Its seems it started to rain again. Mään. I did cry out for sun keeping me awake at night but I wasn't actually hoping for rain either. And here I notice myself acting like typical stupid human -- Its fun how some of us ( this time me in cluded) is never satifised with the weather. Always either too cold or too hot. Or then there ain't no wind and the air is rough and sharp like road in the contryside with no asphalt on it. So dusty that it makes one puke. Or then there is hot air and wind beating the hot air on your face untill it hurts. Or then its too cold.
When think of it we all have suffered for things I listed above. Many times when you see beautiful holiday island you think "wow this place is paradise" but when being honest to ourself there is always something wrong. .. And do you know why? My quess is as good as yours but I think its because this isn't paradise. Its fallen world.
Yes you can see many beautiful things here, and some awesome scenery. And beautiful music.. But also horrible things like war, people dying for either being sick or hungry or then get killed by each other because other one was dating a guy other was interested on. That one was seen in Finnish media couple weeks ago. Two girls who were "doing okay with each other", one gets mad, visits the other's home and kills other because "just happened to get bitch rage mode on" or someting.
Ya. Bros. How ever I try looking this world I just can't make it feel like paradise. When I'm alone, listening good music and eating icecream I think then I can have glimpse of paradise.. But still. Something is missing.
I found my hope for thinking that maybe Jesus does love me and maybe there is heaven for mad furries like myself. But how about you dear reader? What keeps you not getting insane and loosing all hope when the world around you turns out to be gloomy place? I'm interested to hear your story. Please comment and share your story below.
Or if you are just struggling and going one day before an other like I used to do sometimes and most of my days I still struggle and cry out when I fail. How does that feel? Can you relate anything I wrote here?
This is my personal diary blog and I hope you will support it by not using adblockers. Feel free to share and comment my writings.
Friday, May 29, 2015
Today's weather reflecting world
fallen world,
no senses,
perfect world,
world around us
Gosun ulkopuolella?
Taas tulee kohta viikko täyteen ilman Gosua. Joo yhä tuntuu haikealta ja oudolta mut joo. Toisaalta sitä rupeaa miettimään miten jokainen meistä on jatkanut elämäänsä ja harrastuksiaan. Ja mikä meissä on muuttunut.
Mulle oli omasta mielestäni iso askel kun uskalsin omalla nimelläni käydä sanomassa hei tuonne Gosun Face-ryhmään. Joo vaikutan aika monen mielestä seurankipeältä ja sosiaaliselta otukselta, mutta ne jotka mut oikeesti tuntee voi kertoa että mitä enemmän höpisen sen enemmän mua pelottaa. Tai siis peitän juttelemalla turhanpäiviäistä roskaa sen että mua pelottaa hirveästi ihmisten lähellä (Varsinkin omalla nimellä Tuntemattomien lähellä). Ja siten myös kokeilen ihmisten tapaa suhtautua läsnäolooni. Joo mulla on yhä eläimellisiä piirteitä jäljellä joista oon tänne purkanut lähinnä enkuksi. Mut siis lyhyesti koulukiusaaminen + valehtelevat ihmiset = paniikkihäiriöinen otus joka pelkää kaikkia ja kaikkea.
Mut joo itsestä toisaalta tosi mahtavaa miten oon pariin upeaan ja ihanaan ihmiseen nyt tutustunut paremmin kuin koskaan jos Gosua ei oltaisi suljettu. Joo te ihanat tunnistatte kyllä itsenne. Puhuin teille viimeksi eilen illalla ja tänään aamulla. :P
Mutta hei. Joo netisivuprojekti on yhä kesken (anteeksi) mutta valmistuu kokoajan.. hitaasti. Tällähetkellä VIELÄKIN pitää väsätä ulkoasua. Mutta yritän saada sen tehtyä. Lupaan. Ja kun Candykitten palaa conista me ruvetaan tosiaan töihin.. (eikun nukkumaan). Joo ollaan laiskoja ja sillon kun on vapaa-aikaa ollaan töistämme tosi uuvuttuja. :(
Mut ei aijota luovuttaa. Aijotaan tehdä teille ihana forkka jossa hölistä nikin kanssa ja viettää laatuaikaa. Ja mahdollisesti jotain peliäkin ollaan suunnittelemassa. :P
Mutta hei kertokaa ja kommentoikaa miten teillä menee?
Erityisesti mua kiinnostaa miten teillä joilla ei ole Facea / jotka ette ole Gosun faceryhmässä menee? On iso ikävä kaikkia ihania Gosukavereita. :(
Joo Gosu oli mulle kuin perhe. Ei siitä pääse yli eikä ympäri. Niin hyvässä kuin pahassa.
sosiaalinen media,
the sunlight and panic attacks
Damn its getting to the point its impossible to fall to sleep when the sun never seems to set down. That leads to the main question of this morning. Why do humans be alfraid of the dark? Yes I don't like it either when I sing, hop and dance around forest in winter and suddenly there is huge male elk stalking me 3,4 meters away from me. Yes, I will shout and scream and bolt trying to make a run for it.
but other than that I don't get it. How can some people sleep with the light on? Yes, I keep my eyeshader-thingies on when I sleep. They are peace of cloth that has "sweet dreams" written on them. And you just wrap them around your backside of your head so they cover your eyes. I think you can get them from airplanes.. but mine are from supermarket.
Ya. I m no judge here but I just wish I could learn from people who can just relax and fall a sleep where ever they are standing or sitting. Only situations I can do that is when I'm overworked and my brains just shut down like Windows 8 system when it needs system updating. But I'd call that passing out. Not sleeping. Because usually when I sleep I decide it before I do it that "okay now I'll sleep.."
