne and learn to simle when I do something really stupid and when everything is going to be mess.
 Maybe it would do a big favor to all of us to learn to think positive.  And yes what I just did write? Well never mind I m too lazy to undo, even it would mean I had to undo half of this text unless I want it to look like unofficial add that makes you to watch Biker mice from mars-series.  
Well like I said. Have fun and be happy! That is what I m going to do. And do it with style! Yeee-haa! 8-D

Friday, May 31, 2013

Studies ending from 2103 last post

Well now it is time to write my last blogtext at this period. Tomorrrow I can sleep with no more worries about studies. Today was my last day at studying.. Well don't worry I haven't been kicked out from there (yet.) I will come back to school at next autumn when the leaves fall.

Somehow even I do feel relaxed and happy I find myself quite melancoly about when I think I m going to miss all the fooling around the classroom with my classmates. I m really going to miss it. But then again I know we all can rest from hard work and long days at coding etc.

And I m 100% My neck will love it. I have had horrible pains in my neck and upper  back. AND I damn know also the reason why --> Coding. ^^'

Well I have been warned about it but still I don't feel the pain when I code and do something interesting. And I kinda love coding and programming and  want to do it more.. Yes I m doing this even  I know it is not maybe the best for me.

But how can I stop doing something I love? How can anyone stop anything they love?
I know it is called addiction but when I think of it I notice that everyone is somehow addicted or depending of something.

For some it is friends, some it is tobacco, drawing, dogs, cats, pets, hobbies, running, sleeping, reading,..

For me I feel quite unpleasant if I just stand and do nothing.. So I enjoy most of myself when I keep coding simple codes html java script. etc.


Wednesday, May 29, 2013


And its half of the week done.. And today we should have all projects returned to teachers to get numbers.

Well I think I m quite lucky then.

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Studying last week..

The sun just keeps shining and I find it to almost impossible to keep track of my own mind and thoughts.
I mean I should be editing couple of sound files and I have almost done them all but I find my own mind wandering all the time. I know its part of my ADHD and usually I can control it but lately it has been bit annoying.

I have always used wander in my thoughts when I m sad or something but now I feel bit annoyed. I guess its part of this era that there is only this week studying left before I can rest and the dead part of my brains wants me to sleep..

I say dead because myself I found myself enjoying studying and don't wanna this perioid to end so soon.
But kinda the other side of me wants to rest and draw when other one wants to study. I quess I just have to live with it and luckily soon its time to rest.

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Latest news of my summer

The summer has finally fallen in Finland. Its kinda lovely how warm it is outside.
It is like whole new world after that cold and hard winter when you could barely see the sun. Now it seems the sun never goes to sleep but keeps hanging around 24/7. Well I have heard that in Lapland it really happens even never seen it with mine own eyes.

Well soon we will have our summer holiday. Actually now beginning week is the last one. I kinda feel sad because it. Well it is nice to relax and sleep but I have to admit that I m going to miss my class during the summer. We just have the best gang there. Everyone of us is just unique and that makes us "us". The second year media student group middle of nowhere.

I also feel bit sad when I think about it that during these two awesome year our group has become smaller when some of us have failed to keep going and studying. They have come tired because long days at school or then just wanted to do something else instead of studying. Well luckily the main group is still the same even     some people dropped out of the school at the beginning of the year. I kinda feel ashamed because I have already forgotten their names.

But I still want to keep studying editing and coding even I have learned myself my lessons how hard it can get. Maybe my classmates are right and I m mad.. After all I think we all are bit mad.  I just happen to be the one who loves coding Java Script and HTML5.

But what would I tell about my life and happenings..?
Please comment and say aloud what you want to read. :3

I would love to write a lot of things but then I notice I need to go to do couple of ambience thingies for Monday.

Writing more soon..

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Kimba sanoo pöö~

Juu Kimba sanoo pöö teille kaikille ihanille käyttäjille. :3

Monday, May 20, 2013

Peaceful inside..

So summer has again creeped and sneaked silently to Finland..
Everything is just so calm and peaceful and warm and in the evening I can hear as birds sing. It is just so peaceful and lovely.

Somehow I feel peaceful from inside also because school is soon over.

Sunday, May 19, 2013

How can

How can it be possible that when its beautiful summer I end up being ill.?
Its just so unfair.

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Time goes faster

Sometimes I wonder how does it possible that time goes so fast. And sometimes I even think if this is the "Biblical" The time will go faster in the end of times because the God is mercyful..-thingie. I just feel like I just have started studying and its already summer. I m sure I can't be onlyone who feels this way but surely someone else has to feel same way even I havent met him/her yet. But then again I feel happy because its summer and I can sleep all day long.. ~<3


Thursday, April 25, 2013

What happened to human rabbit hybrids?

Yes first there were one in China 2003 and then in USA later  and it was in news. I know they destroyed them but I still would want to  know why there is no  more news of any human rabbit mixing lately..

Its just weird that there is no talking about it. Just like those people would just quit their projects after spending so much money to it.

Why such silence about cloning and mixing humans and animals anyways?

Yes myself I use rabbit as my fursona but I totally found out that kind of mixing bit shocking.

Still at the other  hand I m interested to know what has been happening.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

My personalities

When I come to think about myself.. About all sad times I had and all feelings that I  had in my life I feel thinking of how I become what I m. After seeing movie based of life of Truddi Chase, girl who had documented with MPD; multiple personalities disorder I have started to think of my own personality.
There is the part of me that is nice and caring and polite but really really weak from inside and who easily wants to cry. When the other side is ready to be social and nice and is always getting great ideas and inspiration from things around me...

Then I have the warrior side of my persona that sometimes I m ready to fight till death. The warrior type of me is silent and just stares people around me. I dunno maybe I m analyzing myself too hard. I just remember when being in confirmation camp I could not get sleep when others were yelling middle of night. I just rose from bed and stared them because I was too tired to talk.. And they said I looked like I was about to kill them. They were scared and I found it odd.

Maybe I do have many sides of my personalities and I think I should not have any reason to worry about MPD as long as I can remeber all things and don't feel like I m snipped awake from moment that I don't remember what happened.  So I think I m just normal kid but I still find this kind of thinking interesting. Yet I know when I write this all nonsense here I m sure everyone thinks I m stupid. But you know what. I could not care less. Or at least the "warrior" side of me does not care.

Monday, April 8, 2013

An other tough of life walue

What is that makes human life worth anything? Just lets take religion out from the picture and also lets cut out those who claim that life is worth something. Then what is it?

Yep mates it is nothing.. Then we keep thinking and asking why people kill each other. We must value life. But we don't want to do it. We don't want to speak about Christianity or religions. We want to ignore them because that means there is maybe a God and we maybe have to take respond to our actions and do something..

And the worse of it. We are NOT perfect. We are just humans.

Yep. For so many people it is hard bit to bite. We are not perfect. Ofcurse you say that you are perfect but I bet you also have evil toughs like "borrowin" your friends computer game, phone or anything. Even if that comes to your mind you have committed a crime inside your heart. Every single one of us has done it. We are not perfect. Even how much we claim we are.

So that is why it is so hard to think of God. It makes people sad. That also is used reason why "Not teach kids value of life.." and still kids grow up and become killers. What does the world do?

I m really worried about this whole situation because so many can commit school shooting these days. And its really sad. I m not afraid to die but that someone else might get hurt.. Someone who does not know that Jesus loves him or her. I just find it sad.

But what can I do? These days I think that often but still end up doing nothing for it.
What should I do? Should I speak to people about it. I m sure many would say no. Just be quiet and wait till you get some sense inside your head.. But how long can I or anyone wait when I see people turning into somekind of stone in front of the very eyes of mine.
People just become empty from heart. They have so much troubles that they harden their heart.
And then I just have to stand and watch how they unless die or kill someone else.

I m really really worried.
Maybe I m over reacting. Maybe I should not care of anything around me. But that would mean I should harden my own heart.