But ya. Good morning. Finally its friday! And tomorrow I can sleep.. oh I almost forgot. I can't because my friends having graduating party tomorrow and day after tomorrow my other pall is having Birthday party. Ya. Fun. I know. But for someone like me who has hard life behind me its not so easy. I can be near humans yes. But after I do it I need to reset myself and sleep and take it easy and rest. And have time with myself.. and my pillow and planket. :3
After having long days at work I'm bit worried how it all will turn out. Specially when I know my friends yes, but they are sure to invite there people who I don't know and who don't know me. Ya. Thats kind of situations really can make me tired. I m not sure why but I think its someting to do with the fact I have background of being terrefied and scared all humans. I just haven't been able to trust humans for so long time. Yes, I m learning to do it. But the past is just hunting me.. like shadow. And at this point I wanna scream and kick and bite and yell "FUCK OFF! I wanna be normal! Let me be!" but the past still has a hold on me. Ya, I know most of humans have no intenion to hurt me or whatsoever but I still feel kinda nervous when people around me. I love people and love talking to people.. but something there makes myself wonder why when I love it so much why it still makes me feel so tired and scared.
I have told couple of things around me that I have panic attacks and phobia for humans. And I don't trust humans and I don't like be around many people and I feel ackward in social situations. They all usually are like "Oh really? O_O" or "But you seem so brave and talktive atm. How is that possible".
Ya. The annoying side of it is that I have habitat to cover my panic with talk and I usually never shut up when I start talking and laughing with people. But from inside I keep feeling tense and weak and just usually wait for something to break and trigger my panic attacks.
Ya. I think my panic attacks are the main reason why I feel that way. But since I have meds and haven't got so bad attacks for while I wonder what I'm so scard of?
Nya. I'm bad at this kind of stuff. Everyone seems to think I'm easy to make friends with. But I'm scaring humans .. and most of the time hating them all for being so scary and so humans.
Well somehow writing this stuff makes me feel better so I think I ll be writing this more and more. I feel so relieved after writing this.
but other than that I don't get it. How can some people sleep with the light on? Yes, I keep my eyeshader-thingies on when I sleep. They are peace of cloth that has "sweet dreams" written on them. And you just wrap them around your backside of your head so they cover your eyes. I think you can get them from airplanes.. but mine are from supermarket.
Ya. I m no judge here but I just wish I could learn from people who can just relax and fall a sleep where ever they are standing or sitting. Only situations I can do that is when I'm overworked and my brains just shut down like Windows 8 system when it needs system updating. But I'd call that passing out. Not sleeping. Because usually when I sleep I decide it before I do it that "okay now I'll sleep.."
But ya. Good morning. Finally its friday! And tomorrow I can sleep.. oh I almost forgot. I can't because my friends having graduating party tomorrow and day after tomorrow my other pall is having Birthday party. Ya. Fun. I know. But for someone like me who has hard life behind me its not so easy. I can be near humans yes. But after I do it I need to reset myself and sleep and take it easy and rest. And have time with myself.. and my pillow and planket. :3
After having long days at work I'm bit worried how it all will turn out. Specially when I know my friends yes, but they are sure to invite there people who I don't know and who don't know me. Ya. Thats kind of situations really can make me tired. I m not sure why but I think its someting to do with the fact I have background of being terrefied and scared all humans. I just haven't been able to trust humans for so long time. Yes, I m learning to do it. But the past is just hunting me.. like shadow. And at this point I wanna scream and kick and bite and yell "FUCK OFF! I wanna be normal! Let me be!" but the past still has a hold on me. Ya, I know most of humans have no intenion to hurt me or whatsoever but I still feel kinda nervous when people around me. I love people and love talking to people.. but something there makes myself wonder why when I love it so much why it still makes me feel so tired and scared.
I have told couple of things around me that I have panic attacks and phobia for humans. And I don't trust humans and I don't like be around many people and I feel ackward in social situations. They all usually are like "Oh really? O_O" or "But you seem so brave and talktive atm. How is that possible".
Ya. The annoying side of it is that I have habitat to cover my panic with talk and I usually never shut up when I start talking and laughing with people. But from inside I keep feeling tense and weak and just usually wait for something to break and trigger my panic attacks.
Ya. I think my panic attacks are the main reason why I feel that way. But since I have meds and haven't got so bad attacks for while I wonder what I'm so scard of?
Nya. I'm bad at this kind of stuff. Everyone seems to think I'm easy to make friends with. But I'm scaring humans .. and most of the time hating them all for being so scary and so humans.
Well somehow writing this stuff makes me feel better so I think I ll be writing this more and more. I feel so relieved after writing this.
Thursday, May 28, 2015
Horrorstory: Nightshadow, the cursed one
This text is 100% improvised and 100% fiction. None were harmed while writing this. And I'm not recommeding any of u to read any part of this. Its part of my old story re-done and improvised.
The sky is darkening around me. I feel lonely.. and so cold. I feel like losting last rips of my senses as darkness falls over me. I try keep breathing and staying awake. But its impossible. I can't feel the pain anymore. I have felt too much of it. So I cant feel any no more. I smile. Finally.. Finally its time for the grand ending. -- But how much did it cost. How many times I was scared for this. Many for sure. But now it finally was the end. I felt so calm and almost happy for it. finally. No more pain or conspiracies around me. Finally.
The darkness closes in and I fell a deep sleep.
I open my eyes. I'm silently coming to my senses again. I feel like would suddenly fallen into sleep after long day at doing something hard. I'm running. The sun keeps hovering over me. I'm thirsty. What happened? Why m'I running? What just happened? Where m I? I turn my head as I run to see whats behind me. Bad mistake. I fall. I feel something sharp beating over my face. Branches and trees hit me in a second I stop looking where I'm runnin. I struggle trought them with cursing and spitting needles from pinetrees as I run. Or struggle. At this rate running is impossible. I get clear of the worst bush and start running again. I turn around again to see if there is something behind me. I don't remember anything for couple last seconds. I m confused, and scared.
I get struct and hit again. But this time its different. Its something soft ... and furry. I fall down with it. I feel something metallic and cold being held against my neck. My heart starts racing even more. 'Shit.. I'm done for'.
Want me to continiue? Maybe I will if you share this and comment this. :)
The sky is darkening around me. I feel lonely.. and so cold. I feel like losting last rips of my senses as darkness falls over me. I try keep breathing and staying awake. But its impossible. I can't feel the pain anymore. I have felt too much of it. So I cant feel any no more. I smile. Finally.. Finally its time for the grand ending. -- But how much did it cost. How many times I was scared for this. Many for sure. But now it finally was the end. I felt so calm and almost happy for it. finally. No more pain or conspiracies around me. Finally.
The darkness closes in and I fell a deep sleep.
I open my eyes. I'm silently coming to my senses again. I feel like would suddenly fallen into sleep after long day at doing something hard. I'm running. The sun keeps hovering over me. I'm thirsty. What happened? Why m'I running? What just happened? Where m I? I turn my head as I run to see whats behind me. Bad mistake. I fall. I feel something sharp beating over my face. Branches and trees hit me in a second I stop looking where I'm runnin. I struggle trought them with cursing and spitting needles from pinetrees as I run. Or struggle. At this rate running is impossible. I get clear of the worst bush and start running again. I turn around again to see if there is something behind me. I don't remember anything for couple last seconds. I m confused, and scared.
I get struct and hit again. But this time its different. Its something soft ... and furry. I fall down with it. I feel something metallic and cold being held against my neck. My heart starts racing even more. 'Shit.. I'm done for'.
Want me to continiue? Maybe I will if you share this and comment this. :)
Immanuel - King of the Jungle
Listening atm. I so wanna have time to translate these songs for you. maybe I have at some point.
good music,
king of the jungle,
viva cristo bien
Deep forgotten memories - trying to catch them while writing random stuff
Its funny how when it silent and there is none to talk with I feel bored. But as soon there are people around me I feel tired and all energy inside my just burn up like leaf dipped in gasoline and then struck in firepit until there is nothing left.
But then I love meeting people and talking with them. But why I'm still scared of people? Why? None hurted me for while? Yes, I have been bullied and threatened in real life in my past. If you read my old posts you'll find out I had quite bad derpression (and yes, I'm still eating meds for it). But I just keep wondering how long this is going to last.
I have been at work like 5 weeks soon and I keep wondering why even everyone here are so nice why I sometimes feel like getting burnout just because there are poeple near me. Ya. I usually (like atm) listen music from my headphones so I could keep myself focused on the things I do. Ya. But why being near humans make me so tired?
I just wish I could dive deep inside my head and figure out whats the problemo this time. And yes, I still sometimes get the feeling like sometimes I'm me and sometimes I'm someone else. Its not like I forget my name and had OCD or multiple person in my head that don't have clue of of each others. And I think I can always control myself. But somehow its bit scary when I wake up morning and for now reason notice speaking to my mom "Meow meowgrr.." with no reason.
And then she is like "what?" And I m like Eerm. nothing. It only happens when I'm tired. Sometimes then I with out noticing start sneaking and growling. Its like some reflex for staying safe. But since haven't done it for while and this morning did it at my own home and on my way to toilets I'm quite confused. And yes, it seems I finally m starting to get to the point where I m starting to dive inside my own heart and head. And soul. I dunno if its vise to write these things here, and I dunno if half of them are actually happening. I also dunno if I'm kinda feeding them and making situation sound worse than it is.
Its just when I start typing and forgot everything around me I feel like I can see things differently. And when I keep writing my toughts down and like trap part of my head's content in this text. It makes analyzing myself easier. Ya. Sorry for this all shit here. I'm pretty sure none of you actually are interested in this. But I also feel I needs to start keeping track of my acting again.
Maybe this way I could go at the beginning point of my traumas and all bad that has been happening. When I try go there I feel like it just slips trough my fingers and dissappears and the tought is gone. And I feel like I m forgetting something really important atm. But.. but I cant tell what it is.
All I know I have feeling I'm getting close of something. Even loosing it all the time.
And I think I go eat something now and contiune my works after it. And then if manage get something posted here.
And yes. my co-parter at work just showed up and asked if I would go eat with him. Well I think I have to. The faded away memory I was remembering a while when I wrote this thing just dissappeared, and now I just keep wondering why did I open text editor again.. and what the heck I was writing in a first place.
Feeling so confused. Usually I remember why I statrted writing but now.. nope. Scary.
But then I love meeting people and talking with them. But why I'm still scared of people? Why? None hurted me for while? Yes, I have been bullied and threatened in real life in my past. If you read my old posts you'll find out I had quite bad derpression (and yes, I'm still eating meds for it). But I just keep wondering how long this is going to last.
I have been at work like 5 weeks soon and I keep wondering why even everyone here are so nice why I sometimes feel like getting burnout just because there are poeple near me. Ya. I usually (like atm) listen music from my headphones so I could keep myself focused on the things I do. Ya. But why being near humans make me so tired?
I just wish I could dive deep inside my head and figure out whats the problemo this time. And yes, I still sometimes get the feeling like sometimes I'm me and sometimes I'm someone else. Its not like I forget my name and had OCD or multiple person in my head that don't have clue of of each others. And I think I can always control myself. But somehow its bit scary when I wake up morning and for now reason notice speaking to my mom "Meow meowgrr.." with no reason.
And then she is like "what?" And I m like Eerm. nothing. It only happens when I'm tired. Sometimes then I with out noticing start sneaking and growling. Its like some reflex for staying safe. But since haven't done it for while and this morning did it at my own home and on my way to toilets I'm quite confused. And yes, it seems I finally m starting to get to the point where I m starting to dive inside my own heart and head. And soul. I dunno if its vise to write these things here, and I dunno if half of them are actually happening. I also dunno if I'm kinda feeding them and making situation sound worse than it is.
Its just when I start typing and forgot everything around me I feel like I can see things differently. And when I keep writing my toughts down and like trap part of my head's content in this text. It makes analyzing myself easier. Ya. Sorry for this all shit here. I'm pretty sure none of you actually are interested in this. But I also feel I needs to start keeping track of my acting again.