My head is just so full of toughs  that I feel confused and feel like I want to say so many things aloud but then again I come to think if there is any good reason for it. I m pretty sure it helps no one even if I write this text here. Well at the moment I just feel like I want to write and write because of that.

Following the brown rabbit in Skyrim..

And I end up being almost robbed.

And what did I do? I just sneaked upon a rabbit like "Aww..  cuteey" And then bandits are after me and try to rob me. I m smart yes?

Friday, April 5, 2013

North Korean lead morals? Our morals?

Many people wonder what does go on inside Kim Jong Un -if he even thinks of nothing- I m sure about that.

Some might even think that maybe he does what he does because of his father. But do we really think why he does what he does? What are his moralic values of life?

We know that he has done lots of bad things. We all have done bad things. And we know that he is kind of person who does not be scared to put people in jail or kill them if he does not enjoy how "some of people" think.

Why is that? Is it just because he is mad? Nope. I think its more because no one taught him to value life itself. Nonsense you say.  But think of it. If he would keep life and freedom in high value would he try be so hardly what he now is? I m sure he does not.

And where does this way of thinking come from? From Bible?..
Nope. It is more like "Evolution-believing"  :
"We have no reason to be in this planet.. We are worth nothing.." -way of thinking.

And even we have seen this way of thinking effecting our own children in a way that they take a gun with them and shoot their class mates why still no one notices how dangerous is to teach "We have no reason to live.. unless we make it ourself."

Just thinking of it.

I m sure many of you will be disagree with this argument and I m not forcing you to be agree with me. Also I hope you are smart enough to let me have my opinion instead of starting a fight just to tell how wrong I might be.

I believe life is a gift from the God, and this kind of thinking puts us all in danger.

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Final count down for this perioid..

I have been really buzy lately. I have been doing my own portfolio lately.

Well I needs to say that now I m sure there is something wrong  with my brains because I just love coding and editing.. Even how annoying it can get I still kinda enjoy it.

I have been learning HTML5 and CSS3 lately and I find it kinda fun also.

The only bad side of my life is that I still need medicines for my depression. And when I tried to take less-effective amount of pills I found that I somehow  felt like wanting to cry many feelings that I had "hidden inside me"..

I find it a good thing but then it came to my mind that what if I have got too addicted to them so I m depended of them and it feels bit scary.

Well I did not have any scary nightmares or anything like that.. or so far  because I don't remember having one unless you count my last night dream as one where  I was late for work time training-job place of mine and was about to drown because of huge amount of water in City alleys and inside a mall I was walking by there.

But I returned to my old amout of them and I think okay now. 

But yes I really feel I should write here more often because I feel it helps me to keep  my head clear from all things that are in my mind. 

Sometimes it just feels like I think I m not even awake even I m. But I suppose everything is a lot better than it was over a year ago because  I m able to walk among people and I m able to study with out panic attacks 24/7. 

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Planning to do web layouts

Hi again. I think summer is slowly coming into this dark place in world that we call Finland.. Sun keeps shining but still its kinda cold and chilly wind  makes me feel freezing.

I know that people say that warm sun gives energy but somehow it feels like its draining all my energy.. Maybe it is just the cold weather that makes me feel really tired. Well what it ever it is I still feel kinda tired when I wake up early to go my everyday route to school and studies.

When I came home yesterday I just fell into my  bed and was planning to have "quick naps" that ended up me to sleep till next morning.

My studies are going fine.. I just feel that being kinda tired and feeling lazy is making my studies harder but I think I will manage.

Also the good news are that we keep learning new stuff every day and someday I really can be proud and work for living via doing web-page layouts and even whole pages.

Actually I m thinking starting even doing them now.  Still quite planning how to do the advertisements and payments etc. but I m still making progress in that area.

Hugs from Finland and into next time mates!

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Why we vampires?

Why when sun finally comes out from behind the clouds everyone in my class (including myself) feel like a vapmires and flee for it.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

I really dont get people

Why does it happen that some times you first feel really happy about all nice things around you and then you just feel sad..?