Maybe this way I could go at the beginning point of my traumas and all bad that has been happening. When I try go there I feel like it just slips trough my fingers and dissappears and the tought is gone. And I feel like I m forgetting something really important atm. But.. but I cant tell what it is.
All I know I have feeling I'm getting close of something. Even loosing it all the time.
And I think I go eat something now and contiune my works after it. And then if manage get something posted here.
And yes. my co-parter at work just showed up and asked if I would go eat with him. Well I think I have to. The faded away memory I was remembering a while when I wrote this thing just dissappeared, and now I just keep wondering why did I open text editor again.. and what the heck I was writing in a first place.
Feeling so confused. Usually I remember why I statrted writing but now.. nope. Scary.
chaos inside,
diving inside my heart,
who m I
Okay I wanna thank you all for supporting me and reading my posts. You make me so happy. *hugs* :3
It means me a lot. Ty. <3
Eli kiitos kaikille ihanille stalkkereille jotka on tällä viikolla lukeneet mun blogia. :3
私は、これらの言語のすべてが大好きです。私は主に直接フィンランドの人々に話をしたいときに多分ほとんどが、私はフィンランド行います。そして、その後、他の状況は、私は英語を使用しています。私はちょうどたい変更が振り返ると、それに同情する必要が出てと私の頭の外にすべてのものをドロップしたとき、私は日本のやる瞬間に思います。私は知りませんよ。それを使用すると、私はリラックスしになることを日本語で非常にかわいいものがあります。すべての「neeh "" KYAは "私は笑顔になります。
私は、これらの言語のすべてが大好きです。私は主に直接フィンランドの人々に話をしたいときに多分ほとんどが、私はフィンランド行います。そして、その後、他の状況は、私は英語を使用しています。私はちょうどたい変更が振り返ると、それに同情する必要が出てと私の頭の外にすべてのものをドロップしたとき、私は日本のやる瞬間に思います。私は知りませんよ。それを使用すると、私はリラックスしになることを日本語で非常にかわいいものがあります。すべての「neeh "" KYAは "私は笑顔になります。
Chocolate fixes everything? Right? Right?
Well yes, since its "that time of the month" and I'm damn tired I decided to drink some chocolate coffee and hot chocolate and now I feel brilliant. :-D
At the moment I feel like there ain't thing that hot chocolate could not fix. Well now all I got is to wait till the sugar stops working and running trough my brain and I get down from being high on sugar rush. Eew. Not gonna happen soon. But bros if hot chocolate ain't working you don't use it enough. ;-)
"Jos kaakao ei korjaa ongelmaasi, et käytä sitä tarpeeksi"
So I thinks it end of this lesson, or is it? Want some more? Well maybe later. But now I have to consentrate on my work. And yes, since I m not so keen on spamming this stuff on my Facebook account with my own name on it I spam it here. So enjoy. :P
At the moment I feel like there ain't thing that hot chocolate could not fix. Well now all I got is to wait till the sugar stops working and running trough my brain and I get down from being high on sugar rush. Eew. Not gonna happen soon. But bros if hot chocolate ain't working you don't use it enough. ;-)
"Jos kaakao ei korjaa ongelmaasi, et käytä sitä tarpeeksi"
So I thinks it end of this lesson, or is it? Want some more? Well maybe later. But now I have to consentrate on my work. And yes, since I m not so keen on spamming this stuff on my Facebook account with my own name on it I spam it here. So enjoy. :P
sugar rush,
Weird feeling in the morning
*yawns* Goohooodoodh moorning *yanws*
Well thats all I can say atm. For somereason I feel bad. My head is sore and my throat feels like I got bunch of kitten hair and slime stuck inside it. I keep thinking what did I eat this morning. Just normal bread with some salad dressing. Ya. I eat that stuff. Not because I'm lazy but I think it tastes like chicken. And now when I type it outload I see how stupid it sounds. Well too lazy to erase it.
But still I feel like I was tired or drunken or something. Like I was to fall a sleep and pass out in any seckond. Its odd. Maybe this is what people call burnout? Yay! Finally!.. Nope.
Well I still try work as hard as I can. See ya around. Loving ya.
Well thats all I can say atm. For somereason I feel bad. My head is sore and my throat feels like I got bunch of kitten hair and slime stuck inside it. I keep thinking what did I eat this morning. Just normal bread with some salad dressing. Ya. I eat that stuff. Not because I'm lazy but I think it tastes like chicken. And now when I type it outload I see how stupid it sounds. Well too lazy to erase it.
But still I feel like I was tired or drunken or something. Like I was to fall a sleep and pass out in any seckond. Its odd. Maybe this is what people call burnout? Yay! Finally!.. Nope.
Well I still try work as hard as I can. See ya around. Loving ya.
Wednesday, May 27, 2015
And again when I feel I had time to do something creative I find myself first sleeping, then playing Osu and then just surfing around web to find Pokemon episodes to watch.
"People call me lazy even I did nothing (wrong)" as they say in Finnish. :-D
But I quess that is what working is.
"People call me lazy even I did nothing (wrong)" as they say in Finnish. :-D
But I quess that is what working is.
Fashion and being me
Fashion for Passion...? Ya for Passion of the Christ.
For somereason I get reflex-like bad feeling and feel sick when ever I hear the word "fashion". I just don't get it. Okay. For myself its most important that my clothes feel good and look nice for my taste. I don't give damn about if they are okay by fashion. Or at the other hand if someone says I look cool and I have good fashion skills and I'm wearing trend clothes you might be quite sure I destroy the peace of clothes first time I get the change. I dunno. I just somehow feel like I was allergic to it. Maybe I'm.
And whats the big who wha about what people look like anyhow? Okay I get it its not right if you wear trash bag and dog poop on you but other than that I'm not interested. Ya. Just popped to my mind to write about this thing since there seems to be so many fashion centered blogs and people around. And also I just keep wondering if I should change my point of view. But since I got no reason for it I think I'm not doing it. Not today at least. Maybe tomorrow. Or I dunno. Hehe.
But ya other thing I don't get when people don't like themselves and try look like someone else. Like some movie star or film star or charachter from some book. I get it people in movies are beautiful. But so are you. Every one of us is beautiful. In our own way. We all are unique and important. So if you don't look like every averange movie star just be happy. You aren't mass production and cheap copy cat. You are you and perfect the way you are. That is the point and thing that makes each one of us valuabe and unique. We are we and there is no way of replacing any of us.
Humans are unique and I think thats how it should be. But somehow we are scared of it?
Well Maybe I quit this typing now and make an other post about being scared of it.
For somereason I get reflex-like bad feeling and feel sick when ever I hear the word "fashion". I just don't get it. Okay. For myself its most important that my clothes feel good and look nice for my taste. I don't give damn about if they are okay by fashion. Or at the other hand if someone says I look cool and I have good fashion skills and I'm wearing trend clothes you might be quite sure I destroy the peace of clothes first time I get the change. I dunno. I just somehow feel like I was allergic to it. Maybe I'm.
And whats the big who wha about what people look like anyhow? Okay I get it its not right if you wear trash bag and dog poop on you but other than that I'm not interested. Ya. Just popped to my mind to write about this thing since there seems to be so many fashion centered blogs and people around. And also I just keep wondering if I should change my point of view. But since I got no reason for it I think I'm not doing it. Not today at least. Maybe tomorrow. Or I dunno. Hehe.
But ya other thing I don't get when people don't like themselves and try look like someone else. Like some movie star or film star or charachter from some book. I get it people in movies are beautiful. But so are you. Every one of us is beautiful. In our own way. We all are unique and important. So if you don't look like every averange movie star just be happy. You aren't mass production and cheap copy cat. You are you and perfect the way you are. That is the point and thing that makes each one of us valuabe and unique. We are we and there is no way of replacing any of us.
Humans are unique and I think thats how it should be. But somehow we are scared of it?
Well Maybe I quit this typing now and make an other post about being scared of it.
Broken something and feeling sorry.. really deep shit
I managed to destroy my headphone blug's wire again.. Or I think one of my kittens did it. Sad. Well, I knew these would not last long but still bit bitter feeling in the end 'cause these aren't even mine. These are my mom's . Okay I asked her if I could use these but still feeling like I broke something. I told her about this and she did not care. But why still I feel so damn guilty?
And for point a to point b what is being quilty? Why we feel it? Does it make us feel better in the end when we realize we did something bad and can't fix it? Still its considered as good charachter in human beings to feel sorry what they have done.
But however people still do horrible things. Hurt, rape, tease, kill, steal, hurt even more, lie and do all bad things to each others? Why? Whats wrong with people?
I can't think of anything.. I mean why if we feel pain for it why we do it? Why we hurt others if we feel sorry for them. Okay I get it. Some of us are so hurt ourselves that we no more feel sorry for it. We go up to the point when we feel absolutely nothing. I keep wondering why? Why no one stops it before it goes bad? Or if someone is trying to stop it why I cant see it? Is it because I'm blind and stupid?
Well maybe I'm just being so naive and blind on purpose to protecting myself. But to protect from what? I can't really get it in my head. Its all so complicated. So odd.
And for point a to point b what is being quilty? Why we feel it? Does it make us feel better in the end when we realize we did something bad and can't fix it? Still its considered as good charachter in human beings to feel sorry what they have done.
But however people still do horrible things. Hurt, rape, tease, kill, steal, hurt even more, lie and do all bad things to each others? Why? Whats wrong with people?
I can't think of anything.. I mean why if we feel pain for it why we do it? Why we hurt others if we feel sorry for them. Okay I get it. Some of us are so hurt ourselves that we no more feel sorry for it. We go up to the point when we feel absolutely nothing. I keep wondering why? Why no one stops it before it goes bad? Or if someone is trying to stop it why I cant see it? Is it because I'm blind and stupid?
Well maybe I'm just being so naive and blind on purpose to protecting myself. But to protect from what? I can't really get it in my head. Its all so complicated. So odd.
kesää vai väsymyyttä
Niinpä taas sitten. Uusi päivä ja uudet kujeet. Saa nähdä mitä nyt on tiedossa?
Sää on muuttunut yllättäen hyvinkin aurinkoiseksi, ja mielestäni hieman outoa että mitä aurinkoisempi ja kirkkaampi sää, sitä väsyneemmäksi itseni tunnen?
Ehkä se on vain tottumuskysymys että olenko tottunut aurinkoon? Luulisi sen kuitenkin piristävän, eikä väsyttävän. Kuitenkin aurinkoa on riittänyt ja pian kai alkaa kesälomakin. Ainakin suurimmalla osalla ihmisistä joten luultavasti saan keskittyä ja olla rauhassa töissä ilman kamalaa puheryöppyä.
Viikonloppu ainakin nyt tulee olemaan täynnä kaikkea kivaa ohjelmaa kun on yhden kaverin valmistujaisjuhlat ja toisen synttärit. Saa nähdä ehdinkö nollaamaan itseäni viikonloppuna ollenkaan.
Joo kai se masennus ja ahdistuneisuus vieläkin painaa että jos ympärillä liikaa ihmisiä joille pitää puhua ja pitää keskittyä kaikkeen ympärillä olevaan väsähdän hetkessä. No sen näkee sitten.
Sää on muuttunut yllättäen hyvinkin aurinkoiseksi, ja mielestäni hieman outoa että mitä aurinkoisempi ja kirkkaampi sää, sitä väsyneemmäksi itseni tunnen?
Ehkä se on vain tottumuskysymys että olenko tottunut aurinkoon? Luulisi sen kuitenkin piristävän, eikä väsyttävän. Kuitenkin aurinkoa on riittänyt ja pian kai alkaa kesälomakin. Ainakin suurimmalla osalla ihmisistä joten luultavasti saan keskittyä ja olla rauhassa töissä ilman kamalaa puheryöppyä.