And why do I get the feeling that some people don't know how to handle their sadness but blame others for it?

Okay I think we all do that to time to time but somehow I keep wondering why some of us do it more than rest of us? When they feel down they blame you for it.. Like "I feel horrible because of you." Okay its okay to say that aloud but when you do that and still go near that kinda person like you just would want to hurt yourself more I find myself wandering if everything is okay or not?

Maybe it just is that we people are not perfect, even how hard we try to be perfect and awesome we are not. And when some people  notice it they are cool, but some at the other hand get really mad to everyone else around them because those around them did not finish their "Dream world" and keep it standing for them.

Well it is hard to say but I really keep wandering it. :)

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Useful links for css coding

-  Gradient maker
- Color picker
Flash file linking

How to create custom mouse icon?

If you wish to create custom mouse icon to your web-page you can do it easily. Just add this peace of code to your css-file.

cursor: url('Your_cursors_name+link.cur'), default;

Link to online .cur convertor can be found here.

Also the code to make it be shown in your blog:

<style type='text/css'>body,a,a:hover{cursor:url(,progress}</style>

Monday, March 4, 2013

normal day in media.

Just a normal day in media.. You just have fighting fish on your desk because someone wanted to buy it to film it in school studies and then to throw up and kill it in sewers and you just managed to talk them over to give it to you.. Yep. Just normal day in media. I have been trying to keep this fish alive for whole day starting 1pm and now its 5:30 pm and I still feel scared and sorry for this little fellow.

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Html-harjoituksen ulkoasu_show_off

Tähän tulee päiväys

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

sims3 feat. books

Yes.. NEVER EVER play Sims3 after reading good novels if you don't want to end up epic Sim making + weirdo house ideas.

As seen here..

so if I cant sleep I m going to study..

Because I could not sleep I decided to practice and do small animation sketching..
Yes its not anything official. Just small sketching I m doing.
Like you can see its kinda rough and sketchy but I kinda enjoy learning how different animators do head movements etc.

why me?

I really feel annoyed now.. I mean I still have fever and I feel too tired to read anything (after finishing Lords of the Rings) and too full of energy to sleep. Other thing that is stopping me from sleeping is the heat and feeling like I m boiling alive. I really hate this annoying situation.


Sunday, February 17, 2013

Waked up and installed Löve

Good morning.. I feel better now... I think. I still have cold shivers because of fever not calmed yet down. But the headache I had yesterday evening is gone. In fact I feel brilliant. One of my friends told me about a script language called LUA and now I feel like I must try it out right now. Yes I don't know anything about that language yet, it looks quite similiar than the codes that I have used before so I think I will manage quite nicely. Well we will see that later.

But however I still should think about coding languages because in my studies I have to choose one coding language to learn and become expert with. Well I haven't given that much of touch lately but I kinda feel like I should. After all it will be a move that will take effect on things I will do in my future.. Untill I decide to learn some other language also.  But then maybe I m over dramatizing things again?

Well we will see that later.

Now I m going to be really really stupid rabbit-brained kid and download LÖVE and see what happens.

Yes I have a bad habit of exploring things via "Lets see if I push this red button what happens.." And I really enjoy doing it when I m stuck in bed because of being il.

I will be writing here soon..

So beware!

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Feverish nonsense of nothing interesting

I just feel like writing a story even I don't have any ideas what to tell. Also I feel numb and sensless like I was half dead. Maybe it is because I feel really tired... But somehow I still want to write a storyline of mice and rats and all kind of creatures fighting for their freedom somewhere far away from here in the era when humans were not concoured all the forests and land in world themselves.

I have imagine in my head about animals ruling all by themselves and taking care of their own busines. But maybe it is because of fever starting to rise again.. or maybe it is because I just read 'The secret of Nimh' but at the other hand I think it is because of both.

Forest, walleys and rivers they all kinda float before my eyes and I feel like I m there not here. I kinda can hear the wind in trees and feel the sun in my face. But not only I can feel the warmness of the sun, but I can feel something really evil lurking around.