Viikonloppu ainakin nyt tulee olemaan täynnä kaikkea kivaa ohjelmaa kun on yhden kaverin valmistujaisjuhlat ja toisen synttärit. Saa nähdä ehdinkö nollaamaan itseäni viikonloppuna ollenkaan.
Joo kai se masennus ja ahdistuneisuus vieläkin painaa että jos ympärillä liikaa ihmisiä joille pitää puhua ja pitää keskittyä kaikkeen ympärillä olevaan väsähdän hetkessä. No sen näkee sitten.
Tuesday, May 26, 2015
Hiya there! :)
So I quess after lots of Finnish boring posts that none seemed to care about I'm pretty sure everyone is wondering what I have been doing. Yep. I posted some stuff here Finnish because Finnish people were telling me that they wanna read my blog but can't read English well enough to read my posts in English. Well now they have it. But ya. Don't worry. I still try post with both languages.
But ya I'm still kid in a heart, still annoying and still me. And still furry. I still don't have any plans to grow up. Even I have work these days. I work at the moment in small Finnish media-company helping them with their huge arhcirstery of photos. Also translating stuff, and drawing. (I love drawing).
Ya I haven't had time to be so active in dA etc. as I would be liked because these days I woke up 5:30AM and leave the house at 7:00AM to go to buss so I'm somehow at work around 9:00AM. Ya. We got "Good puplic connections with public transportion everywhere.." not.
But ya. I'm at the moment still working for my web site/forum/game project. Trying to make it soon kinda finished.. but when I come home I usually just want to sleep. Or then talk in skype with friends.
But Ya. I think I might have summer holidays coming soon so I might get couple days of so I could start being more active. But I just want you all to know that you are awesome and I love you.
But ya. Please comment and share your opinion and tell me what you want me to post here and wich parts of my life you are interested most.
Okay I just want to post things that you would be interested in. But I also do this for fun so lets see if I do all your way. But maybe. Only way to find it out is to post it. :)
But ya I'm still kid in a heart, still annoying and still me. And still furry. I still don't have any plans to grow up. Even I have work these days. I work at the moment in small Finnish media-company helping them with their huge arhcirstery of photos. Also translating stuff, and drawing. (I love drawing).
Ya I haven't had time to be so active in dA etc. as I would be liked because these days I woke up 5:30AM and leave the house at 7:00AM to go to buss so I'm somehow at work around 9:00AM. Ya. We got "Good puplic connections with public transportion everywhere.." not.
But ya. I'm at the moment still working for my web site/forum/game project. Trying to make it soon kinda finished.. but when I come home I usually just want to sleep. Or then talk in skype with friends.
But Ya. I think I might have summer holidays coming soon so I might get couple days of so I could start being more active. But I just want you all to know that you are awesome and I love you.
But ya. Please comment and share your opinion and tell me what you want me to post here and wich parts of my life you are interested most.
Okay I just want to post things that you would be interested in. But I also do this for fun so lets see if I do all your way. But maybe. Only way to find it out is to post it. :)
Kuuntelen tässä ranskankielistä
soundtrackia ja pakko sanoa että vaikuttaa työmotiiviin positiivisesti. Tai itselle sellanen kunnon Epic-feeling kun tekee töitä. Musiikilla ja sen kuuntelulla on ainakin itsellä tosi positiivinen vaikutus siihen miten työtäni jaksan tehdä. Ja jaksanko vai en? Ja mielialaan myös. Suosittelen lämpimästi kaikkia joilla vaan on tilaisuus töissä kuunnella musiikkia tekemään sitä. Tietenkin täytyy varoa ettei vahingossa käy niin ettei tee töitä, vaan kuuntelee pelkkää musiikkia.
Ja joo tämä nyt vaan oli tällainen lyhyt ylistyspostaus Alan Menenille jonka käsialaa tämäkin ihanuus on. Tai siis ainakin yritin kirjoittaa lyhyesti. Mutta jo nyt huomaan epä-onnistuneeni ja pahasti. Hahahah. No kestäkää.
Ja sanokaas muuten että minkalaiset asiat teitä kiinnostavat? Mitä minun pitäisi postata tänne? ;-)
Ideat otetaan vastaan.
Ja joo tämä nyt vaan oli tällainen lyhyt ylistyspostaus Alan Menenille jonka käsialaa tämäkin ihanuus on. Tai siis ainakin yritin kirjoittaa lyhyesti. Mutta jo nyt huomaan epä-onnistuneeni ja pahasti. Hahahah. No kestäkää.
Ja sanokaas muuten että minkalaiset asiat teitä kiinnostavat? Mitä minun pitäisi postata tänne? ;-)
Ideat otetaan vastaan.
alan menken,
Monday, May 25, 2015
Ylistys menneisyydelle ja huokaus tulevaan
Nyt viikko ilman gosua takana ja tunnen itseni hemmetin ylpeäksi itsestäni, ihan sillä etten ole langennut ostamaan superpassia vaikka hyvä ystäväni ja rakas vihamieheni Sinfonia (Gosukäyttäjä) vannotti sen nimeen että kyllä mä sen passin vielä lankean ostamaan.
Kaikkein oudoimmalta tuntuu se kun Gosussa on tottunut tyhjentämään päätään vähän samaan tapaan kuin täällä blogissa. Tai täällä blogissa yleensä enkuksi, ja Gosussa suomeksi. Eikä tänne kaikkia pikkujuttuja ole koskaan kirjoitellut. Lähinnä vaan mietteitä ja ajatuksia. Mut tuntuu siltä että nyt ois kamalasti tosi turhaa ja tarpeetonta roskaa asiaa ihmisille ja tekisi mieli höpistä kaikesta kaikkien kanssa. Ja sitten herää siihen todellisuuteen että ei. Ei vaan enää pysty. Ja se jotenkin tuntuu oudolta. Okei ehkä mä tosiaan olin Gosuriippuvainen. Jotenkin on sellanen olo kuin oltaisiin kieli katkaistu suusta ja puhumisesta tehty yhtäkkiä mahdottomuus ja sellanen asia mihin ei enä kykene.
Ja muutenkin tässä mietin että miten ihmeessä yhdellä nettisivulla voi olla niin syvä ja jälkiä jättävä vaikutus ihmisiin. Ja miten se yhdistää ihmisiä. Olen itse Gosun kautta tutustunut mahtavaan porukkaan ja ihaniin ihmisiin. Oonotäti, ja nuhistäti tuutte aina olemaan iso osa mun sydämessä. En unohda teitä! :)
Mut joo. Eteenpäin on mentävä. Mä vaan aina oon ollut siinä aika huono. Okei kenelle mä valehtelen. Tosi huono. Sellanen surkimus joka jää miettimään ja nakertamaan samaa asiaa kunnes joku järkevämpi ilmaantuu paikalle ja komentaa lopettamaan siihen tyyliin että minä luikin sängyn alle piiloon ja mietin sitten että mitä nyt tuli tehtyä väärin? Joo aika typerää. Mut itse oon aina rohkea niin kauan kun mulla on pakotie selvänä, mut heti kun tulee umpikuja vastaan tai ongelmia panikoin ja sekoan.
Siinä mielessä tunnen älyttömän paljon sympatiaa ja samaistumista Ruohometsän kansa -kirjan Isopää nimiseen hahmoon. Suoraviivainen ja ja rohkea tapaus kunnes tulee joki vastaan. sitten se panikoi. Mutta toisaalta kun joelle ilmaantuu koira joka yrittää tavoittaa Isopään kavereita Isopää käy vetämässä sitä turpaan ennen kuin ui vastarannalle. Oli se järkevää tai ei.
Välillä toivoisi etten olisi niin impulsiivinen ja helposti innostuva ja järkyttyvä persoona. Ja muutenkin tunteet saisivat vaihtua vähemmän. Sitten ei ehkä tätä masennuslääkitystäkään tarvittasi. Mutta minkäs teet.? Et yhtään mitään. Se on osa mua että tunteet koetaan vahvoina ja eletään täysillä.
Ja joo pakko vielä kiittää Gosun käyttäjiä siitä että heidän kauttaan ( tai siis) Gosun kautta oon oppinut olemaan oma itseni ja olemaan välittämättä siitä mitä ihmiset ympärillä ajattelee. Tokihan musta edelleen ois kiva jos kaikki tykkäisi ja haluaisi olla kavereita mutta ei. Jos joku ei halua viihtyä mun seurassa, ja pitää mua tyhmänä, (sehän nyt on vaan fakta että olen tyhmä) niin pitäkööt. Oon hullu idiootti jolla on ADHD, ja hemmetin ylpeä siitä.
Ja aijon elämääni jatkaa.. "..Aitoon Kohokin tyyliin ", Kuiskasi Isopää hiljaisella ja karhealla äänellä."
Kaikkein oudoimmalta tuntuu se kun Gosussa on tottunut tyhjentämään päätään vähän samaan tapaan kuin täällä blogissa. Tai täällä blogissa yleensä enkuksi, ja Gosussa suomeksi. Eikä tänne kaikkia pikkujuttuja ole koskaan kirjoitellut. Lähinnä vaan mietteitä ja ajatuksia. Mut tuntuu siltä että nyt ois kamalasti tosi turhaa ja tarpeetonta roskaa asiaa ihmisille ja tekisi mieli höpistä kaikesta kaikkien kanssa. Ja sitten herää siihen todellisuuteen että ei. Ei vaan enää pysty. Ja se jotenkin tuntuu oudolta. Okei ehkä mä tosiaan olin Gosuriippuvainen. Jotenkin on sellanen olo kuin oltaisiin kieli katkaistu suusta ja puhumisesta tehty yhtäkkiä mahdottomuus ja sellanen asia mihin ei enä kykene.
Ja muutenkin tässä mietin että miten ihmeessä yhdellä nettisivulla voi olla niin syvä ja jälkiä jättävä vaikutus ihmisiin. Ja miten se yhdistää ihmisiä. Olen itse Gosun kautta tutustunut mahtavaan porukkaan ja ihaniin ihmisiin. Oonotäti, ja nuhistäti tuutte aina olemaan iso osa mun sydämessä. En unohda teitä! :)
Mut joo. Eteenpäin on mentävä. Mä vaan aina oon ollut siinä aika huono. Okei kenelle mä valehtelen. Tosi huono. Sellanen surkimus joka jää miettimään ja nakertamaan samaa asiaa kunnes joku järkevämpi ilmaantuu paikalle ja komentaa lopettamaan siihen tyyliin että minä luikin sängyn alle piiloon ja mietin sitten että mitä nyt tuli tehtyä väärin? Joo aika typerää. Mut itse oon aina rohkea niin kauan kun mulla on pakotie selvänä, mut heti kun tulee umpikuja vastaan tai ongelmia panikoin ja sekoan.
Siinä mielessä tunnen älyttömän paljon sympatiaa ja samaistumista Ruohometsän kansa -kirjan Isopää nimiseen hahmoon. Suoraviivainen ja ja rohkea tapaus kunnes tulee joki vastaan. sitten se panikoi. Mutta toisaalta kun joelle ilmaantuu koira joka yrittää tavoittaa Isopään kavereita Isopää käy vetämässä sitä turpaan ennen kuin ui vastarannalle. Oli se järkevää tai ei.
Välillä toivoisi etten olisi niin impulsiivinen ja helposti innostuva ja järkyttyvä persoona. Ja muutenkin tunteet saisivat vaihtua vähemmän. Sitten ei ehkä tätä masennuslääkitystäkään tarvittasi. Mutta minkäs teet.? Et yhtään mitään. Se on osa mua että tunteet koetaan vahvoina ja eletään täysillä.