That is the world I wanna write about but my head feels kinda empty of toughts. I don't have any ideas what would be the main plot. Lost sword or lost "hero" finding himself being hero feels too used for me.. Same thing goes with the "One ring to rule them all."

Maybe I m odd, because when I  m tired or ill I always want to write stories and do stuff.. Just when I was supposed to rest and take a nap I want to write or do something else instead.. Who cares. I bet no one reads this blog anyways. Well I don't care it either if anyone really reads this or not but I just feel like this writing kinda clears the mist inside my head.

Well my head is different for rest of us. After all I was supposed to be "A wild child".. I have read it takes only 2-3 years to human grow up his/hers first years without any contacts in other humankind to become one ... well whatever.

I just keep thinking what would happen if not and when not that and this but same time I feel like thinking of nothing, when the other side of my head keeps planning the plot for new novel. Well I quess it is normal for me when I m ill. I never tought of it before before now.

Maybe I should stop writing all this nonsense and shit?.. Why? Then I would feel really bored and I really don't feel like I want to go to bed just yet. And maybe if I keep writing my toughts down I manage to cathch up that Fever raged picture from my head and make a good book plot from it.

That brings to me to think that I never published any of my official texts anywhere.. Should I? Maybe not. I think they would be too boring so no one would not read them anyways. But anyways why do I think of what people do think anyways? Why anyone thinks of that?

It seems to be somekind of inner type in our nature to think what other think of us even it only makes us to think before we act, but somehow it also makes us to not act.. Because we somehow are scared of the world around us. Why? That is a question we all can ask from ourselfs and maybe we wake up a bit smarter at next morning.. Maybe not but maybe.

Drawing ideas?



Well I think I m saved..

I managed to download free version of Daz studio to give it as present to my boyfriend. I really hope he likes it.. ^^

But I m still ill and feel really odd and kinda over energized and I hope people will not hate me now. If they do hate me well they haven't said anything just yet.

Still I should be doing some school stuff soon. I still have to finish my audio book and couple other things. But also I feel kinda too tired to think about them now. Maybe I will think of them later and suffer for them later. At the moment I feel too feverish to think anything smart but also I feel I have too much energy to go to sleep now. Also how could I sleep when I promised to go to my boyfrend's birthday.

I should also think what code I m going to specialize. I have been thinking of Java Script, Phyton and Lua and I feel like having difficulties to choose between those. Maybe I will make out something maybe I will not. Who knows. After all we cant tell what happens untill it happens for sure.

Also that saying goes with all things with our lifes. We can't know anything until it happens. We might live our last minute now or tomorrow or maybe it will come after next thousand of years..
We will never know. Also  I think it is a good thing just for our own safeside to not know happenings of tomorrow.  Just think of it. If we would know what would happen to us next we would surely try stay "home and safe" doing nothing and then will would notice we would die knowing having really boring life behind of us.

Would that be nice? Maybe for some of us would say yes but I m not so sure about it. I somehow like surprises and interesting events in life.

But I will writing more soon

Friday, February 15, 2013

should buy birthday present but ill

Sometimes things just can go so wrong.. I just should be buying something cool for my boyfriend but I got infection in my ears and I feel like I m going just lay here and keep thinking what should I do..

Maybe I figure out something.. Only problem is that its 20:12 and deadline for Birthday partys is tomorrow.. I so hate myself now.

Also I took my kittens neutried today. They are so "drunken" now. I just fear they hurt themselves. Now they are sleeping and I think its a good thing.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Hello again!

Yes its ages since I last posted here or even opened this page. I have been studied a lot. Now I know the basics of Java Script and am able to do lots of nice things. But what you do say if I start adding here some of coding tips? I mean would anyone be interested? .. I guess no but still I also enjoy fooling around with the Sims2. Nope I m not going to grow up for long time. Have fun and suffer for it!
And yes this blog is going to be updated a lot before I will start using it again. Hehehe. ^^'