Ja joo pakko vielä kiittää Gosun käyttäjiä siitä että heidän kauttaan ( tai siis) Gosun kautta oon oppinut olemaan oma itseni ja olemaan välittämättä siitä mitä ihmiset ympärillä ajattelee. Tokihan musta edelleen ois kiva jos kaikki tykkäisi ja haluaisi olla kavereita mutta ei. Jos joku ei halua viihtyä mun seurassa, ja pitää mua tyhmänä, (sehän nyt on vaan fakta että olen tyhmä) niin pitäkööt. Oon hullu idiootti jolla on ADHD, ja hemmetin ylpeä siitä.
Ja aijon elämääni jatkaa.. "..Aitoon Kohokin tyyliin ", Kuiskasi Isopää hiljaisella ja karhealla äänellä."
ruohometsän kansa,
sosiaalinen media,
watership down
Thursday, May 21, 2015
Voiton puolella?
Joo en siis edelleenkään ole ostanut Gosuun mitään superpassia enkä aijo ostaa.
Pakko vaan vielä ragettaa tämän verran;
Mut siis joo Gosuhan on nyt 10e/90pv järjestelmällä toiminnassa eli maksa ja saat käyttää.
Kun tästä informoitiin puhuttiin että JOS gosu kaatuu rahat saa takas, ja käyttöehtoihin PITI tulla muutos. Yhä siellä vaan lukee:
Näiden käyttäjäehtojen muutosta ei pidetä palveluun pääsysi ja/tai superpassitilauksesi irtisanomisena.
Jos watAgame päättää sulkea goSupermodelin, saat asiasta tiedon vähintään 30 päivää ennen sulkemista. Nämä käyttäjäehdot hyväksymällä hyväksyt myös, että sulkeminen tarkoittaa, että menetät profiilisi, mallisi, kaiken sisällön, palvelut ja mahdolliset superpassipäivät. Lisäksi luovut oikeudestasi hyvitysten pyytämiseen. "
Joo. Eli mä haistan tässä palaneen käryä ja rutosti. Ihan siksi että kohderyhmänä on 10-15 vuotiaat lapset joille, kuten mulle Gosu pitkään oli paikka jossa purkaa pahaa oloa ja elämää anonyymisti ilman aikuisten huomaamista.
Mut mitä mieltä te olette? Joo kaipaisin et joku mua fiksumpi ottais kantaa tähän mut mä vaan niin näen punasta kun a) lapsilta vaaditaan rahaa, b) maksa tai et pääse ees lukee forkille c) maksa tai me poistetaan sun käyttäjä ja sun 4-5 vuotta keräämä vaatehuone katoaa.
++ Lisäepäilyttävyys;;
Mainoksia ei poisteta
sivun koodivirheitä ei korjata
Sivua ei uudisteta jotta saataisiin uusia käyttäjiä.
Kysymys; Mihin ne rahat menee? -_-''
Joo mun veikkaus on et Gosun ylläpito haluu kääriä rahat ja lähteä lätkimään.
Pakko vaan vielä ragettaa tämän verran;
Mut siis joo Gosuhan on nyt 10e/90pv järjestelmällä toiminnassa eli maksa ja saat käyttää.
Kun tästä informoitiin puhuttiin että JOS gosu kaatuu rahat saa takas, ja käyttöehtoihin PITI tulla muutos. Yhä siellä vaan lukee:
Näiden käyttäjäehtojen muutosta ei pidetä palveluun pääsysi ja/tai superpassitilauksesi irtisanomisena.
Jos watAgame päättää sulkea goSupermodelin, saat asiasta tiedon vähintään 30 päivää ennen sulkemista. Nämä käyttäjäehdot hyväksymällä hyväksyt myös, että sulkeminen tarkoittaa, että menetät profiilisi, mallisi, kaiken sisällön, palvelut ja mahdolliset superpassipäivät. Lisäksi luovut oikeudestasi hyvitysten pyytämiseen. "
Joo. Eli mä haistan tässä palaneen käryä ja rutosti. Ihan siksi että kohderyhmänä on 10-15 vuotiaat lapset joille, kuten mulle Gosu pitkään oli paikka jossa purkaa pahaa oloa ja elämää anonyymisti ilman aikuisten huomaamista.
Mut mitä mieltä te olette? Joo kaipaisin et joku mua fiksumpi ottais kantaa tähän mut mä vaan niin näen punasta kun a) lapsilta vaaditaan rahaa, b) maksa tai et pääse ees lukee forkille c) maksa tai me poistetaan sun käyttäjä ja sun 4-5 vuotta keräämä vaatehuone katoaa.
++ Lisäepäilyttävyys;;
Mainoksia ei poisteta
sivun koodivirheitä ei korjata
Sivua ei uudisteta jotta saataisiin uusia käyttäjiä.
Kysymys; Mihin ne rahat menee? -_-''
Joo mun veikkaus on et Gosun ylläpito haluu kääriä rahat ja lähteä lätkimään.
Tuesday, May 19, 2015
Outo ja tyhjä olo
Okei lets face it.. Tuntuu tosi oudolta, tyhjältä ja turhaantuneelta kun ei enää voi mennä purkaa ja selvittämään päätä Gosuun. Joo kai mä voisin maksaa siitä mut ylläpito sen verran epäluotettava ja kieron oloinen ettei tee mieli heittää rahoja hukkaan.
Toivon vaan etten ole ainoa. No tuleepahan tää blogi taas enemmän käyttöön ja palvelee taas alkueperäistä käyttötarkoitustaan. Eli tänne luultavasti sitten tulevaisuudessa vuodan kaiken. Nauttikaa! :-)
Toivon vaan etten ole ainoa. No tuleepahan tää blogi taas enemmän käyttöön ja palvelee taas alkueperäistä käyttötarkoitustaan. Eli tänne luultavasti sitten tulevaisuudessa vuodan kaiken. Nauttikaa! :-)
Monday, May 4, 2015
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